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Hydro Thermal Mega Plume

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posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Earthquakes and volcanic activity can be triggered by numerous events and forces including oil and gas drilling, electromagnetic fluctuations, planetary, tidal, and remote triggered seismicity.

Hydro thermal megaplumes and escalating earthquake activity may be an inevitable cascade triggered by industrial activity triggering natural forces.

Also see:

Oil wells cause earthquakes

Quakes trigger Quakes

Did corporate oil companies cause the Tsunami/Earthquake?

Global warming/ volcanos/ earthquakes-connection?

Senate endorses oil drilling in Arctic wildlife refuge


posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 05:50 PM
Well I guess we'll start at the beginning. How the plates move and
what causes the avalanches.

According to Dr. Carl Bowin, He postulates that very large mass anomalies lie deep in the Earth, presumably "explained, as a first approximation, by topography at the core-mantle boundary (CMB)." His research results appeared in an article entitled, "Mass Anomaly Structure of the Earth," in the August 2000 issue of Reviews of Geophysics (Amer. Geophysical Union, v. 38, no.3, pp. 355-387). Bowin estimates that the greatest of Earth's deep mass anomalies are due 1) to slabs of cold dense crust that have sunk deeply into the mantle and 2) to relief at the CMB. These two types of deep masses are perhaps 100 times greater in magnitude than those of Earth's principal surface features, like island arcs, mid-ocean ridges, and the Azores-high area. Such surface features had been assumed by some geophysicists to be the major mass determinants of Earth's spin-axis stability. But now, Bowin's work has cast doubt on this assumption. We must now turn our attention to those masses of greatest magnitude, in the deep mantle and along the CBM.

It is the very deepest mass anomalies, conceptualized as being areas of relief 1/2-2.5 miles high at the core-mantle boundary, that dominate Earth's mass-anomaly picture. How did they get there? Bowin points out that of the three planets that have metallic cores, Earth, Venus, and Mars, only Earth has its greatest mass anomalies deep within the planet. For Mars and Venus, surface topographic features correlate with the greatest anomalies. Bowin expects their core-mantle boundaries to be relatively smooth. Indeed, Venus lacks a requisite core convection -- as is present in Earth's outer core.

Bowin suggests that the mass anomalies at Earth's core-mantle boundary are due to the momentum of motions in the fluid-iron outer core. These currents push dense material above the CMB in various regions, like bumps on a ball. The pushed-up masses of dense iron result in gravity anomalies that are capable of driving the movements of Earth's tectonic plates by gravitational attraction, according to Bowin. D. Brunet and P. Machetel write of "mantle avalanches" that have induced the large-scale tectonic features of the Earth (1998, Jour. Geophysical Research, v. 103, no. B3 p. 4929). These avalanches "suddenly inject huge quantities of cold material [from, for example, descending crustal plates] into the lower mantle and have effects at Earth's surface and at the CMB." Bowin's gravity anomalies at the CMB could be assumed to be assisting this process.

It'll take me awhile to gather more research, I don't have time to find the
links to the AGU Circulars.

The thermal vents and the mega plume are interconnected deep within the
earth aren't they? Material pushing up from the CMB being at thousands of
degrees; into the oceans heating them up. Why is that so UNHEARD OF?

And why is the divergence of the Arabian plate with the African plate which are
spreading apart creating a "new ocean" in Africa? Heating from below perhaps?

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 06:37 PM
Now we take a look at the mass distribution within the earth and where the core samples came

Other Samples;

And I agree that removing the oil from the earth creates earthquakes.
Of course. Isn't OIL basically the "adhesive" stip of the earth?
great links by the way, thanks. I'll start posting the links better. Sorry
about that.

[edit on 24-7-2006 by protostar]

[edit on 24-7-2006 by protostar]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 06:50 PM
Interesting article found here and what it means to the eco system of the oceans.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:14 PM
Protostar - From your linked article above:

Strange things are happening in the North Sea. Cod stocks are slumping faster than over-fishing can account for, and Mediterranean species like red mullet are migrating north. ...Several sea birds are also in trouble. Kittiwake numbers are falling fast and guillemots are struggling to breed. ...And, earlier this summer, hundreds of fulmar (a relative of the albatross) corpses washed up on the Norfolk coast, having apparently starved to death.

Scientists suspect these events are linked and they are trying to work out how.

Nothing is certain yet, but some believe a dramatic change in North Sea plankton is responsible. And, what is more, they blame global warming.

...So you're suggesting that hydro thermal megaplumes from volcanic activity are an integral part of global warming - and causing these extinctions and migrations by changing the deep ocean environment?

Just to be sure - you also are aware that drilling for oil and gas trigggers quakes, and quakes trigger quakes and in turn, quakes are linked to volcanic activity, right?


Thnx - sofi

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 08:03 PM

how dare you...

how dare you call yourself a TEACHER

and do NOT know what a core sample is???

