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Writing Challenge Idea Suggestions

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posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 07:06 PM
I would like to see a pool of writers form before the competition starts.

Then each writer submits an idea for a story. All of the ideas are then randomly sent to the other writers in the competition. This would be like being assigned a topic or plot and having to write it.

I think it is a good idea, because I think it would take writers out of their comfort zones and try out new things, exploring the craft a little more.

Everyone writes someone elses idea.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Enrikez

That's a pretty slick idea.
You get a star from me.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 09:54 PM
I realise theres possibly not enough time to organise something now but a Xmas themed story contest could be fun. Based on a conspiracy of some sort of course.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

*cough cough*


Hmmm place is empty, oh well.

Anyway i agree with essedarius, Enrikez idea sounds pretty


posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Belonging to a couple of writers boards I see some interesting parameters for contests.
Many of them straight out of writing class from what I can tell as well as being fairly convoluted.

Pick a subject, length of the story and let the contest run.

It's about telling a story, something I think a lot of writers forget....

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 08:17 PM
I may be jumping the gun, but shouldn't there be a Halloween contest coming up soon, lol?

Not only that, but that Late Spring one.... Well, it's a while past late spring, lol.

Whats going on?

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 08:32 PM
Well Void, this thread has been dead for almost a year......but maybe we can breathe a little life back into it.

The writing forum has it's fits and starts then dies the death of neglect at least twice a year on ATS. Contest's rarely make it to the end anymore, mainly because everyone wants to write but few members want the burden of judging or having to wade thru what everyone else writes.

Writers are very self absorbed creatures.

Still, Anyone else have any ideas?

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:48 PM
That's horrible!

Maybe we could have a point reward for the judges in order to attract more people to that job?
It would be horrible if we didn't have a Halloween Contest this year, especially because I've been writing and fixing one up for that very contest since the END of LAST years contest, lol.

Maybe you should make it so that even the people who submit stories can judge, but they can't judge their own? Would that work?


I look forward to this every year. It wouldn't hardly be Halloween if we didn't have a Halloween contest!

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:51 PM
Halloween contest?............. OK. Let me work out the details.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 03:36 AM
Maybe, a word limit? I judge often enough to say that while some stories are a joy to read, sometimes the length just reduces them to a grind in the electronic format. Also, I think more rules need to be applied to as what can and cannot be entered. If we make it too open ended, then feelings get hurt, judges grind, and the 'contest' aspect sorta gets left behind.


posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by DeusEx

How about enlisting the services of judges who can actually read a manuscript and judge it competently, this time? A moderator I respect once described them to me as "literary lightweights," and, quite frankly, if they are; they have no place being allowed anywhere near a panel of judges responsible for reviewing literature. How also about the "contest" being run by a moderator who can actually adhere to his own rules, and not break them just to spite an "enemy?"

Would be a good place to start before "mucking about" with frilly theme ideas, niet?


posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 06:15 AM
I need a new contest.
Count me in for sure!!!

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Cadbury
reply to post by DeusEx

How about enlisting the services of judges who can actually read a manuscript and judge it competently, this time? A moderator I respect once described them to me as "literary lightweights," and, quite frankly, if they are; they have no place being allowed anywhere near a panel of judges responsible for reviewing literature. How also about the "contest" being run by a moderator who can actually adhere to his own rules, and not break them just to spite an "enemy?"

Would be a good place to start before "mucking about" with frilly theme ideas, niet?


So, are we throwing a hissy fit here? Because so far, all the judges are volunteers, spending their free time going through the stories, reading them. If they don't qualify as beret-wearing 'literary heavyweights' in your mind, you are more than welcome to participate in a contest more suited to your artistic needs.

When I judged, I went on two things- personal opinion and grammar. Simple. I have no clue how the other judges ranked stories. There were no specific scales for symbolism, metaphor, how 'literary' your work was, etc.

You are more than welcome to take your work elsewhere, as I said. This isn't a hardcore writing competition, this is mostly amateur hour run by everyday folks willing to donate their time.


posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by DeusEx
So, are we throwing a hissy fit here?

No, we are not.

Because so far, all the judges are volunteers, spending their free time going through the stories, reading them. If they don't qualify as beret-wearing 'literary heavyweights' in your mind, you are more than welcome to participate in a contest more suited to your artistic needs.

My good man, do not twist my words. A moderator whom I will never name said that, not me. They don't have to be "beret-wearing literary heavyweights," but I think a standard requirement of them should be that they can read and write, volunteers or not. Would that be too much to ask? Would it be too much to ask for them to be aware of the rules of the contest they are judging, so that when the moderator in charge says "the entry can't be a snippet," they don't vote for a phucking 4 line "story?" (No offence, Dr. Wupy)

When I judged, I went on two things- personal opinion and grammar. Simple. I have no clue how the other judges ranked stories. There were no specific scales for symbolism, metaphor, how 'literary' your work was, etc.

Think about what you write before you write it. Grammar and literacy are interconnected, are they not? If you're judging it on grammar and storyline then how are you not judging how "literary" the work was?

You are more than welcome to take your work elsewhere, as I said.

Sir, I know I'm welcome to take my work elsewhere in future -- and I will. Don't worry about that.

This isn't a hardcore writing competition, this is mostly amateur hour run by everyday folks willing to donate their time.

"Mostly amateur hour?" What exactly is meant by that?

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Cadbury
Think about what you write before you write it. Grammar and literacy are interconnected, are they not? If you're judging it on grammar and storyline then how are you not judging how "literary" the work was?

