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Travis Walton Interview

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posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 08:46 AM
To Access.....

That did not debunk anything, it was just the usual one sided, predictable sceptics attack on anyone that makes any money from there experience. These sceptics fail you acknowledge that writing, printing, and distributing books cost money, and takes a lot of hard work.

Are people who write and have had paranormal experiences supposed to stay poor, live in wooden shacks, and make no money, just so the narrow-minded brainless sceptics don’t criticizes them?

These Sceptics conveniently ignore public media sceptics like James Randi who also make fortunes from there books and media whoreing.

Its articles like the above that give people like Travis Walton more credibility. If they cant come up with stronger cases than that, then I am more willing to believe Travis than ever before.

[edit on 28-6-2006 by Faeden]

[edit on 28-6-2006 by Faeden]

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Access Denied

No offense but did he also tell you most of his story was "recalled" under hypnosis?

No offense taken. I merely considered the source of your information.

Here's s the evidence from an "insider" (a member of the National Enquirer team that "packaged" the Travis Walton abduction story for publication) that he and his friends came up with the story for money...

Despite this bit of overwhelming evidence by this unimpeachable source I continue to believe Travis Walton was telling the unvarnished truth.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 09:21 AM

Here's s the evidence from an "insider" (a member of the National Enquirer team that "packaged" the Travis Walton abduction story for publication) that he and his friends came up with the story for money...

I can't see the National Enquirer as a source for debunking a hoax??? The 7 eyewitnesses are hard to ignore. The time line matches up with his story and despite the fine journalism displayed by Nat'l Enquirer, I can't bring myself to believe them over Travis Walton.

I do have find a bit of a raised eyebrow when I read Travis' written version of the entire episode. If this is a simple guy, there are certainly some words he used that do not "fit" with his level of education. Maybe this is just a ghost writer dressing up his version, but it raises a red flag when you picture this simple man using words that don't mesh.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 09:28 AM
posted by Beer_Guy

BTW, I'd love to chit-chat over a cup of coffee with you some day.

Thanks Beer_Guy, here are some prices for you:

Chit-chat prices:

Standard: up to one hour- 2 shots Courvoisier XO 1 Cohiba Esplendido

Extended: up to 3 hours- 5 shots Courvoisier XO 2 Cohiba Esplendidos

If opting for the extended chit-chat, information obtained after 3rd shot may vary widely in content and credibility.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 10:27 PM

Just because someone was struggling financially, or are poor or under pressure, doesn’t mean they lied. that was all assumption. If your going to make something up, id have thought claiming to be abducted by UFOs was the last excuse you would use.

If they did make the whole thing up, then all of them passing a lie detector test (twice), is more unlikely and bizarre then him being abducted by aliens.

I can buy 1 or 2 people tricking a polygraph, but all 7? Come on.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied

Originally posted by johnlear
I listened to Travis' story in Snowflake, AZ in late 1987 at his house. It was one of the most interesting stories I have ever heard. He told me what he remembered about being in the ship.

No offense but did he also tell you most of his story was "recalled" under hypnosis?

No offence, but according to Travis's account in this particular radio interview, prior to the hypnosis, he could still fully remember the incident. The difference was, each time he recalled everything, it would also bring feelings of hysteria and fear, and he would often break down before he could finish. Under the hypnosis, he recalled the exact same details, but in a calmer, relaxed mood - without the fear, which made it more comfortable for him. He also says that under the hypnosis he "couldn't supply any extra details". This is in the interview itself.. you did listen to the radio interview, right? After all, this is the point of the thread topic. It's just when you say "most" of the story was recalled under hypnosis, you are implying that his 'story' was concocted under those circumstances, and that was simply not true.

I do have find a bit of a raised eyebrow when I read Travis' written version of the entire episode. If this is a simple guy, there are certainly some words he used that do not "fit" with his level of education. Maybe this is just a ghost writer dressing up his version, but it raises a red flag when you picture this simple man using words that don't mesh.

I found this statement rather patronising. Travis is actually an intelligent, well-spoken, level-headed man. His occupation as "a logger", doesn't mean he's a simple, dim, doofus from the sticks. It irks me when I see sweeping generalisations like this. Your chosen career path does not always correlate with your level of education or your intelligence. Take myself for example. I am a university graduate. Where am I working? At a meat processing plant. Yep.. a slaughterboard among the "peasants and simpletons". Except.. not all of them are peasants and simpletons - some of them are actually innately clued-in to what is happening in their worldview and express far more coherence and intelligence than some of the MBA and Medicine graduates I've had the pleasure of flatting with during my varsity days.

