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Racist GOP to put vote challengers in black voting precincts

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posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 05:44 AM
ok i happen to live in the county being discussed in the article and colonel is pretty much assuming some things when he isnt aware of. some small but highly important details.

the first one is there has been a history of voter fraud in those districts they are putting challengers in. i'm sure there is some all over the county to some extent but it seems there is so much that its been mentioned and accused many times. they cant put chalengers in all districts because they dont have enough volunteers, THATS why they are targetting these districts, they are the worst ones and they have to focus on them. and since the majority of those who vote at those districts vote democrat they are watching them more than others. it is also their right to do so regardless of what colonel thinks is the real reason so it is a moot point.

secondly the west end of louisville cries racism at anything that involves a white person regardless of what the person or persons are doing. this has been going on for as long as i can remember and its only gotten worse in the past 10 years.

i am also familiar with the districts and they are shady to be honest. colonels delusional belief that democrats never lie cheat or steal is wholy wrong especially in my state and my county. they have practially controlled the state for 30 years and there has been scandal after scandal with democrats here (the last one was patton the governor having an affair but unlike clinton never denied it, he admitted it) scandals of corruption, lying, stealing, blackmail, inability to get things done (like having the budget done on time) sweetheart deals and a general use of the "good ole boy system".

colonel can say whatever he wants but he's showing his ignorance by making yet againmore assumptions. and the courier journal isnt exactly the best source of information about this area since those who have owned it and run it have been liberal minded democrats. thats not opinion, thats a fact, look it up.

i dont trust any politicians in my county or state but i've seen too many scandals about democrats to sit here and mindlessly believe that democrats do no wrong like colonel does. amazing what one will believe when they live in a vacuum.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 07:52 AM
Skadi, I will reply to you as you seem to attempt to be lucid and logical, unlike the heavily rabid and biased "Colonel".

The first thing that I find out of tilt, although I hear it often, is that the Republican party gives the Black segment of society a reason to vote for them. This goes against how life ought to be, wouldn't you think? And, what has the government done for the White Christian Male? I can rattle off a few things its done to me, but there is nothing that it is supposed to do for me, or anybody else. And furthermore, the Democrats do nothing for the minority groups except label them victims, make them believe they are victims, and then victimize them. It is the conservative notion that everyone fish for themselves, but it is the liberal democrat's idea to give the fish to their base consituent, deceive them into not learning to fish, and then blame their inability on the Republicans.

This is not intimidating, unless you are ineligible to vote. How is it intimidating? What do they check your papers while a barrel is screwed into your ear? And even if you are not eligible, do they take you out back and use some of the Skadi torture techiques as described in another thread? There is no intimidation, this is merely Demokrat noise because they will have to violate while being witnessed and they'd rather not be seen.

No, Skadi, I don't just read and take things at face value and allow my knee to jerk because of it. I analyze and scrutinize. There are liars on both sides, and this is one we have uncovered. Look at it and realize it for what it is, Demokratic propaganda sqealing because those rascally republicans are on to them!

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 08:44 AM
So, I guess this is right, eh, TC. Its right to have THUGS as "volunteers" to check to see if your ineligible to vote as they did in Florida when Tom de lay's repugnant thugs were sent to INTIMIDATE only black voters away from the votng booth. No, this isn't racist, right?

Look at Kaozero's post. He mentions a documentary on the subject that verifies the truth. You will probably ignore that as well because the truth burns the repugnant.

So, I guess I shouldn't be pissed. It's ok for the repugnant to intimidate black voters as Tom de Lay, Katherine Harris, and Jeb Bush did in Florida. I guess its ok when the state use their powers of fear, coercion, and intimidation on black communites. That's alright and I shouldn't be mad.

