posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 01:58 PM
The beings caring for the souls held in suspended animation in the matrix often give those souls supernatural experiences, to try and place particular
ideas about God and the after-life into their semiconscious enbodied minds.
According to the souls' place of birth and cultural reference these experiences will be vastly different and unrelated to the experiences given to
souls elsewhere.
Religions are created after souls, or people from different parts of the world, are given supernatural or paranormal experiences which they accept as
being pure universal fact. They're not universal fact however, they are relative concepts given to particular individuals from particular tribes.
Jesus said he came only for particular people and not for the dogs from other tribes, so he understood the relative nature of religious truths.
Basically I agree that religion in general is definitely a conspiracy, created by people and beings who wish to enforce their own personal and group
beliefs onto other peoples who have totally different spiritual concepts, according to the unique experiences given to them by the beings of the
matrix, and the politics of the beings within the matrix itself..
I've been working with beings from outside of our reality and know how they think. They give individuals experiences to try and explain reality to
the individuals.
It's a very common thing, and the experiences and relative truths they give to individuals are usually vastly different than the truths and
experiences given to other individuals.
The message hidden inside the experiences may often be similar or slightly related, but the medium or canvas they use for the experiences, as well as
the experiences themselves, are normally vastly different, and cannot be used as concrete proof for establishing truths about God or the after-life
Yet that is what various religious people have done in many cases. They've taken the material aspects of the experiences they were given and
considered them to be pure fact, while the messages or concepts given in the experiences were usually overlooked or misunderstood.