posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 03:05 AM
Because a biologist studying an animal isn't going to say "hey, let me dart you in the ass and probe you" to a monkey, same thing with the aliens.
Also if we are being studied by extraterrestrials they would be looking to gather data on us "in the wild". If it were made public, it would
upset the entire social balance and probably mess up their data. Same thing we do when observing animals for scientific data, you hide in a blind
and watch animals do what they do, instead of jumping out of some bushes and telling a herd of deer to "ignore me, just act natural,,,"
Especially if earth is their project in the first place. They may be the secret government so to speak, and we may be a sociopolitical experiment of
some sort.
There are a bunch of other reasons, but tht's just one.