Thomas, come on now. You, Bob & nyeff are on file as card caring members of the Radical Right Wing, have quoted numerous sources such as Rush, Newsmax
& Ann Coulter as 'insightful, the truth and my favorite 'balanced & non partisan'! Why shy away from your narrow, paroachial views now? You're
evidently proud of your perspectives & unwillingness to accept alternate arguments or the obvious fact that Bush has been 'drawn, measured and found
wanting' in EVERY possible quantifier of talent or moral.
Saying that you 'think on your own' while willfully voiding consideration of alternate arguments and staying course to arguments of the RRW, is not
a working definition of "thinking on your own" in anyones logical assesment, regardless of flip flopping the camps of thought, you're not cutting
Rush is not a villian, just a jester who keeps the propaganda flow going and provides a ring of the circus for all pundits of that ilk who need a
forum to spout off.
The RRW and the lack of morals/hypocrisy:
Nyeff is fixated on Clintons oral pleasures & Bob is astounded about the sanctity of marriage flipancy. Hmm? Bob Barr has been married 3 times going
on 4, and one of those was with a staffer while married. Newt Gingh, another serial marrier, had an affair with a women in his church choir, and
announced to one of his wives that he was leaving her when she was in the hospital for cancer.....he took his mistress along for that, by the way.
Ronald Reagan, in the Kelley bio, cheated on Nancy and was accused of a rape in college. The GOP man of the Year for 2001 couldn't accept his award
because he was in jail, having been busted as a 'john' in a MD park known for homosexual prostitution.
I can go into more of the GOP hypocrits who were villafiying Clinton for sex while there houses were being fitted for glass walls, if you like.
As for te conduct at memorial services:
"Some of the people in the huge arena, packed with 20,000 mourners, were angry when they caught a glimpse of the Senator.
Disgust overcame them. They booed lustily, some of them shouting, "We don't want you here," and some shouting epithets.
And for the next few days, the GOP and right-wing pundits had a field day -- supporting the booers, saying that they spoke the truth, and that the
Senator deserved all that was dished out and more.
Rush Limbaugh led the right-wing boo fest by having the man who led the booing on his program as Dittohead Hero Of The Day.
Newsmax, Matt Drudge Neal Boortz, Kathleen Parker, and GOP radio talk show hosts nationwide cheered on the booers, and attacked the Senator they
What's wrong with this picture? Well nothing -- because the Senator being booed wasn't Trent Lott -- it was Hillary Clinton, about a year ago, at
Madison Square Garden. at a huge concert honoring the heroic policemen and firefighters who gave their lives on September 11, 2001.
It seems that some of those in the audience thought that this upbeat yet solemn occasion should -- gasp! -- be an occasion for politics.
Hear! hear! said Rush and his clones, who booed right along with them.
So you see, folks, it's not the boos that matter to these right-wing thugs. It's who's getting booed. If it's Trent Lott being booed, it's a
travesty. If it's Hillary Clinton being booed, it's an act of patriotism.
These people have no shame, no principles, no morals. They just want power. And will say anything, do anything to get it."
And Bush won nothing, get over it, the Supreme Court appointed him. Trying to give legitamcy to the travesty is making me question your patriotism;
it's evidently conditional to partisanship.