posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:47 PM
Hi all.
Im a new member of the site. It is very interesting. Im interested in so many subjects which are discussed here, the possibility of alien life, the US
military and its bases and so much more.
I want to ask the following but im not sure which thread to post it in, can someone or possibly one of you admin guys help me out?
I want to pos the following:
As a new user to ATS, I would like to know if this website contains something which can convince me that there really is something happening that I
need to know about or has anyone ever seen anything on this site which has blown them away? By that I mean perhaps a UFO pic which just could not be
rubbished, a conspiracy theory that could not be denied, I really want to contribute and get into the spirit of things here but Im worried that this
site is simply a place for cranks and mad people to post their fictional fantasies, Ive been browsing lots of posts where the post has been marked
hoax which is a bit disheartening.
There are thousands of posts here, I dont have the time to go through them all, has anyone seen something or read something here which really sent a
shiver up your spine? something that you have been thinking about ever since?
I would appreciate any replies.