posted on Oct, 30 2003 @ 03:07 PM
I am glad you mention the breath. This could easily be mistaken for an ecto pic. However, you do have an orb in the photo, which tells me there may be
a little more to it. To see the orb, lighten the photo slightly. It is just to the right of the really close bright bush, and slightly above the
To see some of my ghost photos (a very small amount) click the WEB button at the bottom of my post. And Bangin, if you have a site or any photos that
you can post, please do. Or you can shoot some to me through email. I love ghost photos and, since I live in a haunted home, I have become very adept
in analyzing paranormal photos to tell wether they are real, fake, or accidentally fake. I have worked with a local parapsychologist/investigator for
a time to learn the tricks of the trade, as I have many spirits within my property.