posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:34 PM
What a day and on this memorial my thoughts are with the family's of the victims,
I remember the day well, I heard about a fire in the station and i felt the concern as my father works on the railway, Not long after i heard there
was another fire and talks of an explosion, i thought then "bomb" my emotions went from fear to dread to the shock realization that my family may
be caught in it,
as more news of more bombs came in i was trying to call every member in my family but the phones had all gone down
I wont ever forget the emotions i felt that day, or the feel of the day, Watching the helicopter fly over, hearing ambulances and police everywhere,
also the silence in the air,
even going to the shops later that evening was surreal, I felt that if i talked i might just burst in to tears, i think a lot of people felt the same,