posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Can i share with you an interesting snippet from a firend of mine who is a Lecturer at Cambridge University? She had a student, very bright and able
who said to her that it would be a female who would be the first time traveller as it would be the person who found the way to make this possible to
experiment herself. My friend laughed and then asked why the student felt this way. her reply astounded her.
The student was driving along a road at night, when she saw a smart 4x4 behind her, not close enough to see the driver but close enough to see the
make ect. She thought to herself the following.
" If I ever rich in the future, i'm going to buy one of those really smart 4x4's. If this was me and I could time travel I would show this to
myself, and I would flash my head lights three times". The 4x4 flashed its lights 3 times.
The student is adamant that she will discover time travel within the next 10 years, and as a theoretical physicist she is well placed to do so. being
a very smart switched on girl, this student has qualified, works for a british firm of electronic developers, and next year will go back home (China)
to work for the Chinese state research authority.
Make what you will of the story, but I actually think time travel is very possible, but we just have not found the energy of time to do it in.