Just as long as those communities are black, then its no holds barred and its ok.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
ok i happen to live in the county being discussed in the article and colonel is pretty much assuming some things when he isnt aware of. some small but highly important details.

the first one is there has been a history of voter fraud in those districts they are putting challengers in. i'm sure there is some all over the county to some extent but it seems there is so much that its been mentioned and accused many times. they cant put chalengers in all districts because they dont have enough volunteers, THATS why they are targetting these districts, they are the worst ones and they have to focus on them. and since the majority of those who vote at those districts vote democrat they are watching them more than others. it is also their right to do so regardless of what colonel thinks is the real reason so it is a moot point.

secondly the west end of louisville cries racism at anything that involves a white person regardless of what the person or persons are doing. this has been going on for as long as i can remember and its only gotten worse in the past 10 years.

i am also familiar with the districts and they are shady to be honest. colonels delusional belief that democrats never lie cheat or steal is wholy wrong especially in my state and my county. they have practially controlled the state for 30 years and there has been scandal after scandal with democrats here (the last one was patton the governor having an affair but unlike clinton never denied it, he admitted it) scandals of corruption, lying, stealing, blackmail, inability to get things done (like having the budget done on time) sweetheart deals and a general use of the "good ole boy system".

colonel can say whatever he wants but he's showing his ignorance by making yet againmore assumptions. and the courier journal isnt exactly the best source of information about this area since those who have owned it and run it have been liberal minded democrats. thats not opinion, thats a fact, look it up.

i dont trust any politicians in my county or state but i've seen too many scandals about democrats to sit here and mindlessly believe that democrats do no wrong like colonel does. amazing what one will believe when they live in a vacuum.

YOU have said absolutely nothing to justify this evil the evil that befalls these black communites.

A history of fraud? You say it happens all over the county but they need to intimidate black communites. They don't have enough volunteers? But, they have enough for the BLACK communites, right?

This is outright racism.

YOu say that there is scandal after scandal and you mnentin some stupid affair and a late budget. SO WHAT! That happens everyhwere!

This is not an assumption. This is purely racist and I find that those who would defend this practice are probably racist themselves.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:22 PM
...and when democrats do the same, it is pure in thought and purpose ofcourse....

C'mon man! You just have to sit back and see that some things happen on BOTH side of the isle.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:10 PM
I think if the Republicans could provide proof that these voting places were guilty of fraud in the past then this would be acceptable. But, instead they claim they selected these polling places randomly. It just so happened that most of the selected ones are in heavily african-american communities...come on.

It's sad to read folk think black people cry wolf about racism is this country. It's understandable that some can't imagine what it's like to be discriminated against because they have never been there. In my opinion those folk shouldn't speak on it. You only come out looking like an idiot to those of us who have suffered at the hands of racist.

I'm not as outraged as some. This is just evidence of how far we have yet to go. People are still standing up trying to protect racist and that should be unacceptable as we approach the 40th year anniversary of the Civil Rights Amendment.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:21 PM
I can say as a Democrat who actually lives in Jefferson County Kentucky (the great city of Louisville). There is a big stink going on over this. The republicans seem to be doing some nefarious things and they are being called on it. I mean, you don't see them sending poll challengers out to the EXTREMELY wealthy (and mostly conservative) east end of Louisville, just to where the poor African American democrats live. Gimmie a break here.
Watching the republicans spin this is like watching Bush spin the Kay report to show that WMD's were everywhere in Iraq.

[Edited on 27-10-2003 by observer]

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
So, I guess this is right, eh, TC. Its right to have THUGS as "volunteers" to check to see if your ineligible to vote as they did in Florida when Tom de lay's repugnant thugs were sent to INTIMIDATE only black voters away from the votng booth. No, this isn't racist, right?

Look at Kaozero's post. He mentions a documentary on the subject that verifies the truth. You will probably ignore that as well because the truth burns the repugnant.

So, I guess I shouldn't be pissed. It's ok for the repugnant to intimidate black voters as Tom de Lay, Katherine Harris, and Jeb Bush did in Florida. I guess its ok when the state use their powers of fear, coercion, and intimidation on black communites. That's alright and I shouldn't be mad.

Just as long as those communities are black, then its no holds barred and its ok.

No, Colonel, what I'm saying is maybe you should look beyond what the reaction is and see what action motivated it. Democratic skullduggery is infamous, and you are posting as if the RNC is shooting innocent little Bambi.

