posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 06:56 PM
.. its interesting that EVERYONE was in Aspen that weekend and even Colin Powel was there (and had some medical problem of his own).
I also think that the fact that someone else tied to Enron... dead and who was going to testify in Congress... and was...
..probably murdered.
Oh and...
Another witness was just found dead the other day.
And most people don't even think Kens dead anyways..
.. probablly hanging out with Barbera Olson who supposedly died on Flight 77 along with a bunch of other very high ranking military men who were
trained in hand to hand combat and knew that the WTC had just been attacked by hijacked planes but allowed theirs to be taken over and crashed in to
the pentaon anyways.
Thats the number one reason I don't believe btw that F77 hit the Pentagon, there was just NO WAY for anyone to take over that plane with boxcutters
after what had already happened... an hour later even... just nonsense.
But anyways.. that is what I think of Ken Lays death.. oh and this..
The fact that Ken Lay was George's BEST FRIEND in the world.