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If this is what we know of, imagine....

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posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by tasteslikethunder

well you see right there, there it is. we don't "need" electricity. we have the technology to harness things like the sun to run our vehicles and flying machines and "night goggles" but our leaders wont back it because that would be like putting a mouse trap in the pockets of the oil and gas industry - which i'm sure you all know is the real leader of the world. And we essentially, being that we are in a so called democracy, let it happen.

Let it happen~~~intriguing idea...
Letting it happen is an idea closely intertwined with the two laws of thermodynamics!

Chaos? Order? Men have tried, for around 6000 years this go-round (our current known history is that long) to create order in this world. Order would truly bring peace.

But what has happened, century after century?

WAR. OPPRESSION. GENOCIDE. HATE of all flavors manifested by virtue of our great intelligence....

What the heck kind of sense does that make?

I certainly dont see how we are the "top" of anything. the sad/hopefull part is we have great potential to be so.

No doubt. If anything, we are (proverbially and allegorically) standing at the top of the tower of Babel, the platform of which, at this altitude is about 3 feet by 3 feet and
the tyrant Nimrod (ego) is yelling down to the serfdom below (all of us as the human race are the serfs!)


More excellent comments on this thread--a veritable gold mine, people--did you know?

Zanzibar said:

I think humans eat everything simply because we can, were the top of the food chain, and over use that power.

Eating an octupus, in my opinion, isn't right because they're so intelligent, almost like aquatic humans.

and also:

I have to do disagree with us being the most intelligent, if we find a problem, we just make something destructive to get around it.

Nygdan said:

Its absolutely real. The second half is a 'rewind' of the first though.

Truth is stranger than fiction, as they say.

tasteslikethunder said:

we're still babes in the woods

imabalanced said:

I dont think we are the smartest things on this planet either.....
after all we made the scale of who is smartest and who is not,
why would we not put oursleves at the top ? Ignorance is bliss...

and also:

DNA is the technology of nature, if we could harness it to give of all of these features
out of the womb, there would be no need to destroy countless natural resources.

Finally, this is it, right here, from the Doctor's post:

Humans truly are the most intellegent species on the globe and we also dominate it.

WE ARE, people! But we are using our intelligent for evil toward each other and the creatures as well as the plants! And we try to fix our poor judgment with even more destitute judgment--each generation more 'poverty-stricken' than the last--gold is wisdom, remember--and I know you guys are rational people who aren't religious--at least those of you whose posts I have read....maybe you'll listen to me...

This is what it's all about! The end of the world or the saving of the world! DNA the tree of life--the tree of knowledge of good and evil--nothing more than teaching/learning through human experience~~~

There are strange wonders under the sea, folks. REALLY WIERD stuff we have no clue of. The really deep parts, like the trenches and the TOTO--the Sargasso sea--those places we can't see the bottom of--those odd magnetic events and the strange time warp in the bermuda triangle and the devil's triangle?

That's all truth that is far far stranger than fiction. But if a homeless person who spoke like a crazy man took up residence in your neighborhood--would you kill him? Or would you have compassion and give him something to eat--and courteously humor his wild ramblings that he delivered as he ate the meal you gave him, at your table? What if you offered him 'seconds' and he accepted, and, eating more slowly, but talking just the same way--what if...

what if he suddenly began to make sense, perfect sense, so much sense that you have to shake your head then pinch yourself because you're starting to think 'No way, man, I'm dreaming this--this is crazy stuff.' And as he continued, you saw every puzzle piece come into place, and the last piece goes in and WOW it's all stuff that the world scorns and scoffs in one way or another--but all the little despised and condemned pieces of the puzzle are in various hands of men--coming all together, though--the picture is beautiful, logical, and undeniable.

Just like that octopus was undeniable!!! Totally awesome!

What would YOU do if such a thing happened to YOU?

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