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I Am Convinced That The Official Story Is False...Now What?

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posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:09 AM
"The louder the opposition protests, the more I know I am on the right track"

Ok let's look at who used that line:


--Slave owners


--Shall I Continue

That is by far the best part about "CT" Folks,lots of entertainment.


posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by pavil
Sigh...... and so dies another thread.

I know it's hard but can't we (all of us) ever stay on a topic for a decent amount of debate or what passes for debate.

I don't think so Pavel.. with the number of people on ATS that believe 911 was a conspiracy you would think you could find 10 people to discuss this topic... we didn't even make 5 yet...

And then people wonder why the Government gets away with things like this...

No one really cares...

I think I will go back to building my spaceship....

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:56 AM
If you're entertaining the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, then realize why it was conducted, and that more will probably follow. This forum includes 7/7 topics for a reason.

Go to Google Video and look for the Money Masters series. Banks and money are behind all of this crap, ultimately, and those videos will help take you closer to the core of why the world is so messed up today, and why it's ALWAYS been messed up.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:30 AM

You can watch Alex Jones - Road to Tyranny

This gives a complete history on How governement makes people believe that war is essentual and how most governements use some type of terrorism for a pretext to war..

Nero burning Rome
Hitler buring the reichstag
WTC 93, where the Head FBI Guy in NY piad 1 million to blow up to towers.
Then WTC 01.

There is also things in there about how our freedoms are being raped, the chip and so on...

Its worth a watch if you want to be informed real fast...

I cant find this on a torrent, I should have it on a site in a few days... so if you want a copy message me.

Another you should see is American Dictator also by AJ.. Its a very interesting peice of work.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Nero burning Rome
Hitler buring the reichstag
WTC 93, where the Head FBI Guy in NY piad 1 million to blow up to towers.
Then WTC 01.

Your the first I have seen on here figure that out... So what we gonna DO about it?

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Nero burning Rome
Hitler buring the reichstag
WTC 93, where the Head FBI Guy in NY piad 1 million to blow up to towers.
Then WTC 01.

You left out ''operation northwood'' planning stage only..
pearl harbour and
the oklahoma bombing.
More instances of the kind of sick evil stunts that governments are prepared topull on their own people to suit their twisted agendas

God i hate politicians

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Your the first I have seen on here figure that out... So what we gonna DO about it?

Here is a start.

Perhaps a physical altercation of government and people, Kind of like the riots in the 60's.

Not everything is as it seems, sometimes we need to do things as we see is fit.

Remember, When those guys signed the Declaration of Independence, it was considered to be treason, Now we call it Patriotism.


I forgot to add a good quote by someone, here it is.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin

Which goes along with today, remember the 7/7 attacks, then in NYC they were searching everyone like there was no such thing as a constitution or 4th amendment.

People need to educate themselves, cause this thing with someone taking over isn't looking for for anyone.

[edit on 7/14/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 11:49 AM
A new Alex Jones video

Alex Jones - Terrorstorm - American Scholars Symposium Special Edition

Here us a breif on what it has to do with.

Our leaders have told us that the war on terror may last a hundred years, a new kind of war, against a shadowy enemy that can never be defeated.

Generation after generation will have to lay down its liberty in an endless war for global empire

The evil men who rise to power know well that terrorism is the perfect spector to convince populations to relinquish their liberty in the name of security.

TERRORSTORM explores who pulls the strings and who benefits from the dark spectacle of modern warfare. This incredible new film answers the question: do the people know how they are controlled? Do they understand the systems of power that surround them, the modern prop machines of public relations that wash their brains and fill their minds full of ball games and mindless fluff?

Is the population beginning to realize that governments throughout history have used the spector of fear to drive their populations to acquiesce to total tyranny?

TERRORSTORM examines September 11th, national ID cards, Big Brothers, the Iraq War, the 7/7 Bombings in London, and the invasion of Iran to reveal exactly how are they all connected.

Previous films have focused primarily on 9/11 as the foundational event, the pretext, for the current geopolitical structure.

National polls show that most Americans and westerners believe the official story of 9/11 to be a fraud, and a large part of that majority believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but the establishment press continue contest any alternative view concerning 9/11.

TERRORSTORM begins with a look at historical events that are not contested. Events where the fact of government sponsered terror is not debated but in fact openly admited to by western governments.

This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed westerner and delves deeply in to those systems of control which have been designed to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.

