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Werewolves?? Real? Myth??

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posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by surrender_dorothy

Originally posted by random hero
um no. werewolves aren't real. come on, ask a real question.

"even a man who's pure in heart
and say's his prayers by night,
can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
and the autumn moon is bright."
Curt Siodmak

I put forward the idea that was first discussed in Universal's "The Wolfman" 1941.
Perhaps the metamorphosis from human to wolf is a figment of the imagination but the change in the behaviour of the human actually occurs. In this case, the act of becoming a werewolf is actually a psychotic breakdown of some kind.

Am I explaining this properly?

In any case the same applies for women as explored in the quite good movie "Ginger Snaps". When it's that time of the month...

well if your asking if there have been cases of psychiatric lycanthropy than that makes more sense. yes there have. it is within the nature of human beings to associate our more primal instincts with animals. given the contact and resulting reputation of the wolf in europe throughout history, it's hardly surprising. Researching the Beast of Gévaudan is a good place to start. there are theories that those acts were commited by human(s).

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by surrender_dorothy
I imagine that Romania have many superstitions and superstitious folk...
...what's this about the Liverpool, England case? You didn't give any links or sources. And is it plausable or is it reminiscent of the famous "vampire" case in highgate or wherever. You know with that Sean Manchester dude? Know what I mean?

im looking for it

it was on sightings on the sci-fi channel i think, im trying to find the case file on the internet.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by surrender_dorothy
yeah werewolves exist. They are very rare though.

You will only become a werewolf if you have the curse.
Symptoms of the curse include a five point star that can be seen on your palm, loss o memory for extended periods of time, heightened sense of smell and hearing, elongated teeth, a thirst for raw meat/blood, monobrow and extensive hairyness aka hypertrichosis.

[edit on 8-7-2006 by surrender_dorothy]

WHAT A CROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:23 AM
One of the more interesting theories that I've heard is that lycanthrope is actually an astral projection that has some real form, created from ether. This is performed by a magician/witch/shaman type. The projector uses an animal form that has some symbolic meaning to them (wolf, bear, what have you), and the animal form also helps to disguise the real person behind it. The reason silver was supposed to be effective against lycanthropes was because steel is very disruptive to ether, but silver is especially so.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by hogtie
One of the more interesting theories that I've heard is that lycanthrope is actually an astral projection that has some real form, created from ether. This is performed by a magician/witch/shaman type. The projector uses an animal form that has some symbolic meaning to them (wolf, bear, what have you), and the animal form also helps to disguise the real person behind it. The reason silver was supposed to be effective against lycanthropes was because steel is very disruptive to ether, but silver is especially so.

more likely, historical accounts of werewolves were either simply the work of actual animals, or were(as i mentioned above) the work of human serial killers with their acts explained by werewolves since the psychiatric idea of psycho(socio)pathy didn't exist yet.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by random hero

more likely, historical accounts of werewolves were either simply the work of actual animals, or were(as i mentioned above) the work of human serial killers with their acts explained by werewolves since the psychiatric idea of psycho(socio)pathy didn't exist yet.

I agree, that is the most likely case. I just thought I'd throw a little something different into the mix.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:25 PM

There have been cases, there was an one in Liverpool, England only during the late 80s and early 90s. It was very famous case. Plus, in Romania, Werewolves are still feared to this day...a lady was reported attacked by it (this was on a television program).

Aaah, Romania, if you have paid some attention during crypto class, you would've known that Romania is the former Transyllvania(correct me if it's spelled wrong). In this country, people had their own tales just like every country has their own. Werewolves (but also Vampires) have their origin in this place, no wonder a Romanian woman that got attacked by a hairy hobo thought it was a werewolf, her grandma must've been telling her that story a lot.

BTW, I liked that previous theory about the serial killer, very interesting and really, it makes some sense for a change

Resting my case now

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Apoplexy123
I would say with 100% rationality, that it is ridiculous to truly belive that warewolves exist. Remeber these are creatures created out of myth, much like the centuarians or vampires.
It isnt logical for them to exist.

how isnt it logical...?