NOT the core like (center of an apple)

core as in DRILL BIT core

pull the eraser out of your PENCIL use the metal part (eraser is the CORE)
to cut out a chunk of ANY THING (that is a core sample)

used all over the world,, MILLIONS OF THEM
how do you think they FIND OIL
and yout K-T boundary.........from a core sample!!!!!

and your "history" is ONLY what we discovered in the last say 2000 years
and ONLY what our government WANTS YOU TO KNOW..

and you say ,, you TEACH PEOPLE.??? ..............oh, god

do your historybooks STILL SAY WE ALL CAME OUT OF EGYPT/BABYLON?????
there are only nine planets???

you must have went to the SAME COLLEGE as my bank manager
she NEEDED a CALCULATOR,, to tell me that 3 points on a $100,000.00 loan
was $3000.00
and that was only AFTER she told me it was only $300.00 and i argued with her..

no wonder this country is loosing pace FAST!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by yeah right
how dare you...
how dare you call yourself a TEACHER
and do NOT know what a core sample is???
NOT the core like (center of an apple)
core as in DRILL BIT core
pull the eraser out of your PENCIL use the metal part (eraser is the CORE)
to cut out a chunk of ANY THING (that is a core sample)
used all over the world,, MILLIONS OF THEM
how do you think they FIND OIL
and yout K-T boundary.........from a core sample!!!!!
and your "history" is ONLY what we discovered in the last say 2000 years
and ONLY what our government WANTS YOU TO KNOW..
and you say ,, you TEACH PEOPLE.??? ..............oh, god
do your historybooks STILL SAY WE ALL CAME OUT OF EGYPT/BABYLON?????
there are only nine planets???
you must have went to the SAME COLLEGE as my bank manager
she NEEDED a CALCULATOR,, to tell me that 3 points on a $100,000.00 loan
was $3000.00
and that was only AFTER she told me it was only $300.00 and i argued with her..
no wonder this country is loosing pace FAST!!!!!!!!!

I quite agree that the US is going to hell in a handbasket. Good thing I don't live there then. And I'm not a teacher. I'm a journalist. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I am teacher, but I'm not.
Errrmmm... my history books say that an awful lot of the concepts behind our civilization came out of Egypt and Babylon, Like growing food. Personally I'm Welsh, which makes me Romano-British. Ave.

Pluto's status as the 9th planet is very iffy. There are a lot of icy bolides out there in the dark and far-off parts of the solar system.
As for core samples, you have misconstrued my query. I know perfectly well what a core sample is. I was just baffled as to the context behind your use of the term. You never said if you were referring to ice cores, rock samples, whatever.
By the way, the Government does not tell us what it thinks we should know about the way the world works. Scientists discover the information and we all look at it. It all depends on how much people read and where. I read a lot. I live in Britain, which is one of the most literate countries in the world in terms of numbers of bookshops.

Please keep it civil. I have no wish to descend to having to taunt you. (See Monty Python's French Knights.)

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by protostar

The thermal vents and the mega plume are interconnected deep within the
earth aren't they?

The thermal vents are conduits from the plume to the seabed. Just like a volcano only with gases rather than magma being expelled.

Material pushing up from the CMB being at thousands of
degrees; into the oceans heating them up. Why is that so UNHEARD OF?

It's not unheard of iis it? Such events have been happening throughout geological history. Things are actually quite quiet on that front these days. Imagine if we had a n underwater flood basalt eruption? Now that would cause an increase in sea level temps.

And why is the divergence of the Arabian plate with the African plate which are
spreading apart creating a "new ocean" in Africa? Heating from below perhaps?

Well, we're back to the still poorly undertsand mechanics of plate tectonics. What ever caused the African rift valley is presumably the same process as that which cause the creation of the Atlantic - which started life as a crack just like that in Ethiopia....

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by protostar

Material pushing up from the CMB being at thousands of
degrees; into the oceans heating them up. Why is that so UNHEARD OF?

Such events have been happening throughout geological history. Things are actually quite quiet on that front these days. Imagine if we had a n underwater flood basalt eruption? Now that would cause an increase in sea level temps.

This link was posted earlier - very informative.

Hydrothermal "Megaplume" Found in Indian Ocean

An enormous hydrothermal "megaplume" found in the Indian Ocean serves as a dramatic reminder that underwater volcanoes likely play an important role in shaping Earth's ocean systems, scientists report. ...The plume, which stretches some 43.5 miles (70 kilometers) long, appears to be active on a previously unseen scale. ...The appearance of hydrothermal vents around the world suggests that they are a far more common part of the ocean system than once believed and could be a major influence on circulation patterns and ocean chemistry. ...Scientists are only beginning to identify the tectonic conditions that may indicate where the fields can be found, but the possible locations are increasing. ..."I'd be surprised if in the next five years we didn't experience a mini-revolution in terms of finding these [fields] in places where they are not supposed to exist," said geophysicist Robert Reves-Sohn of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Hydrothermal vents are volcanic hotspots that emit gasses and mineral-enriched water as hot as 760°F (400°C). The heat from these vents supports unique ecosystems where creatures survive using thermal and chemical energy in place of sunlight. ...Megaplumes like the one found in the Indian Ocean are probably caused by undersea volcanic eruptions, though scientists aren't yet certain. ..."Once formed they can possibly hang around for years," Murton said. The heat from such events could have a dramatic effect on ocean circulation, which plays a role in determining Earth's climate. ..."The energy content is an order of magnitude greater [than ordinary plumes], and the thermal power may be many orders of magnitude greater," Murton said.

