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Any 9\11 conspiracy debunk topics should be closed and the author banned

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posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 08:46 PM
nice post! shukran

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 08:57 PM
OK, I said:

Originally posted by mrwupy

The main point of this thread was to silence those members. As long as the members remain within the T&C's of the board they will not be silenced.


And then you said:

Even moderators can be wrong, and you are wrong as to the purpose of this thread. The member who started this thread has been repeatedly insulting and asking for the banning of anyone who refutes and does not believe the theory that "the wtc must only have been brought down by explosives".

I'm scratching myself in ways and places that 45 year old men are world renowned for. I don't see where I was wrong here.


[edit on 3-7-2006 by mrwupy]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:00 PM
Well it needed to be said. Goddam, what I hate even MORE than the whiny 9/11 debunkers are the the ones who whine to the moderators because we're offending them. We offend them by saying that they should be banned from a conspiracy site for continuously trying to spread disinformation on one of the most important, unsolved, and obvious conspiracies in modern history. While believing in a most conspiracies requires at least some level of faith, the 9/11 conspiracy really doesn't. The evidence presents itself, and it's up to the observer to use his brain and be able to add all the little things up and compute it into one big scenario.

When the evidence is presented by an intelligent person its credibility sky-rockets. When presented by some sporadic hehaw that hasn't done his homework and has some little point here and there corrected by a debunker, its credibility plummets regardless of the implications.

So to be fair in this matter, I propose that ALL slack-jawed backwoods-dwelling sister-lovin' inbred halfwit be BANNED. The method of selection can be something that is leveraged across the board, like the average number of times a person uses "LOL" in their posts, or this face:
With all of them gone, the evidence presentations will be far less sporadic, much more precise, and therefor much more convincing.

[edit on 3-7-2006 by iamjman]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:01 PM
Doctor, Heal Thyself

Originally posted by The_Doctor
It is in my opinion that you should not be a mod since I feel you are doing a deplorable job. Warning me for one word yet not taking care of the babies here who are having hissy fits cause they can't handle what they read. Do your freakin job as a mod or step aside and let someone else do it. I am sure their are others here on ATS (me excluded) who could do your job better.

If you have complaints about the staff, feel free to submit them using the "Complain" feature.

Comments about the staff are off-topic for this thread. Comments about other members are off-topic for this thread.

Ad hominem attacks against anyone are contrary to the Terms And Conditions Of Use and will not be tolerated.

Any member who is unclear about ATS policy is welcome to contact any staff member for clarification, but I caution anyone who mistakenly thinks the T&C can be ignored that we will act to enforce them.

I personally think this is an important topic and would love to see it explored by any member who is interested in it. However, willful and repeated violations of the T&C will not be tolerated.

A forum moderator may choose to close this thread, or not. Either way, the T&C will be enforced.

Do not insult other members, including staff members. Do not ignore staff instructions.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I'm scratching myself in ways and places that 45 year old men are world renowned for. I don't see where I was wrong here.


[edit on 3-7-2006 by mrwupy]

I am talking about the insults mrwupy, perhaps you haven't read the responses from the member who started this thread and others and who resort to insults and demeaning comments. There is no real way to have a civil discussion when one f the sides resorts to insults and demeaning comments. That I know of that is against the rules of the site, as it should be. If it is not then it shouldn't be a problem when those being insulted, respond with insults.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by blatantblue
nice post! shukran

Who in the world is shukran?

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:13 PM
Shukran is Arabic for thank you, He was saying "nice post, thank you".

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:23 PM
Out Of The Mud

Originally posted by Muaddib
There is no real way to have a civil discussion when one f the sides resorts to insults and demeaning comments. That I know of that is against the rules of the site, as it should be. If it is not then it shouldn't be a problem when those being insulted, respond with insults.

Your point is reasonable. There have been too many insults hurled in this thread, and they poison what might otherwise be an edifying discussion.

This must end.

I advise all members to avoid the temptation to resort to insults, or to respond to insults with more insults. There is never a good reason to use them, regardless of who "started it".

A good rule of thumb: if you're talking about a member instead of that member's opinions, you're off-topic.

Don't do it.

I don't think any member should be punished or banned because of a difference of opinion regarding topics such as 9/11 or any other legitimate issue we discuss in the forums. Different opinions are what discussion forums are all about.

But members who are unwilling or unable to honor the T&C have no place on ATS. Period.

I don't recommend that anyone further test the patience of the staff on this issue.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:36 PM
The beauty here is that we are all allowed to post our opinions. there are those who live in denial. Then, there are those who , by piecing story after story together, come up with one huge conspiracy- imo, this is wa 9/11 was all about.
A conspiracy, not by Bush, although he knew of the conspiracy, but by the government who works Bush's strings.

Personally, i dont care who beleives what. No body is goint to change anyones' minds here.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:52 PM
In the event that the insults overwhelm the moderators, I ask that the moderators do NOT close the thread. There are resonable people discussing this matter in here, as well. Kick out the crybabies who can't help but resort to insults because I like it here, it's kinda cozy in this thread.

Different opinions are what discussion forums are all about.

