posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 11:10 PM
Orlando, FL gets my vote. I've offended many people saying this but the city is a trash town. It is growing fast, killing the natural resources to
make room for growth, has a big drug problem(bad drugs like coke, oxy, heroin), and most of the people there are jerks. It is one of the fastest
growing cities and a lot of people who move there couldnt make else where so they decided to move to sunny Florida. The police department is full of
jerks who do not know the first thing about serving and protecting and spend there time harassing young people. I know of many times when someone will
get searched and they will go through their wallet and take all their money. AIDS is a big health concern. The people who come from families with
money are the biggest tools. They have there "pimped out" civics that make noise but dont go fast(get a Vtech) and have no respect for the
enviroment or other people. With the drug problem there comes crime especially with coke/crack going around. The OPD does nothing to help, they are
too busy harassing UCF students.
The only reason the city does not look like the slums is all so much tourist money comes through that the city can afford to keep the popular places
looking nice. Dont be fooled Orlando blows. I hate the place and you should too!