Context. The use of the word 'literary' by yourself seems to equate to 'obscure, artsy and whimsical'. My choice words is perhaps poor, but then again, I'm just another guy. I like what I like, and when my spell-check dings something, I check it out. We don't vet stories for things such as, oh, fanfiction content until the judging has already begun.

"Mostly amateur hour?" What exactly is meant by that?

The stories are generally not written by persons with formal training of any sort. There are few English majors and fewer professional writers competing, if any at all of either. Maybe there are a few, but by and large people entering the contest are just having fun. The judges and mods again are amateurs, volunteering their time. We are amateurs, sinking hours into something we find enjoyable. Perhaps you are a professional- but then, why are you kicking up problems for a small-potatoes writing contest that hasn't even begun on an obscure conspiracy forum?

Are you done seeking offense in my words? Because one does assume you have other contests to enter, and better things to do than look down on the mods and judges who are trying to run a contest in the easiest way possible for everyone.


posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Context. The use of the word 'literary' by yourself seems to equate to 'obscure, artsy and whimsical'. My choice words is perhaps poor, but then again, I'm just another guy.

What? How on earth did you come to that conclusion? Maybe the stories I wrote were in that genre, but by no means is that my sole notion of what literature should be about. I suppose, though, if one good, completely blind leap-in-the-dark assumption deserves another; I'm guessing your idea of talent is bland, generic, ill-conceived and incorrectly formatted piss with dialogues that clunk out off the page like the work of a child?

I like what I like, and when my spell-check dings something, I check it out. We don't vet stories for things such as, oh, fanfiction content until the judging has already begun.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! These really are the amateurs if you tried to spell-check a blatant Joycean emulation. Those were not spelling mistakes. Thank you for making that error and proving my point. Canadian, try and spell check Ulysses or Finnegans Wake then come back here and try and say that to me again. I dare you.



The stories are generally not written by persons with formal training of any sort. There are few English majors and fewer professional writers competing, if any at all of either. Maybe there are a few, but by and large people entering the contest are just having fun.

The judges and mods again are amateurs, volunteering their time. We are amateurs, sinking hours into something we find enjoyable. Perhaps you are a professional- but then, why are you kicking up problems for a small-potatoes writing contest that hasn't even begun on an obscure conspiracy forum?

I'm "kicking up problems for a small-potatoes writing contest" that's already finished. I just chose this thread about one that hasn't to bring it up again, that's all. And what are you talking about "an obscure conspiracy forum?" This is "The biggest conspiracy discussion forum ever" with "the best staff on the internet." Or do you nut-hugging subordinates only say that when it suits you?

And just for the record, Sir, I'm not a professional and I have not one single qualification to my name. I'm not talking of no qualifications relating to writing, I'm talking no qualifications period. I was just having fun by entering, whilst trying to say something at the same time. I apologise that the message I was trying to send went straight over your head. They do say "treat your reader like an idiot," but I honestly don't like doing that to my readers. Perhaps that's my greatest downfall?

Are you done seeking offense in my words?

Are you done trying to pretend like you haven't just offended me? You just practically called my work "poor fan-fiction with bad spelling," amongst other offences. I read your entries, by the way. I'll spare you my criticism (or did I already criticise you? I think I already did).

Because one does assume you have other contests to enter, and better things to do than look down on the mods and judges who are trying to run a contest in the easiest way possible for everyone.


How is breaking their own rules "trying to run the contest in the easiest way possible for everyone?" I notice you conveniently ignored that part of my argument when you formulated your reply that just attacked me and dick-sucked your "chums" instead.


To me that shows that you don't have a leg to stand on and are just lashing out, wildly, at anything you can find to attack me with.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:58 AM
I read this thread and it made me think...
That I probably should have had a stiff drink
Before I tried to comprehend this prose
Through which loquaciousness blows.

I'll certainly drink before I read it again
Lest I get dizzy when my head starts to spin.
Reading this thread makes my cranium swivel
From the uppity spelling and grammatical drivel.

Let's all quit prose and write poetry instead!
At least it will survive us when we're dead.
All those non-rhyming words abhorrently suck
and our bored descendants won't give a ...

Damn! I ran out of words!

What rhymes with suck?



Oh hell you guys are right. This writing stuff is really hard and I just don't want to do it anymore.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Cadbury

I'm guessing your idea of talent is bland, generic, ill-conceived and incorrectly formatted piss with dialogues that clunk out off the page like the work of a child?

Oh please excuse the rest of us for not meeting your standards.
What exactly is your problem?
If you deem us not worthy of all gone.

And for the record, in my opinion, when one must resort to insults and name calling over such a trivial issue..YOU, SIR..are the one with not a leg to stand on.
Don't act as if you speak for all of us that enjoy the writing contests as they are.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by AccessDenied

Oh please excuse the rest of us for not meeting your standards. What exactly is your problem?
If you deem us not worthy of all gone.

Well excuse me, Ma'am, but I wasn't even talking to you there, nor was I talking about you.

And for the record, in my opinion, when one must resort to insults and name calling over such a trivial issue..YOU, SIR..are the one with not a leg to stand on.

I like how you pick on me for using insults even though your man DeusEx there insulted me first, several times. Typical.

Don't act as if you speak for all of us that enjoy the writing contests as they are.

When did I say or even imply such a thing? I'm speaking for myself.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Cadbury

Careful now..don't want that hot head of yours to melt the thin ice you're already on.

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