This special American Scholars Symposium edition of TERRORSTORM is only available for a limited time.

This seems interesting, This is going thru a history of terrorism, more indepth than Road to tyranny.

I just downloaded it looking for Road to Tyranny last night. Anyway this should be a good video. Should take a look at it...

BTW, To the Author to this thread not a bad idea, now people can come and find all they need for 9/11 and whatever.

[edit on 7/14/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:04 PM
There are only so many people who are willing to openly talk about 9/11, the majority does not care or does not believe they can change anything (perhaps don't even want to change anything, things don't seem to get better you know, so enjoy life while it lasts..), has always been indifferent and will only join a given 'side' for opportunistic reasons.

the hard core is established on both sides, i severely doubt that more discussions or better presentation of facts will make people question their beliefs. it's not about who's right, it's about power. understand yours, understand theirs, understand your goals and if you could live with their achievement. then decide.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:23 PM
The difficult thing is to get enough people to make the difference, I would likely join in efforts and Im not even American. If the US government had no influence over anything outside of their own shores, I could sit happy in the knowledge that it doesn't affect me. Unfortunately, it could well affect everyone, I'd rather aliens invaded and destroyed the planet than one country rises up and corrupts the rest of the world with their power hungry and population control motives.

Perhaps if it goes too far without your indigenous population taking a stand, the rest of the world may well just rise up against the tyranny to be. I can't see who will benefit once the dust settles. I just hope, I'm long dead before it all kicks off.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance the majority does not care or does not believe they can change anything

That unfortunately seems to be the case. And even from those who believe I see no effort to even sign a petition... save for a couple of people, not even a response in here that they would be willing to if there was one.

Maybe the internet is in reality our worst enemy... to much info... to many discussion groups, to many bad web sites... lol too many good websites... and way to many opinions
.. thousands of blogs...

Maybe the government knows this... maybe this is the BIG conspiracy... after all the internet was created by the military and the CIA

Okay last answer to the question the OP asked

What do we do? 3 options

Move to Canada... convince them to seal the border...
Move to Russia... join their space program... Siberia is not really THAT cold..
Have a beer, toss on another steak on the BBQ and go back to talking about sports and the weather

Now... how would you like your steak?


Just saw this after I wrote this post...

James Fetzer of 9/11 Scholars, Answers Your Questions

I shall pass the torch... perhaps he has the answers..

THis Looks Like a Site That Would Use My Petition Wisely

[edit on 14-7-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:40 PM
I think part of the problem is that nobody has proved that 9/11 was an inside job yet. I think there is a lot of evidence but until the alleged purpetrators are singled out and proven to be involved, things will just go on the way they already are.

We've been discussing this subject for nearly 5 years. I think our discussions have opened a lot of people's eyes and ears, but unfortunatley the mainstream just isn't going to listen to us CT'ers because we believe in UFOs. Ghosts, etc. After all the discussions nobody has been put in jail or impeached, etc because of their involvement in 9/11.

That said, I think the 9/11 scholars are starting to give alternative theories some legs to stand on and I think supporting that group is a good place to start if you want to make a difference.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by mecheng
I think part of the problem is that nobody has proved that 9/11 was an inside job yet.

You are correct BUT the premise of this thread is for those who have already been convinced!
In many threads here I have seen lots of people who absolutely believe it is a conspiracy...

So we are calling for those people to "put their money where their mouth is" and take that next step. A simple signature, requesting more investigation.

No one is saying "storm the capitol" [I hope
] That never would work anyway...they have much bigger guns

I just signed that one... and I feel confident enough on that site to add my address. They also have a petition about the Artic Foxes I posted about last page here. I signed that one also.

The first step that any citizen, landed immigrant or just visitor can do to have his/her opinion counted is sign a petition... Its easy...its painless... no repercussions..AND you can remain anonymous to the public... My view is if you do not have the courage of conviction to make that step and sign on the line, you have little credibilty left to complain that "nothing is ever done about it"

The second step is write your local representative, your senator, even the major. They have websites that make it easy to reach them. They WILL respond.

Interestingly when I checked the site of my two reps for Nevada, I found that they have their pet causes posted... I found that they support strongly something else that I believe in...never would have noticed if I didn't look as a result of this thread

So..... Put Up or Shut Up

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
No one is saying "storm the capitol" [I hope
] That never would work anyway...they have much bigger guns

Actually I believe this is exactly what is said.

