posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 02:34 AM
while i can agree with your points you have made Shaman, and it indeed does make logical sense
even his argument about Density as a means of propulsion, makes sense for the most part
his argument that All times are existing right "Now" makes sense also
But what Doesnt make much sense, is his arguements that Aliens cannot travel through space, nor we can travel to visit them, doesnt make sense at
How could anyone possibly know such things as a fact? We are not omnipitant, we are not all knowing, we are flawed beings and cannot possibly know
such vast encompassing truths
How could he possibly know if we do not build the craft by 2032 that our existance will vanish into a separate existance of misery?
That knowledge is NOT possible, from my understanding of the universe, at least
If we are in a altered timeline, and there is indeed infinite timelines of infinite other possibilitys, than there is no Need to create the craft
ourselves, because those from the future *in one of the branches of time* have already created the craft and sent it back to our time
See this future happened in the Past, and there is nothing that we can do to change that branch of time, for it already exists in the past future
Even if we didnt make the craft by 2032, those whom did already did, and it wouldnt make a differance
We are probably not the only "us", as there would be infinite "us' in infinite timeline dimensions
If we did not go back to make this machine, we would only be screwing perhaps; one of the infinite timelines
and that timeline is already screwed because it already exists
as the property of infinity is an endlessness, those timelines that got screwed must exist and always will exist
our timeline is , and will be what it is
ok, remember the old einstien story, about the man who went back in time and killed his father before he was concieved thus destroying the possibility
of his own existance?
well , having infinite dimensions of possible timelines, allows this to happen without any problem
in fact it MUST happen so infinity can exist
it Must happen infinite times
when he goes back and kills his father, his existance is only nullified in that one Branch of time, Not the branch he became the time traveler in
because in the branch of existance he became the time travler , he was already born, and his father was not murdered
we are talking about 2 separate dimensions here
the dimension of the man who went back in time
"universe 1"
and the totally different dimension of one where a time traveler appeared and murdered his father
"universe 2"
things like this Must happen for infinity to exist, because without such things happening, infinity is limited by one less existance
infinity -1 = is it still infinity? thats the question i am asking
now lets assume that a large portion of what Corso Jr is saying is true, just for the sake of argument
I would suggest he himself does not understand the cosmology of a multiverse of infinite possibilitys and infinite existances
perhaps his own gross lack of understanding, is why he seems to be "disinformation"
perhaps he isnt disinformation at all, and just overheard things spoken of which he had little or no understanding of in the first place
and therefore his opinions appear to be disinfo *when in reality it could be a simple case of Misinformation*
im greatly compelled by this subject, and i am looking forward to conjecture on these ideas from the brilliant minds here at ATS
Great Comments Shaman, looking forward to hearing more, and hopefully thinking more about this, and the sharing of our thoughts is what makes this
website so wonderful
any thoughts about the context of a multiverse and that we may not have to build the craft at all anyways, because those from universe 2 already built
this is why i think so many people find his story as "not adding up" or having "inherant inconsistancys"
Because of the Multiverse theory
Can anyone find mr Corso Jr's email addy and perhaps we can email him and get him to come to ATS and address our questions?
Having him become part of the discussion about his claims, could help answer our questions --- and thats what us here at ATS want
***my rambling ends now ***