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 03:36 AM
I found this to be an interesting read, also could offer some explanation.


posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 03:42 AM

The terrifying animal tore into one of the horses and killed it, while the other horse broke free from its harness and galloped off into the night.

The attack took place just after dusk, with a full moon on the horizon. The moon that month seemed blood red, probably because of dust in the stratosphere from a recent forest fire in the Hatchmere area.

The locals thought the moon's colour was a sign that something evil was at large and the superstitious phrase, "bad moon on the rise" was whispered in travellers' inns across the region. In the winter of 1791, a farmer went into his snow-covered field just seven miles east of Gresford, and he saw enormous tracks that looked like those belonging to an overgrown wolf.

That could be explained by a big cat perhaps.

In February 1992, a national newspaper reported sightings of a strange bear-like animal that had been seen across Wales. In the north of the country, a farmer who had spotted the animal on the night of a full moon said he had afterwards found two of his lambs had been killed.

And in 2001 the local newspaper, the Evening Leader ran a series of articles about sightings of big cats, like a puma in Treuddyn, near Mold, and Bangor-on-Dee, near Wrexham.

I think thats more than likely gonna contribute to some of if not all the sightings, as there are always reports of big cats in the U.K now.

Whereas a few centuries ago, the U.K may have never a big cat and just said what they thought it looked like.

Thats my opinion, that its just a big cat.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

there have been were=animal stories and legends dating back to before the church was ever dreamed, how about the werewolves in the acient olympics?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:25 PM
I believe that if you truly believe in something then it exist if not it will not exist until you have witnessed it yourself. If they do exist I'm pretty sure they would not like to reveil their identities unless they fully trust the person. And yet they can be merely a myth the pigments of the overly creative minds of humans.It is also said that people who claim they have these abilities obtain an illness and yet many witnesses who take test on behalf of their honesty have been proven true but it can also mean that they believed in what they saw or believed to have seen either way there are many possiblities on which apart of me does believe in and the other contridicts as i have proven.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:46 AM
On History Channel's "Monster Quest", they did an episode on the Wisconsin Werewolf. Several witnesses who saw tall wolf-like creatures that walked on two legs, took lie detector tests and passed. They all saw something, what it was remains a mystery. I would not count werewolves out just yet!

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:15 AM

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:44 AM
I would say that the best example of werewolf attacks could be the beast of Gevaudan.....have a look at Tinwiki Beast of Gevaudan.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:30 PM
I live in a city called Posadas, within the borders of Argentina. My grandmother told me that many decades ago, in the early 20th century, a werewolf was seen several times, wondering through the myst of the night. It was big and redish, with long legs and sharp teeth.
The population was absolutely scared so a bunch of men decided to hunt the werewolf. They did so and it turned to be an "Aguará Guazú". The "Aguará Guazu" is the bigest canine in South America, it looks like a fox but with the size of a wolf. The poor animal wasn't dangerous at all.
In my country there is a myth saying that the 7th male son is always cursed and will become a werewolf some day (a "lobizón" as it is called here). This believe was so extended in the country during the 19th century that many childs were killed by their own fathers, or given in adoption. To remediate this the governament decided to create a law stating that the 7th male child of any family was going to be a protegee of the president. This law is still in course.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Personally, I think they are real, and also not.

It's the same with the whole bible stuff.

People back in ancient times wrote a book, and its still used to this date known as the Bible.
People back in early days made up this animal called a werewolf and people still use it today.

There must have been something back then to show that there was a werewolf, otherwise the story would not be kept.

On the other hand, I believe it's just a myth, as no evidence has been found to show that there is one.

But there's maybe just one person out there who could.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

I saw the same thing. Unless all those people were really good at cheating the lie detector, they where telling the truth. Now I'm not saying it's a bonified werewolf, but it's something.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:40 AM

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:45 AM
I live in romania... Transilvanya 100 km from there...but my origins are from the center of it...well what to say...i can say one thing and thats for sure...Transilvanyan forest always had a dark was fun walking trough them in the day ...but soon as the sunset could feel the negative energy in it...the howlings and...scared to only recommend walking in the night with at least 10-15 people armed with bats at carefull don't let yourself how to amazed by your courage...because there are moment where youre not able to have a second tought because your dead...

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