posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 07:06 AM
ok..I have posted before about this Maitreya guy....but this is too funny!!!
Dear Editor,
One Saturday evening, in April 2003, I was cooking dinner and cutting a carrot in small pieces. It was a big �organic� carrot and I cut it lengthwise
into 4 slices, and then into smaller pieces. I was very surprised to see that on one of the pieces I could clearly read an �M�. I immediately thought
�Maitreya�, and this thought gave me an intense feeling of joy. The �M� was on a thin slice, and it was strange because I could see the regular �M� on
both sides of this piece, but not on the slices on either side. My mind tried to make something else of it, but the �M� was so perfect. I had been a
little bit upset at the time this occurred. Could it be a sign ?
RMC, France.
(Benjamin Creme�s Master confirms that Maitreya manifested the letter �M� on the carrot.)
Im not buying any Organic carrots any more!!!