posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 06:43 AM
for those ATS's that have somewhat of a memory span. do you not recall a recent post, by recent i am talking 2- 3 months of irrefutable "evidence
of Ufo" or "best Ufo picture in the world post" with a supposed craft resembling very much the exact dimensions of the "supposed" craft shown in
the video posted very rightly so by a newly acquired member. just to trigger the memory of those that might be able to have a glimpse at what series
of pictures i am refering to it involved a lot of light, 4 series of external lighting as displayed in the video. it was very large in size according
to the photographer, and displayed coronal ejections.
and here is the kicker ladies and gentlemen, it was debunked by certain skeptics/ATS's/closeminded ppl as looking like a well orchestrated shot from
a b-grade movie with a big budget that didn't make it to the big screen.
now is it not coincidental that now in opposition to a craft caught on photo film years ago has resurfaced only to be this time faced by a minority
trying to sway a majority into thinking it is an air ballon with external di-odes flashing in a syncronised manner.
1 more thing my friends if it were, or just so happened to be the "alleged" ballon in question (with the near invisible flame mind you) why would
the pilot have photo's of it on the ground creating a spectacle on the internet without having atleast its maiden voyage if not atleast just for a
tribute to the possibility of Unidentifiable Flying Aircraft and the possibility of creating awareness of the subject.
could the more likely scenario be that a person whilst driving spotted something that looked peculiar and picked up the mobile phone and used what
memory space they had left to capture what they could
and on that note i leave you to ponder, and wonder, stand rapt in awe if you wish
for those who the mysterious is a stranger, is, as good as dead. His eyes are closed