posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 08:07 AM
ATS will give it you. Ideas on everything you could ever think about are here (damn I love this site). What I just noticed was I don't see many
threads (or posts for that matter) that put faith in FAITH. With everything and all the impressions that go on in the world today, has anyone thought
that maybe, just maybe, the world is a test of faith in HIM? has this to say about faith:
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
For most of my life, I've questioned everything... every, freaking, thing. I've always felt that if it can't be proven, it can't be trusted. By no
means will I ever claim to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I believe ignorance doesn't do this. There's plenty more that I could say right
now, but I want to save it until this discussion develops.
Reliance on something in the future; hope.
The faith, confidence, or trust felt by one who relies; dependence.
The state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.
It's incredibly hard for a thinker to do these things, to have faith, but some of the best of the best (Hawking?) seem to give it much more than a
passing glance in relation to how science plays out today. I would like to see where this goes (because your opinions, both valued and discredited
offer precious insight into our nature). So let's discuss, what are the odds that pure, boundless faith could be our path to salvation/ascension?