As far as the intimidation in Florida, that is DNC B.S. as it did not happen. That is a crock of excrement. It is a load of garbage. Just like the rest of the Democratic information distortion campaign to try and sway the election. It was disgustion and wretched, and it fooled some who are willing to be fooled by them.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
It was disgustion and wretched, and it fooled some who are willing to be fooled by them.

key prhase right here......and it fooled some who are WILLING to be fooled......because they want to believe things are a certain way even if they arent and as a result those who say anything that fall within what they want to hear will be believed.

happens on here a lot.

THEY are the enemy, both parties, namely those within those parties to be more specific.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 07:32 AM
....that will increase in intensity in the coming regional, and culminate in the '04 national election.
Any issue on authenticity of vote is, and only, an election officials issue. Nobody has the right to send 'challengers'...what the hell is that?
I'd ask Tyrriffic & Thomas to post the cases where voter stuffing was perpetuated by the Democrats. I've seen it thrown out there, but it comes up supported by as much proof as the Chupacabra.
Yet, the GOP did have a lawsuit brought against them for voter intimidation in Florida Counties, that was settled with the decision a sealed.
There were operatives of the GOP flown in from all over the country to stage a 'moral outrage protest' at the beginning of the recount. Look up the photo of Miami-Dade's recount being stopped by a staged Republican riot - 90% white male Miaimi-Dade.....hello!?!?

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:01 PM
If people are doing nothing wrong then why the problem with scrutiny in the first place?

Secondly I doubt there is a country in the world that black people control where there are fair elections. Am I wrong?

Thirdly, the democrats are the masters of cheap shots and cheating to win. If the Republicans ever learned a trick or two it was from them that is for sure.

Lastly, a party that breeds division and accepts and encourages every low life and miscarriage to join its ranks and then elevates them is no good in my mind.
Yes everyone deserves and needs representation but these people build an army of undesireables such that they suggest they should run the country. Not a good idea in my mind.

Regards this topic I see the same thing happening in my own country nowadays.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Hey guys, I live nearbye but not in Jefferson County and I listened to our local radio show this morning reguarding this topic. One of Louisville's foremost advocates of civil rights called in to comment. She said that she has voted in this area since she was 18 and that her age and health now prevents her working the polls but it was her opinion that this is needed in that particular area. Yes Colonel she is black and she was also very offended that the race card was played or that race was suggested as any reason for this. It is legal and in her opinion AS SOMEONE WHO HAS FIRST PERSON EXPERIENCE with the violations at the polls, it is badly needed because the lack of adherence to proper proceedures at these polls is in her words, appauling. So, while you read about it and use it as political fodder to feed your hatred, there are circumstances in that area which will not go away in other way. She recommened her party, the democrat party do the same and said it would be beneficial for both sides to participate in the area in question.

But then again, she is an American who is just interested in lawful protocols being followed, not some hate filled racist daring anyone to question criminal behavior just because of who is doing it.

Now that I've shed some first hand light on the subject, I'm ready to dodge your labels..because when its all said and done, they're all you've got. Must be a bitch when you encounter someone who doesn't believe in labels.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:26 PM
I had to throw in these quotes from the article Colonel linked. Hey Colonel, how'd ya like the courier journal?

"Richardson said the precincts weren't chosen because of their racial makeup or voting patterns. Using challengers is a "legal, proper and permissible" way to ensure that voters are bona fide, he said.

"It is in the best interest of everybody and the responsibility of both parties to protect the ballot integrity," Richardson said. "That is the bottom line."

Kentucky law allows political parties to each place one challenger at any precinct on Election Day to question the credentials of any voter who they have "a reason to believe" isn't legitimate. "

"Voters can help avoid challenges by bringing a picture ID with a current address to the precinct. "

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 12:55 PM
More repugnant filth to cover up thier secret racism. "The Law say s we can do it." The law said that "seaparate but equal" was legal too.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 01:07 PM
Ballot stuffing is an old tactic and has been used by both sides.

It's modern varriant is the unknown or illegal immigrant rouse.