In alot of instances things do not change with peace unfortunately, Times have come for us to either speak up or be jailed, killed, or tortured or whatever else they can think up.

Think of the movie 1984, I finished watching that documentary I posted above. AJ was in London, It was interesting to see that the people there dont even notice the CCTV cameras there. But if thats how you guys want to live fine.. Its ok wit me... I want no part of it. I dont want my kids or my kids kids to go thru that crap...

Anyway I suggest getting that video. It goes into detail about gulf of tonkin, and 7/7/05.

I do exspress to people to prove points on my sig.. So far no takers.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 09:38 PM
i think we should put a little more effort into aiding AJ. I know he can go off the deep end a bit, but when he is calm he is a good speaker. Plus he has a fortunate position reaching out to the public freely on what he wants his listeners to believe to be the truth. Like a bad religion, the more people that join his cause, the more influence he is going to have. and i guess that is what they call lobbying.

Like him or not, if it were not for AJ, these conspiracies would not have got as much momentum as they have. One man cannot beat these losers, cause losers cheat and we have to have mass numbers to overcome that. Alex has made a business of this campaign, he's not afraid to speak up and piss people off but he is not going to get very far if he doesn't have the army of truth seekers behind him that he believes are.

I'm still waiting for Rumsfeld to pull something. He hates the Bush's... always has, and the Bush's hate him for trying to screw over george bush sr. So he's probably the fall guy, but i hope he tries for fireworks on the way down.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 07:09 PM
Alex has made a business of this campaign,

One of the few real facts associated with AJ.Good reseach! I would still like to know ,why none in the structural engineering trade agree with Mr Fusion.Prof of physics has a good look to it,at first.I doubt even you would ask him to design you a new building,or destroy your old one.Get it?

[edit on 17-7-2006 by Duhh]

[edit on 17-7-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Duhh
I would still like to know ,why none in the structural engineering trade agree with Mr Fusion.Prof of physics has a good look to it,at first.

Find me a list of SEs that DISAGREE publicly that were not part of a gov't funded project.

Their silence goes BOTH ways so your point is as MOOT as it was the last 30 times it was posted by ROARK.

ATTN: SEs are nothing special. Physicists with a specialization in statics basically. They are NOTHING SPECIAL to this debate. They do not have any secret knowledge that is unavailble to other scientists in related or MORE COMPLEX fields.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
ATTN: SEs are nothing special. Physicists with a specialization in statics basically. They are NOTHING SPECIAL to this debate. They do not have any secret knowledge that is unavailble to other scientists in related or MORE COMPLEX fields.

Exactly. Their expertise is in making buildings stand. They were brought in by NIST for theorizing what may have caused the buildings fall, due to gravity. Not for comparing demo theories to just gravity theories. They started and worked within theories of unaided gravity bringing down the towers.

An SE isn't going to have the expertise to explain things like squibs, angular momentum behaviors, collapse times, and all that. More than likely they didn't even look at those issues, because they're no more expert on them than a biologist would be. As Slap Nuts said, they mostly just deal with solid, static materials.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 06:33 AM
Im from Italy and im conviced also.

What can we do about it?

911 false story led Americans directly to Patriot Act!

Exactly in 1995, The Gov. was searching for pretexts to take your civil rights away!
And they succeeded in 11.09.2001!

oh yes, i forgot the "Police State"!

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State

Wake up, folks!

[edit on 11-8-2006 by Amon_Ra]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 12:51 PM
AGENT_T and THICKHEADED posted earlier about how this was an inside job and listed major events that OUR government / or other governments have been behind to kill or control their own people.

You guys forgot a few.

Japan - dropping atomic bombs on their own people and blaming the USA
Jews killing themselves in gas chambers and blaming the Nazis
Wisconsin government officials killing / eating people and blaming Jeff Dahmer
The Thai goverment creating a fake tidal wave
The Bahli goverment REALLY bombing the night club
Lebanon killing civilians for sympathy..

What do you mean not mean in this thread I can only bash the USA and they are the only ones that can do this....oh.... I see.

The ARABS did it...they will do it again...and again...and again until we are all dead.....DEAD!!!!!

Wake up please.

I think this and other threads should be closed as they have exhausted all reasonable discussion.

No proof!
No proof!
No proof!
No proof!

Case study closed. You may all go home now...and protect yourself from an arab!

ps - edited to add one more.....No proof!

[edit on 11-8-2006 by Mr Beezer]

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