original quote by:esdad71
I am far from a troll, and if you cannot accept a nice debate, sorry for your luck.
ok im going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You say you are trying to have a nice debate, then fine. Maybe I just read into what you typed a
little too much. I will withdraw the trolling comment. I apologize for losing my temper my last post. Maybe it was a breakdown in communication?
original quote by:esdad71
You are lableing yourself an 'America hater', not me. My first post was not directed at anyone, it was an open question to a forum
well to be perfectly honest... You did come in here on your first post and say(even in general) that:
original quote by:esdad71
you cannot see who is actually taking away your rights and making you hate your own country.
original quote by:esdad71
The have made you hate your country.
of course you apologized for the confusion after that.. and I can understand that.
But can you understand Why(since I am on the opposite side of this debate; that I would take it as a comment to me as much as a comment to the general
posters in this thread, of which I am one?) But I understand fully now your intention was to a ficticious "you" and not directly to anyone in this
thread. But you still put it out there and you shouldve expected a response.
I accept my role of being overly sensitive to those statements.
original quote by:esdad71
You do not own these posts
well of course I dont... But as the Author of this particualr thread I feel I should help keep this thread on topic; if only to help make the MODS job
a little easier for them.
AGAIn I apologize for any misunderstanding in this regard.
back to topic
original quote by:esdad71
The arguement is that this is an ongoing issue with the NYT and the revealing of sensitive projects. Are you so diluted that you feel that it is OK of
this to occur? You still have not answered my question
I would NOT feel it is ok if the NYT had actually released anything that was actually compromising. But they speak of the braod use of the program...
they do not give anything specific. No schematics; no addresses; no names; Nothing just a broad article. That even the white house has said that they
have never denied from the beginning. What I was trying to get you to answer for me was:
Could you please site and post anything(from the article) that was Sensitive(specifics)
I honestly could NOT find anything.
To answer your second point:
I fully understand that Law enforcement needs to track financial movements of
specific individuals; and that is fine as long as the procedures
are followed... but tyhat does NOT give our govt the right to track EVERYONES financial movements.
original quote by:esdad71
It is not an arguement to stifle the press, it is a simple matter of common sense. The only reason you find it feeble is that you cannot counter
I was over zealous with this line aswell(forgive my overindulgence into my frustration) I am sure your intention is not to have the press silenced. I
also understand your perspective pertaining to the need for the Media to be responsible about what they report. I personally felt that the NYT story
did not cross any of those lines... and in fact helped bring to light ...again ... our govts abuse of power; even if it is nothing new, its still
General Note:
Please read Ben Franklins quote in my sig.. and you will understand why I am so uncompromising on this particualr point. I cannot understand why, for
the life of me, that we Americans(out of fear) are so willing to sacrifice our precious protections and rights. Are we so afraid to die protecting our
freedoms that we surrender them so readily? I feel that in order to be truly righteous in our campaign to bring democracy to the world we would need
to be true in action as well as in word. You cannot force democracy at the point of a gun(Iraq). Nor can you have a democracy when you suspend the
Consitution; anymore than you can crive a car without gas.
I think the part that I am failing to accurately communicate is: We have a sworn duty to uphold and defend the Constitution-more than any party
allegience. Especially in a time of war and even more especially in an UNENDING WAR OF IDEOLOGY...aka WOT. If this war has no end then when do our
full Constitutional rights ever get restored? Do you see where I am going with this?
In the end My feelings are that the White house is doing this on purpose. They knew the times was going to publish this story for months now....
AGAIN(as they told the NYT to not print the NSA wiretap story for over a year). And tried AGAIN to stop them from printing it... not because iots
secret.. becaause as you have already pointed out; Its common knowledge that the govt tracks all finacial transactions.Not to mention that SWIFT is
anything but secret...aka they're home page. And since there is nothing detailed in the story as to the hows and whos and addresses and such.. they
didnt reveal anything we didnt already know.
They are not hurting the country... they are hurting the current power structures plans for the advancment of PNAC. Thats what the NYT is hurting.
We have a long standing dislaike as a nation of secrecy... look what It did to germany. Go back to the bottom of the first page and read
bubbabuddha's JFK quote.
It really hits home and is very relevant to this exact problem facing todays political structure. We can not become so secret that WE the PEOPLE, who
are in the end the bosses(our officials are nothing more than stewards) are no longer able to make our govt accountable for their actions.
Thomas Jefferson once said "when a people fear the govt, it is called tyranny. When the govt fears the people; liberty"
We are at a cross roads.. the majority of Americans no longer trust the representative govt(on both sides). They are not enacting the will of the
Especially in this particular topic.
Furthermore if the President and the Vice president have no problems with us all having our banking records out in the open... then let them Post
theirs up on the white house home page for all the world to see.... talk is cheap let them put up or shut up.
I apologize for our earlier misunderstandings esdad71 and I hope we can continue our "civilized" debate.