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Pollsters report rising anti-Americanism worldwide. The United States, they imply, squandered global sympathy after the September 11 terrorist attacks through its arrogant unilateralism. In truth, there was never any sympathy to squander. ..."
...And everywhere there is also an obligatory anti-Americanism, a cover and an apology for the spell the United States casts over distant peoples and places...The embassies targeted by the masters of terror and by the diehards are besieged by visa-seekers dreaming of the golden, seductive country....It is of visas and green cards and houses with lawns and of the glamorous world of Los Angeles, far away from the mullahs and their cultural tyranny, that the crowd really dreams. The frenzy with which radical Islamists battle against deportation orders from U.S. soil— dreading the prospect of returning to Amman and Beirut and Cairo— reveals the lie of anti-Americanism that blows through Muslim lands.....
In Doha, Qatar, Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably Sunni Islam's most influential cleric, at Omar ibn al-Khattab Mosque, a short distance away from the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command, delivers a khutba, a Friday sermon. The date is June 13, 2003......The United States was "acting like a god on earth," al-Qaradawi told the faithful. In Iraq, the United States had appointed itself judge and jury....
The preacher had his themes, but a great deal of the United States had gone into the preacher's art: .... what about his way with television? He is a star of the medium, and Al-Jazeera carried an immensely popular program of his. ...And then there are the preacher's children: One of his daughters had made her way to the University of Texas where she received a master's degree in biology, a son had earned a Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, and yet another son had embarked on that quintessential American degree, an MBA at the American University in Cairo. Al-Qaradawi embodies anti-Americanism as the flip side of Americanization. (my emphasis)
Of late, pollsters have come bearing news and numbers of anti-Americanism the world over. The reports are one dimensional .... This past June, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press published a survey of public opinion in 20 countries and the Palestinian territories that indicated a growing animus toward the United States. ....On the surface of it, anti-Americanism is a river overflowing its banks. In Indonesia, the United States is deemed more dangerous than al Qaeda. In Jordan, Russia, South Korea, and Brazil, the United States is thought to be more dangerous than Iran, the "rogue state" of the mullahs.......
.....The pollsters, and those who have been brandishing their findings, see in these results some verdict on the United States itself— and on the performance abroad of the Bush presidency— but the findings could be read as a crude, admittedly limited, measure of the foul temper in some unsettled places. The pollsters have flaunted spreadsheets to legitimize a popular legend: It is not Americans that people abroad hate, but the United States! Yet it was Americans who fell to terrorism on September 11, 2001, and it is of Americans and their deeds, and the kind of social and political order they maintain, that sordid tales are told in Karachi and Athens and Cairo and Paris. You can't profess kindness toward Americans while attributing the darkest of motives to their homeland.
Originally posted by dgtempe
It is not a good thing for Americans to be against their government. I say this as i am one who does not like the current state of things......This current administration has forced people to express views and opinions that are hurtful, to us, to the troops, and to our country....
Originally posted by dgtempe Generating Anti-Americanism is new. It's a shame that this current government has driven us to that.....There's one problem. YOU and your link call it that, its not anti-americanism. Its anti- government, Anti-Bush, anti-administration.
Originally posted by dgtempe..I will NEVER be anti-AMERICAN. I am pro-america, pro-american, and love America. I dont know how i can make it clearer than that.
Originally posted by curiousity
The American government has caved to a great degree to the pressure put on them by public ridicule and media bashing of its members. It is that that has created the "slimy politician" view as much as anything, imo. Relentless attacks almost certainly produces slippery targets of attack, after all.
The American government is not an entity by itself, it is comprised of individual human figures that have feelings, families, loyalties, job pressures, mental glitches, opinions, and lives just like the rest of us do.
It would seem it would behoove all America's citizens to remember that and consider what it might mean to see your own name in print being linked with hideous, and possibly untrue information that once posted cannot be so easily retracted
Originally posted by smallpeeps
See we Americans get to elect our politicans (from a select chosen few via the electoral college or those wealthy enough to run) and so we get to insult them also. We know they are going to slurp at the trough and take bribes, but we hope that we can catch them when they do. We watch their tv ads with dusgust, unable to change the power structure.
Originally posted by smallpeepsYou forgot the qualities of greed, power-hunger and moral ambiguity. These traits are found in far greater degree in politicians.....If I had tried to get a freeride on the people's backs, I'd already be ashamed or I would have accepted that the people would hate me.
