posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by kid_cudi
"Then we all know our parts and everyone knows that there is no turning back from this point on?" jackflap said loudly as he addressed the crowd of
disgruntled writers.
The small gathering shouted in agreement and began synchronizing their watches as per the plan. As everyone was busy finalizing there parts in the
grand scheme a loud voice rose above the clamor.
"Have we forgotten about that one little stumbling block in our way already? It will not just go away and let us proceed as planned and we all know
that. It will have to be dealt with swiftly before we can advance." A shadowy figure nearly pleaded with the mob.
"We've already dispatched a solution to our problem Anonymous. There are no more obstacles. Kid-cudi is as good as gone and his attempts at
alerting the site have been thwarted." jackflap's face was momentarily illuminated by the zippo lighter that he used to light his smoke. A signal
to everyone that the plan was indeed in motion and there would be no more opposition. The crowd laughed in unison.
Really man, do something about this writing contest before these guys gain momentum!