And conspiracies are what these forums are about. In this particular thread we are discussing the 9/11 monster-conspiracy. What conspiracy do you believe in that brought you to this site, Magic? How can you believe in that conspiracy and not the 9/11 coverup? This blows my mind...

What we have is a hung jury in a murder trial. With as much evidence as there is, with as many people that believe in this conspiracy from all walks of life, with how OBVIOUS this god damn mass murder is... when the hell is this CONSPIRACY site going to take an official stance?

Never, because they'd hate to step all over the toes of those who just don't believe and those people equal more clicks on the flash advertisements. The almighty dollar wins again.

[edit on 3-7-2006 by iamjman]

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:52 PM
thanks for the cover, skibum

carryu on yall

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 10:22 PM
Suspicion Of Disbelief

Originally posted by iamjman
What conspiracy do you believe in that brought you to this site, Magic? How can you believe in that conspiracy and not the 9/11 coverup? This blows my mind...

Actually, I don't "believe" in any conspiracies.

I do suspect there's some truth behind some of them, including some of the theories offered in this forum, and I know for a fact that what is selectively reported as news in the media spotlight paints a very narrow and misleading picture of what's actually going on in the world.

Thus I look for alternative sources of information, and so far, of all the places I've looked, ATS has proven to be the best all-around source of information I have found.

That's not me hyping ATS because I'm a fanboi and staff member (both of which I definitely am), but a candid assessment of what I see as a core strength of the ATS community: the ready availability of relatively unfiltered information presented in an environment tolerant of differing views.

Sure, it can be a real mess around here sometimes, but at least we talk about this stuff. Most people don't even bother.

And thus they are slaves to what they are told to believe.

If there is another site on the Internet which respects my intellectual freedom more than ATS, I have yet to find it.

Of course, all this is just my opinion, and your mileage may vary.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
The beauty here is that we are all allowed to post our opinions. there are those who live in denial. Then, there are those who , by piecing story after story together, come up with one huge conspiracy- imo, this is wa 9/11 was all about.
A conspiracy, not by Bush, although he knew of the conspiracy, but by the government who works Bush's strings.

Personally, i dont care who beleives what. No body is goint to change anyones' minds here.

A sceptic lives in denial only from the perspective of a CT. A CT lives in denial from the perspective of a sceptic. Perhaps CT's aren't paranoid enough after all?

They doubt everyone but themselves it seems.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by iamjman

What we have is a hung jury in a murder trial.

And half the jury are saying the other half should be dismissed because they interpret the evidence differently or else place more credence in some evidence than on others.

Hmmm, maybe we should dismiss the entire jury?

At the moment it's is clear that the evidence is not wholly persuasive one way or the other. And thus discussion should - must - continue.

The fact that some wish to curb that discussion is something I find rather sinister indeed ....

Who are the real disinformation agents here?

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:55 AM

Take The ATS 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey

A new survey is open to ATS members and guests to help get a "pulse" of what our members and visitors think of conspiracies associated with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

This new survey focuses on the possible levels of the conspiracies to first gauge the overall opinion of the people who visit We'll keep the survey open for two weeks, then post the results.

After this general survey, we'll organize follow-ups to focus more on the specific events on and related to 9/11/2001.

The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey: 8 Questions

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Disagree big-time .I am always open to any alternative information.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Take The ATS 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey

A new survey is open to ATS members and guests to help get a "pulse" of what our members and visitors think of conspiracies associated with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

This new survey focuses on the possible levels of the conspiracies to first gauge the overall opinion of the people who visit We'll keep the survey open for two weeks, then post the results.

After this general survey, we'll organize follow-ups to focus more on the specific events on and related to 9/11/2001.

The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey: 8 Questions

Skeptic, is this another COINTELPRO Echelon based NWO funded reptillian monitored National Tracking program?

I'm on to you! I'm on to all of you!

*Rocks back and forth slowly in the corner*

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 12:56 PM

The fact that some wish to curb that discussion is something I find rather sinister indeed ....

Who are the real disinformation agents here?

Ummm, the people who want to let the real criminals get away scot free? We already smashed Iraq and Afghanistan, so it's too late for the CT's to get their disinfo out there and prevent their eastern masters from getting busted. I guess that only leaves those who are preventing us from bringing the people in the west to justice.

It's already been so long, though, that when this thing finally DOES get out there everybody will be so angry we might just have to go to war amongst ourselves over it. Unless some other awesome natural/terrorists disaster preoccupies our minds before then. I'm hedging my bets on natural, just because everybody seems to be a little wary of the terrorist attacks right now.

[edit on 4-7-2006 by iamjman]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Take The ATS 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey

A new survey is open to ATS members and guests to help get a "pulse" of what our members and visitors think of conspiracies associated with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Survey: 8 Questions

Skeptic, is this another COINTELPRO Echelon based NWO funded reptillian monitored National Tracking program?

Sorry mods for a big quote but i would like to ask skeptic about what was the reason behind having a 9\11 poll?My thread? and to wolf of war :LMAO thats a lot of connections but you could be true about the latter part

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 01:25 PM

You have to be like a kung fu or shaolin master.

When you see a newbie's post, read it, just sit back and relax and say:


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