posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 11:33 AM
So while everyone runs around with their heads cut off about the guantanamo bay detention center. What do you think is really going on and where?
I think Guantanamo is a misdirection ploy. Its like shining a light where you want everyone to look and point fingers at.
Meanwhile somewhere in siberia, 1000's of miles from anywhere a reporter would dare go and anyone would look, google earth pics are or can be
censored, 1000's of terrorists are forced to endure mind warping drugs, days or weeks in stress positions, water torture all that stuff. Some may
even be reprogrammed.
While no one is catches on cause everyone is looking for something at guantanamo that might not be there to begin with in terms of horrific deeds for
intell. If you think torture is being stripped naked get real, immoral maybe but torture no not in the real sense of the word neither is a dog barking
at you. If the dog starts taking chunks out of you thats a different story.
ME, I would tag and release the terrorists, sorry suspected terrorists, back into the wild.
Follow that RFID tag embeded internally into the subject without their knowledge back to where he meets his friends and survail and\or blow up the
place while they are having bbq planing their next attack.
[edit on 30-6-2006 by American Madman]
[edit on 30-6-2006 by American Madman]
[edit on 30-6-2006 by American Madman]