posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 01:04 PM
If you want to be taken seriously in this forum you at least need to know how to read and write english. I don't know if this is your first language
but at least give spelling a go!
Ok to the points you made in your "post". I've never heard of area 13 though someone here probably knows about it. I've also never heard of area
42 but you're probably getting mixed up with plant 42. There isn't much at area 19 either, just a power line that was going to be used for nuclear
tests but never got used, its certainly not a centre for underground aliens.
Area 51 isn't for the development of stealth aircraft and the U-2 didn't have any stealth features as far as I know. Also I don't think stealth as
we know it was even known t be possible at that time.
There is no way "a pilot and his friends" could land at area 19, its pretty well protected as its in the NTS. You seem to be recounting some
convoluted version of the cheshire airstrip story, which says that there is a camoflaged runway that only shows up when water is sprayed onto it.
Unfortunately anyone with common sense knows this is not true.
To be quite honest you should read through some past threads and websites on the places you talk about, and you really should try to learn to talk.