posted on Oct, 29 2002 @ 02:07 PM
Wow, I know you were being sarcastic Tyler, but that sounds like truth. God did this, and it was, after words science made by satan is evil! Sure,
the wheel is science, airplane, medicine, and other things that make life more easy or better, but hey, it science and evil. Right truth? Wait, the
only truth?
The science that saved my life after my car accident is evil. The science that my cat Moonster alive after he got cancer is evil. The science of
the wheel attached to the gears and engine(also a form of science, how mechanics work and everything) on the ambulance, the science of the human body
and studies of it to make the surgery possible, using science(yes, a scapel, while minute, uses forces in science, aka using a handle to increase
effectivness and such is simple science) and the x-rays and MRI and the metal plates and shiznick all science that kept me alive. But truth says this
is evil. Sorry, I ranted a little, but truth has "left" twice and has come back.