posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 04:08 PM
this is an article translated by BABELFISH translation from, to me and many others this is the real truth about 2012, read it with
an open mind. take your time, it is really worth it.
(part 1)
By: Sixto Paz Wells
1 - ( 2 )
“God saves Mother to you Earth,
Pacha Mama, Mucane, Tonanzín, Nana Tlalli,
Gaia, Saras, Mer It, Urrantia, Maria, Guadalupe...
Full you are of grace, the Gentleman is with you.
Blessed you are between all planets,
Feminine spirits and women;
And blessed it is the fruit of your belly:
Jesus and the New Humanity.
Santa Madre Earth, mother of all,
She requests by us, the apprentices,
Now and in the hour of our importance...
Amen, Thus she is, thus will be, thus she is and done she is.”
When we look into the prophecies of the end of the times, these do not speak indeed of an end of the world, but of ”a end of the times”, and how
it could be this if only there were a time?
First we must stop to us as the extraterrestrial guides say with those who we affirmed to come having contact telepathic through the psicografía
(automatic writing) almost three decades ago -, to reflect on: what is the time?
“The time is a mental form that it tries to define the duration of the things, an illusion based on the movement of the universe in the space. The
time idea goes in relation to the conscience of the being, if its perception is limited one third dimension, the time conceives it like something
linear, like a continuity; but when it discovers his multidimensional nature and it enters in one fourth dimension, account occurs that the time moves
in a spiral and that does not exist beyond its conscience; and that simultaneously there is several spaces within a space greater than we could call
“the Real Time of the Universe” (Sampiac Guide).
What would happen if suddenly we became aware and we found out in deepest we ourself than we are living in an alternative time, paradoxical, moved
away of a real time in which the Universe to way of an ascending spiral moves. A Real Time that would be different from ours, that it is in itself a
parallel reality to which we lived, in such a way that he makes million years of ours, extraterrestrial beings would have incursionado traveling
towards the past through you fold cosmic or interdimensional doors, arriving at our world shortly before which this one was destroyed meteoric product
of one hecatombe, avoiding it and granting an extension to him of term to make specific accomplishments, this is: a new opportunity. In the time of
them the extraterrestrial ones -, there would not be life here, but in the paradoxical time we are, with our pains, anguishes, dramas and illusions.
“In that then, Twenty-four Old of the Galaxy or Council It runs which we know like the Milky Route, with the previous authorization of the Great
White Brotherhood of the Star, located in the Central Galaxy of Andrómeda, gave happens it frees to the accomplishment of a project, leaves from a
Great Cosmic Plan, that selected our planet and to other seven similars of Ur category (planets of Blue Dawn) to create in them the conditions so that
a civilization with a psychic and spiritual potential arose able to transform itself into just a short time, in Light and Guide for many; something as
well as to get to be Masterful from its own Teachers” (Sampiac).
When we spoke of which the Real Time “of the Universe different from” the out of phase time exists in which we develop, which we are saying is
that what we are perceiving like time or to happen, it is the speed with which they are moving our world in the space. That speed is given by the
vibration of the planetary energy and the system. He is something but that the rotation and terrestrial transfering, is also a conscience state.
part 2 on the next post
[edit on 6-7-2006 by leo_infowarrior]