posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 01:42 PM
I was sitting at work today bored as hell and thinking about the stuff i've read on ATS, then started to think about the situation and thought about
North Korea is almost certainly after some Nukes, though this is reported in the mainstream media. And if we take as a given that there
is an NWO conspiracy then i was thinking about the possible alternatives:
1-They are aware of NWO/ther affiliates and are supplied, little by little, with the technology or a blind eye is turned when they get it etc. They
are being turned into the new 'big global threat' as almost nothing is known about the country/the people there so the are very easy to portray as
an evil enemy bent on war. Russia the old enemy has much closer ties now and people from all over the world travel there fairly routinley for various
different reasons. North Korea could side with china and.....Count-down to WW3.
2-They are aware of the NOW or their affiliates, know of their agenda are are trying to build the only possible deterrrant/defence against being
3-They are just a crazy country after some Nukes, but i suppose must countries would want them if they could gat them.
4-They are being manovered with or without their knowledge into a position for a second cold war sort of thing to try to bring european coutnries,
america and russia closer together.
There are probably loads more but i wanted to throw this in to see what you think if we take as a given that there is an NOW conrpiracy what
part if any you think it plays.