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Worst City in the US?

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posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 11:10 PM
Orlando, FL gets my vote. I've offended many people saying this but the city is a trash town. It is growing fast, killing the natural resources to make room for growth, has a big drug problem(bad drugs like coke, oxy, heroin), and most of the people there are jerks. It is one of the fastest growing cities and a lot of people who move there couldnt make else where so they decided to move to sunny Florida. The police department is full of jerks who do not know the first thing about serving and protecting and spend there time harassing young people. I know of many times when someone will get searched and they will go through their wallet and take all their money. AIDS is a big health concern. The people who come from families with money are the biggest tools. They have there "pimped out" civics that make noise but dont go fast(get a Vtech) and have no respect for the enviroment or other people. With the drug problem there comes crime especially with coke/crack going around. The OPD does nothing to help, they are too busy harassing UCF students.
The only reason the city does not look like the slums is all so much tourist money comes through that the city can afford to keep the popular places looking nice. Dont be fooled Orlando blows. I hate the place and you should too!

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 11:21 PM
My vote goes to DUMPFRIES VA.

What a dump. The only thing that its really known for is Quantico AFB is there. I think its an AFB but not sure.
That town is a little dump out in the middle of nowhere and its totally repulsive.


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 11:35 AM



posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 11:36 AM
washington DC is the worst. its full of politicians, nuff said.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 04:16 PM
Orlando could be worse, the thing the bothers me is how fast its growing. New expensive property thanks to some unneeded wooded area will not be so nice in 15 years. It is on a downhill spiral.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Valhall



don't be dissing my hometown
besides, Flint MI is an even bigger #hole. really.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by jrod
Orlando, FL gets my vote. I hate the place and you should too!

I have to agree. The time I spent working there was enough for the rest of my life.

A close second would be the entire state of Kansas.


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Valhall



Naw, Detroit has too much character for one. Plus a great hockey team!

This Orlando thing is new to me. I've never been there and am on the opposite Coast Line so a visit isn't likely. I had no idea that it was that bad though.

Dumpfries, is just too perfect though. That name is a beautiful choice for a town!

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:55 PM
Lets Not forget WESTLAND Michigan.


posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 08:22 AM
Wilkes-Barre PA, my hometown. We have more nuts than New Yorck City,enough gangs to take over NYC,enough drugs to keep an army high all day long, and the best part our beautiful police force let a serial killer escape prison using bedsheets! My God! No one noticed that? And it was near a Court House too! Hugo Selenski ring a bell? Yeah than jackass was running around my neighbor hood.

Oh then even one complains about stupid crap in the paper,they complain about shutting the schools down cause of a hurricane but if they were open they'd be bitchin that the board was stupid to let the kids go.

And don't let me get started on our wonderful mayor

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 05:38 PM
omaha nebraska

theres NOTHING out here

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 05:40 PM
Odessa Texas

City built up by a former Oil Boom.

Drugs and Murder.

Was once the number 1 murder capital for city it's size

Terrain is Flat... Mesquite Bushes, pastures, lots of stickers, weeds, and litter.

Atleast we got that dry heat.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by MarkosOrrealus
Lets Not forget WESTLAND Michigan.


lol nice call on wasteland Mi.....flint is pretty bad tho

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:25 PM
What about Newark, NJ? Newark is in the middle of New Jersey. Newark might as well be considered the "Toiletbowl of America" with all of the industry and garbage that goes on there. Middle NJ needs some serious help.

Newark is my vote for worst US city.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:26 PM
The worst place to live is.....drum roll please.......
Fresno CA.(the armpit of CA) 105 degree weather for days/weeks on end. Always in the top 5 places to get your car stolen. Supplies a good deal of CA and the rest of the states with meth.
In short...Fresno is the gateway to hell.

[Edited on 10/29/2003 by nyeff]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:30 PM
I go to Orlando all the time...granted though, I never leave the theme parks' resort areas, so I have no idea what the city is really like (nor could I care) I can't complain about it... If you're ever looking at buying time's the most primo spot, so you can swap it with people all over the globe....

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