And there's a wider implication of this - members on this website have this tendency to judge cases based on their overgeneralised assumptions on how *they* believe humanity functions. How many times, for example, have we seen threads where people try and debunk cases with "oh this is rubbish, human physics and science proves that this cannot be possible" - they make a huge sweeping generalisation based on how *they* think things exist. And again we see it here, someone makes the comment along the lines of "oh he's a logger, how dare he develops the ability to think critically for himself and actually empower himself to rationalise what happened to him". It's not like "once a dumb-nut, always a dumb nut". People are complex creatures. Travis himself in the interview says even before the incident, he considered himself a philosophical person. I believe him; there are people in my walk of life whom I would consider having a similar personality profile, if you will.

On the subject of possibly hoaxing the incident for the pursuit of fame, wealth etc, Travis himself says in the interview "I never sought out an interview in my life"..and that he was already becoming of international interest to the media even before he came back, such was the mystery of his disappearance. He never sought any of this. And he also says that he wish it never happened.

A question for John Lear - how did Travis strike you in terms of personality / intelligence when you met with him? In your estimation, is there any way he could possibly have a "ghostwriter" behind the scenes, helping to make it all up? In my personal view, I think Travis is absolutely legit.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 12:03 AM
Originally posted by RiotComing

A question for John Lear - how did Travis strike you in terms of personality / intelligence when you met with him? In your estimation, is there any way he could possibly have a "ghostwriter" behind the scenes, helping to make it all up? In my personal view, I think Travis is absolutely legit.

Travis welcomed me, a stranger, into his house. He graciously told me his story. He graciously answered my questions. My opinion is that there was no ghostwriter behind the scenes. My opinion is that he didn't make any of it up. I too, think Travis is legit. Temper that with I believe Bob Lazar is legit, George Adamski was legit, Truman Betherum was legit and Howard Menger was legit. Now temper that with I am only a high school graduate with 1 year of college at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles majoring in Industrial Design. I managed only C's and D's with 1 B and 1 F. (1962)

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

My contact is with many beings of many races, specifically those who run the organization of visiting life at our planet. I would like to answer your questions but it would be off topic here. If you start a new thread or U2U me I will answer what I can there.

Would you characterise these aliens as serving others eg. friendly to humanity? Mr. Walton's story strongly suggests this as well as your comments.

Are you aware of a struggle between forces of dark and light over the control of the earth? I would appreciate your comments on this subject, thanks.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
No I didn't listen to the interview... I wrote this case off years ago. Just because Travis Walton says something is true doesn't mean it is

You really need to go back and read how this all actually went down from the point of view of others who were there to understand why I don't believe any of it. Here is the link again...

The Selling of the Travis Walton "Abduction" Story

Also, where's the physical evidence?

Jeff Wells was not 'there', he was part of a machine that exists to profit off the weird 'n' wacky. Read the tone of his degrading language - his repeated condescending usage of "kid". This is another classic example of the media "name and shame" ridicule technique that happens so often to discredit the real cases that gain widespread attention. Another such example is the press conference after the Phoenix Lights event where the Governor got someone to walk in wearing an alien suit.

Regarding physical evidence, I again (*cough*) implore you to listen to what Travis has to say in the interview, where he describes core samples of tree rings in the area where it was shown that the trees grew at 36 times the normal rate after the 1975 event. This is all documented in his book, complete with photos. I think this is as good as physical evidence you will get. Travis also received a puncture mark on his arm - of course this was attempted to be written off as part of the crazed drug trip which was a load of baloney.

I'm a little concerned with your standpoint regarding this case. Rather than listen and read what the guy actually has to say (from the horse's mouth as it were), you'd rather take the word of a tabloid press reporter and the word of one sceptic? I find that strange considering the motto of this site is "deny ignorance". Shouldn't we be considering ALL viewpoints and ALL angles? Surely the information which naturally carries the most weight and given the most consideration, originates from the actual experiencer himself?

John Lear, thank you for your reply.

[edit on 29-6-2006 by RiotComing]

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied

Originally posted by grasshopper
[Let me see if I got this right. You are quoting from the national inquirer and then tell us not to believe everything we hear?

