posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 02:30 PM
According to recent US media reports, Iraqi statistics show that at least 50,000 Iraqis have died violent deaths since 2003 when US-led forces entered
Iraq. This figure is much higher than official US statistics. US President George Bush has said that only 30,000 Iraqis have been killed in the war.
According to the latest report, the majority of the victims were Iraqi civilians. Of those dead, 75 per cent were victims of terrorist attacks and 25
percent were innocent bystanders caught in the firing line during military conflicts.
The US media recognizes that for various reasons, many of the deaths in Iraq are no disclosed to the public. It is not easy to get accurate figures.
One report claimed that the average daily body count was in three-digit figures.
The figures of 50,000 and 30,000 seem quite ordinary. However, when these figures represents live lost, they become a lot more alarming. The figures
represent tens of thousands of souls that have been wrongly killed during the war, indicate the terrible situation in the country draw angry
condemnation from the world.
It is the war launched by the United States that has caused such tremendous human suffering and deprived thousands of innocent civilians of their
lives. In addition to nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, the US and British forces have also used the world's most advanced conventional
weapons, even when they are not targeting anti-US armed forces. Since the US-British coalition began their occupation of Iraq, reports of
indiscriminate killings have emerged frequently.
The scourge is not limited to bullets. In the long run, modern weapons can also indirectly harm countless people. The depleted uranium bombs, highly
explosive dynamite and fire-bombs that have been used by US-British forces have not only damaged the environment, but the health of local residents.
This man-made disaster is terrible and will affect Iraq in the long-term.
It is the war launched by the United States that has aggravated conflict between different religious sects, different nationalities and different
ideological groups in the country. Mosques have been bombed, religious sects have declared vendettas and ethnic groups have begun revenge killings. US
and British authorities and the compliant Western media attribute these horrors to historical precedent, the lack of democracy and terrorism. They do
not want to admit that these brutalities are actually the consequences of the war they've launched in Iraq. Although homicides and reprisals have
occurred, it is only since the war began that such episodes of violence have occurred so frequently.
It is the war launched by the United States in Iraq that has reduced the birthplace of human civilization to a helpless, tragic and desperate place
full of terror. All the ancient sites and artifacts from the civilization of the Tigris River and Euphrates River have been badly damaged or stolen.
Now, the war in Iraq continues, and the domestic situation remains disorderly. As long as Iraq is unstable, those figures representing deaths, attacks
and conflicts continue to increase.