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Negative Points (literaly)

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posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:18 AM
Ok, now I'm not sure if this has been spoken of before, but I thought a little post in here might get the ball a-rollin.

When you purchase something in the store, there is the option of using combined points (ATS & BTS). Now, if you have enough points in one to cover the cost, but not the other, it will still let you make the pruchase, but you end up getting negative points in whichever one didn't have enough points to cover for it originaly.

Now, I know this isnt that big of a problem, but i've noticed alot of people wondering about this, so I thought i'd bring it up.

Thanks for the time, Amigos!

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Less Than Zero

Originally posted by JamesLimelight
Ok, now I'm not sure if this has been spoken of before, but I thought a little post in here might get the ball a-rollin.

Off the cuff, there has been previous discussion of this topic...

Google ATS for "negative points" it's not all that new.

However, if folks really want to talk about it again, I don't suppose it would be the end of the world.

Edit: Oh sorry. As to the topic, it is my understanding that members can indeed go into "point debt" to a certain extent, but I don't recall it actually being any sort of a problem.

[edit on 7/5/2006 by Majic]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:29 AM
The points don't really mean much IMO.

Yes, it does let you make the combined point purchase even if you don't have the points in ATS or BTS or PTS, it just makes your total negative.

Even if you are in the negative there are no repercussions to it. All you have to do is think for a bit about a good question or topic and then post it in the appropriate forum and BINGO! You have points.

One word of warning though: Don't break the Terms and Conditions (T&C). Violations do come with a possible warning ticket displayed in your avatar section, there is usually a loss of points that accompanies it. plus it annoys your fellow ATS members that play by the few rules in the T&C.

For more on this, there is an ATS Freshman's Course thread that you can search for that will explain better than I can and more than I can here.



[edit on 7/5/2006 by BlueTileSpook]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
One word of warning though: Don't break the Terms and Conditions (T&C). Violations do come with a possible warning ticket displayed in your avatar section, there is usually a loss of points that accompanies it. plus it annoys your fellow ATS members that play by the few rules in the T&C.

For more on this, there is an ATS Freshman's Course thread that you can search for that will explain better than I can and more than I can here.

Welcome aboard and may you post well.

Hey man,t hanks for the info, but I know all that stuff, lol! I been here since 03', brother man. Look to the side at the mini-profile. Just curious as to the negative point thing. It's just annoying to look at

And don;t you worry about me and the T&C. I'm one of the ones always reminding people about it, heh! But yeah, I was gone for a good amount of time due to IRL and all kinds of stuff, but like SO and Springer have said...can't keep me away for TOO long!!

Oh, and Majic, good to see you again, brother. Missed reading your stuff....and those are some good podcasts!

[edit on 5-7-2006 by JamesLimelight]

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