No, I'm not quoting from the National Enquirer. Go back and click on the link to the source and read the entire page.

I'm telling you he sold his story to the National Enquirer... CBS which holds a (somewhat) higher journalistic standard wouldn't take it after he failed a polygraph test....

[edit on 28-6-2006 by Access Denied]

Thanks for setting me straight on that. But I'll tell you something. There is a lesson I learned a long time ago. And I'm glad I learned that lesson. You're listening to people who really aren't all that logical to do your thinking for you. Maybe they are charismatic. Maybe they hold some high position and you trust them for that reason, who knows. I remember what it was like to be some 18 or 19 year old kid and I listened to all the comments of people like Philip Klaus, etc. and usually believed everything they said the same way you believe. But then I learned a lesson that most people don't ever learned. The same people who I believed when they were poo pooing everybody else then turned their knives on me and I got to listen to all the absolute rubbish that they began saying about me to discredit me. At that point I knew never to believe the nonsense they said about others. I'm not saying you are a 18 or 19 year old kid. But I'm glad I learned that lesson when I was very young and learned to think for myself.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

Originally posted by EarthSister

My contact is with many beings of many races, specifically those who run the organization of visiting life at our planet. I would like to answer your questions but it would be off topic here. If you start a new thread or U2U me I will answer what I can there.

Would you characterise these aliens as serving others eg. friendly to humanity? Mr. Walton's story strongly suggests this as well as your comments.

Yes, all the races visiting Earth are friendly to humanity. Some races who used to visit were not of the same exact intention, but none were here for the purpose of abusing humans. Some just needed things that were free for the taking. That is no longer so due to the organization of our visiting races.

Are you aware of a struggle between forces of dark and light over the control of the earth? I would appreciate your comments on this subject, thanks.

I am well aware of the human concept of there being a struggle between forces of dark and light over the control of the Earth. It is the same in character within humanity, within religion and bled over to our subjects of alien life. I am also well aware that this concept only survives in the mind of humanity.

None of any of all the known races in all the known Universes share the same concept we have of struggles between forces of dark and forces of light.

There is another thread you can post in to me if you have questions off topic. It's called "Questions On Aliens For Anyone Who Can Answer".

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
The Selling of the Travis Walton "Abduction" Story

Typical skeptic tactics, classic for how they work. Robert Scheaffer put that page together using the material from other skeptics. Funny how a psychiaterist suddenly isn't good enough ("a hard-drinking psychiatrist") and a polygraph examinor isn't professional enough when the conclusion doesn't work for the skeptics. The Jeff Wells article is also a perfect example of skeptic methodology, Scheaffer goes as far as this. ""The kid" is obviously Travis Walton." That's strange, nowhere did I see a clear indication that the anonymous person was in fact Travis Walton. This page isn't revealing at all, it's only revealing in the way that skeptics theorise in the same way as UFO believers, just in the opposite direction. Both need to clean up their act.

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 12:46 AM
John Lear:

Two questions if I may...

But first of all I have to say that I'm delighted that you have graced these pages with your presence, hopefully you will hang around for sometime to come.

1. What about Travis Walton strikes you as being unique? He walked to the UFO of his own free will while those around him were in fear. You undoubtably have met a lot of people in your life and probably a number of abductees or witnesses to UFO's. What is it about Walton that made it happen to him?

2. What can you tell us about William Cooper that we would not easily find out or know about him? I'm assuming here that you did know him.


posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 01:05 AM
Originally posted by denythestatusquo

1. What about Travis Walton strikes you as being unique? He walked to the UFO of his own free will while those around him were in fear. You undoubtably have met a lot of people in your life and probably a number of abductees or witnesses to UFO's. What is it about Walton that made it happen to him?

Beats me.

2. What can you tell us about William Cooper that we would not easily find out or know about him? I'm assuming here that you did know him.

I met bill through Paranet. He came up to Vegas and spent a few days at my house. He drank a lot of scotch. He told me he was the guy who set up the projector for top level security briefings for Naval Flag officers at Pearl Harbor. He never said he was in Naval Intelligence. He said he had a key to the safe where top secret information was kept and that he used to read it. He said it contained information about alien beings.

Several months later Bill got "UFO disease". "UFO disease" is a disease that makes a person who is not a celebrity, expound upon and exaggerate information that he does have to increase his celebrity status.