"A normal hydrothermal vent might produce something like 500 megawatts, while this is producing 100,000 megawatts. It's like an atom bomb down there." ..."Some studies estimate that for the Pacific, background thermal heating might increase ocean circulation by up to 50 percent," Murton said. ...Regular hydrothermal fields stir the water for only a few hundred meters (about a thousand feet) above the ocean floor. "But these megaplumes can reach a column of 1,000 to 1,500 meters [3,280 to 4,920 feet], so it reaches right up into the midwater," he said. ...But even the Indian Ocean megaplume may be small compared to larger underwater eruptions that have as yet gone undetected. ..."At the moment those that we've seen have come from small eruptions in the larger scheme of things," he said. ..."But we know when we look at the ocean floor that there have been much larger eruptions, so we can only speculate about what magnitude of event plumes would come from those."

The new data on hydrothermal fields and megaplumes underscores the fact that volcanic activity on the ocean floor remains a largely mysterious phenomenon.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:21 PM
Yawn! AUSSIE BLOKE was far more entertaining. I'm sorry but I just can't buy into what you consider the danger is or what should be done about it. Maybe if you think in simple terms I could follow your message better. Core samples! Has like no meaning to me without knowing what core samples you are referring to. Links are best to get your point across.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 05:47 PM
Gekkel Ridge anyone? I don't get why everyone insists that the ocean is NOT
spreading thermal vents.
Its already been proven that material is pushing up from the CMB what more do you want?
It is obvious that something very different is happening within the core of the Earth, and subterranean volcanic activity is increasing on a global scale, beneath the poles, beneath the sea floor, and beneath the North American continent. From the poles to the bottom of the sea.

The Earth's core is said to be superheating as a result of the induction of a greater amount of electrical energy within the center of the Earth, and this is affecting the entire magma convection system that circulates between the core and the surface of the planet. As the core temperature rises, the heat is carried to the Earth's surface by the magma convection currents, and radiates through the Earth's crust and sea floor, warming the oceans and atmosphere above, and melting the polar and glacial ice from below. In addition to causing extreme weather, the warming of the oceans, and the melting of ice, adds water vapor to the atmosphere through evaporation, and induces the greenhouse effect.

Do the sun's rays and the "other" cosmic rays not enter at the equator?
Is it not possible that the core is super heating? We had an event last year
whereas the core was spinning alot faster than normal. What causes that?
Mass of the earth being offsides?
Has not there been alot of flooding and humungous waves and basically
strange atmospheric dare I say "anomolies" lately?

What does that have to do with the ocean crust? It's the thinnest there, the crust of the earth. Thin and as this material moves upward and onward, outward it goes.

Also, let us not forget the changing formation of the earth itself.
The "missing" ponds and lakes around the world, huge cracks in the earth
sinkholes, that proves that the crust is changing.
What else could cause this which has happened BEFORE?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:32 AM
This article will clear up the misunderstanding of how the oceans are
warming and what it is doing to the atmosphere. Click the links through to
the goddard space flight site for more info.

The solar/earth connection is the key here. All radiation is received by the
earth and maintains or releases it by ANY means. Bottom line, the more
radiation received, the more that is released back into the atmosphere.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by protostar
This article will clear up the misunderstanding of how the oceans are
warming and what it is doing to the atmosphere. Click the links through to
the goddard space flight site for more info.

The solar/earth connection is the key here. All radiation is received by the
earth and maintains or releases it by ANY means. Bottom line, the more
radiation received, the more that is released back into the atmosphere.

Errmm, the article mentions increased solar radiation, yes. Then it links it straight in with global warming, mentioning that it's a contributing factor to it.
Your contention is that the oceans are warming from massive volcanic activity.
Which doesn't seem to be going on at the moment. Current volcanic activity is at normal levels. The big seamount in the med is dormant. The Hawaiian seamount is bubbling away, but won't form the latest Hawaiian island for a few centuries.
Global warming is still going on.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by protostar

Has not there been alot of flooding and humungous waves and basically
strange atmospheric dare I say "anomolies" lately?

No more than usual. Though of course they do get reported more extensively these days.

What does that have to do with the ocean crust? It's the thinnest there, the crust of the earth.

Aye, only a few miles thick in places

Thin and as this material moves upward and onward, outward it goes.

It's called sea flood spreading - a well known aspect of plate tectonics.

And just because we're only now starting to explore the oceans floors and discover new volcanic features there, doesn't mean they haven't been around for millions of years

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 07:38 PM

Dead Zones not only off the coast of Oregon, but World Wide.
Methane is being released wouldn't you say? Gas pockets sucking the
life out of the oceans. I think it'll just get worse as we go into the next
solar maximum. All of that solar radiation heating the ocean will surely
be bad news. Isn't the earth already releasing the energy by the abundance
of volcano's going off? The only reason we haven't heard much about the
underwater volcanism is that it's pretty new. newly discovered that is..

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