Obviously this now works better in certain neighbourhoods and with certain groups of people.

What saddens me is that they would do it and not that someone would have to watch out for it.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 02:46 PM
Look, be registered to vote, have the proper ID and be at your assigned precinct. Its not that damn hard unless you plan to cheat. It amazes me that to one political party, the law has now become just another obstacle to circumvent.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 03:04 PM
Ill concede to a few of your points, TC. Yes, this new PC spciety of ours tends to demonize white Christian males. Thus, they tend to flock to thier own kind, the republicans. And of course, Ive never suggested that the Clinton Administration or any gaggle of commicrats has been clean and righteous, and unbiased. After serving 80% of my Army Career under Clinton, I am not that delusional.

However, the republicans are deliberately putting watchers in just BLACK communities. Why not make themselves look good and spread them out? Because I know, I have a republican roomate. Listening to him, it really makes Colonel sound a little less nutty. My roomate often spouts blacks and women should not be able to vote, because both blacks and women are too stupid and clueless about the issues and whats going on. I wanted to laugh. This is from some hairy neandethal who turns the news off so he can watch a stupid ballgame when major news is breaking. I drilled him about basic current events, i asked him about whats going on in the world, ect. I knew more than he did when I was 8 years old. So much for women and blacks being stupid.

Anyway, what has this govornment done for anyone? White, Christian, Black, Female, what have you? One side or the other, they pretty much screw you.

Who is out there for white single non religous blue collar veteran women WHO OWN GUNS? Believe in no taxes? No one, thats who. Thats why Im independant. Thats why I shake my head at both incumbant parties. Niether side has anything to offer me.

Democrats have nothing to offer white christian males, thats true. But republicans have nothing to offer minorites. Thus the divide. And when Republicans are sending watchers and the like into black communities exclusively to challenge them as they go to the polls......that right there sends out an alarm.

Ill put it to you this way. Seattle is a TERRIBLY left wing town. Yet when i went to vote at the last election, I had no one there scrutinizing me. There were no democrats in neighborhoods challenging whites, i lived in a predominantly minority area, but I knew alot of people from other challanges.

Thats whats wrong. And when you consider how suspect the last election was, the republicans arent doing themselves any favors doing this. Theres already enough worries over this current upcoming election, with Die Bold voting machines, and other election worries.

Personally, no matter if a democrat or republican win the next election, it wont matter, they are basically the same pack of liars, thieves, and criminals in different packages. My concern is that whatever criminal we will elect to further destroy this once great nation will be fairly elected and a criminal with the peoples stamp of approval.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 03:15 PM
Uh, republicans aren't crooked? Sorry, that bs. Democrats clean? that also bs. But who is the dirtiest? Republicans. Who through out votes/said blacks were to stupid to vote in Florida? Republicans. Who said recounting to see who won was wrong and just give it to Bush since his brother is the govnenor? Republicans. Sorry, I don't buy the whole "coincidence" crap.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Uh, republicans aren't crooked? Sorry, that bs. Democrats clean? that also bs. But who is the dirtiest? Republicans. Who through out votes/said blacks were to stupid to vote in Florida? Republicans. Who said recounting to see who won was wrong and just give it to Bush since his brother is the govnenor? Republicans. Sorry, I don't buy the whole "coincidence" crap.


posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Uh, republicans aren't crooked? Sorry, that bs. Democrats clean? that also bs. But who is the dirtiest? Republicans. Who through out votes/said blacks were to stupid to vote in Florida? Republicans. Who said recounting to see who won was wrong and just give it to Bush since his brother is the govnenor? Republicans. Sorry, I don't buy the whole "coincidence" crap.



Reverend Colonel speaks to his congregation:

"and the fury of the lord shall rain down hellfire and brimstone on the repugnant forces of darkness!

Hallelujia!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!! resounds from the congregation....

"No weapon formed against the righteous shall prosper! The lord is on our side! The crokked proxy of Satan himself, Bush, shall grovel before the lord, and the righteous shall wipe thier feet on him!"

Colonel, why dont you get a theology degree and become the next generation jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?
I could see you doing that.......

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