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by RiotComing
I found this statement rather patronising. Travis is actually an intelligent, well-spoken, level-headed man. His occupation as "a logger", doesn't mean he's a simple, dim, doofus from the sticks. It irks me when I see sweeping generalisations like this.

I actually found your statement patronizing. If you read the "incident" on his website, and have listened to him speak, you would understand that the word selection and descriptive terms are in conflict. This does not make him a hick or unintelligent, it is pointing out that it may be a ghost writer helping him.

I'm from Tennessee and consider myself fairly intelligent, so i don't need a lecture about sweeping generalizations, I've lived through more comments about hillbilly and hick (based on my accent) than I care to discuss. The rest of your diatribe is also of no value to me. This thread is about Travis Walton, not whether you are irked.

posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Eyesofbear

Originally posted by RiotComing
I found this statement rather patronising. Travis is actually an intelligent, well-spoken, level-headed man. His occupation as "a logger", doesn't mean he's a simple, dim, doofus from the sticks. It irks me when I see sweeping generalisations like this.

I actually found your statement patronizing. If you read the "incident" on his website, and have listened to him speak, you would understand that the word selection and descriptive terms are in conflict. This does not make him a hick or unintelligent, it is pointing out that it may be a ghost writer helping him.

I'm from Tennessee and consider myself fairly intelligent, so i don't need a lecture about sweeping generalizations, I've lived through more comments about hillbilly and hick (based on my accent) than I care to discuss. The rest of your diatribe is also of no value to me. This thread is about Travis Walton, not whether you are irked.

..but you see, he didn't even have a 'hick' accent to me.. and he uses phrases in his speaking such as 'psychosocial phenomenon' - everything lined up nicely for me. Just sounds like a normal guy trying to come to terms and learn more about what he experienced. I find it strange you took issue with me as I feel we are both on the same page (we both believe Travis's story) - we are both on the same side. All I was saying is that I didn't find anything fishy about his speaking / writing vocabulary. If it happened to me, I'm sure I too would speak and write in a similar way. And since you have said yourself you have a 'hick' accent yet seem an intelligent person then you will know where I'm coming from. You can never judge a book by its cover, that's all I was saying. In the words of Bart, don't have a cow, man!

Access Denied, in the interview, Travis says you have to look at the book to see the tree ring evidence. I guess this means you have to buy it!

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 08:05 AM
So much stereotyping going on here

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 08:47 AM
Yeah this is exactly what I'm trying to say - the guy is normal like you and me - people evade stereotypes, and people hate being accused / lumbered with stereotypes. There's no need to stereotype Travis, because people are complex. I am complex. You are complex. He is complex. I gave a long drawn-out example of myself to illustrate this.. that I don't think the written material versus the verbal material gives us any clues as to if there was a third party involved in the 'storytelling'.

As I said, it irks me when I see statements such as "oh he was a simple kid by his own admission" - which I'm sure has been taken completely out of context and I think Travis personally would take issue with that too. It was saddening to see Eyesofbear attack me like that as I was only trying to reassure him "don't worry, I don't believe there was a ghostwriter involved and here's my personal feelings why" - I was NOT trying to turn the thread away from Travis and about me. I was certainly NOT trying to offend anybody, heck I don't know Eyesofbear from a bar of soap. Y'know.. it's annoying to be misunderstood like that, especially when we are on the same side. We need to show solidarity on these cases, not division.

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by RiotComing
It was saddening to see Eyesofbear attack me like that as I was only trying to reassure him "don't worry, I don't believe there was a ghostwriter involved and here's my personal feelings why"I was certainly NOT trying to offend anybody, heck I don't know Eyesofbear from a bar of soap. Y'know.. it's annoying to be misunderstood like that, especially when we are on the same side. We need to show solidarity on these cases, not division.

I can assure you I was not attacking you, i was responding to how patronizing you found my comment. I do believe he has a ghost writer or at least someone who is helping him with public relations. I did not misunderstand your comment on being patronizing.

With all that in mind, I have no reason to doubt Walton's abduction experience or the eye witness reports. There will always be doubters and attempts to prove him a hoax, that is part of what makes the entire topic of UFO's and Alens so frustrating.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 03:20 PM
Is Travis Walton the only case of a multiple day abduction?

(Not counting those whom are suspected of having been kidnapped altogether by UFOs)

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