You seem to see politicians as being necessary? I'd say they are neccesary for control of the populace, but not for the functioning of government.....
Originally posted by curiousity
Your first statement above is of course an unsubstantiated opinion. Have you ever told a lie, desired to be in control, or had a moment of "moral ambiguity"? No, then please, look through this screen and forgive my sins. How much "far greater degree" can it get than to lie, manipulate, cheat to the limits of your ability?
Mankind is wicked, no doubt about it. The heart is desparately wicked and evil is in the thoughts of mankind. Even the mercies of the wicked are cruel. All Biblical and all true.
As for the "free ride", have you ever gotten a workman's comp payment, or disability check, or refund from taxes you managed through some shrewd manipulation of figures and facts?
Not for the functioning of the government? I don't really know if they are necessary or not, but I for sure don't want the guy next door to be able to push a button and get me fined or deported or something because he doesn't like the way I vote or don't vote.
I think what you are possibly really wanting is for you and your likeminded friends to be the ones with the buttons and then, what about me and my friends?
Originally posted by smallpeepsDo you also have this low opinion of your self? How difficult it must be to get through each day. I commend you for not jumping off the nearest cliff and thereby removing one more "wicked" human.
Originally posted by smallpeepsThis is one of the more inane comparisons I've read. A US Senator is like a US taxpaying worker in what way again? A lobbyist is like an injured worker in what way again? I'm not following you.
Originally posted by smallpeepsNot surprisingly, you have failed to understand what I am saying here. Since this is a conspiracy site, I am describing a wider conspiracy to keep mankind working (now most spouses work too) when in fact, the ease of George Jetson for example, pushing his button at work, could easily be delivered into the hands of the people.
Originally posted by smallpeepsBut then, with people who have a low opinion of humans (and themselves necessarily), it's hard to really communicate the idea that humans could rule themselves without so-called "leaders". You will (sadly) always fall back on the idea that humans will destroy anything good.
Originally posted by smallpeeps
I am talking about technology. Perhaps you haven't noticed that it has grown quite a lot since the premises you stand on, were established? You say man is cruel to man. I say man WAS cruel in the past, but that modern man if given the chance, would find his true good nature.
Originally posted by smallpeepsThere will one day be a world without politics and war (which is the only fruit of politicians) and this world will be chosen by the majority of humans. Instead of senators, they will have a secure electronic terminal (not made by Deibold or any corporation) where they vote for themselves and without any representatives.
Originally posted by dgtempe
This current administration has forced people to express views and opinions that are hurtful, to us, to the troops, and to our country.
Originally posted by dgtempe
Generating Anti-Americanism is new. It's a shame that this current government has driven us to that.
Originally posted by curiousity
The Bible states baldly that there is none who do good, NOT ONE.
Your outlook appears to be that the evil resides only in those who are in political offices.
You are being insulting but I will answer nevertheless, since it is you who has evidently confused life with cartoon characters. Who is this magic SOMEONE who can 'deliver into the hands of the people' ANYTHING? Jetson worked, I recall that much, and you yourself mentioned it, the stuff didn't appear in his house because the SOMEBODIES gave it all to him. Your analogy is illogical.
Silent weapon technology has evolved from Operations Research (O.R.), a strategic and tactical methodology developed under the Military Management in England during World War II. [...] It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling a society. But better tools were necessary.
Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high-speed computerized data-processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.
[...] those in positions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a button.
Immediately, the Rockefeller Foundation got in on the ground floor by making a four-year grant to Harvard College, funding the Harvard Economic Research Project for the study of the structure of the American Economy. One year later, in 1949, The United States Air Force joined in.
In 1952 the grant period terminated, and a high-level meeting of the Elite was held to determine the next phase of social operations research. The Harvard project had been very fruitful, as is borne out by the publication of some of its results in 1953 suggesting the feasibility of economic (social) engineering. (Studies in the Structure of the American Economy - copyright 1953 by Wassily Leontief, International Science Press Inc., White Plains, New York).
The Quiet War was quietly declared by the International Elite at a meeting held in 1954.
In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent-weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia.
Are you oblivious? Has the bomb not been dropped on Hiroshima in your world? Are we not even now in a life and death race to keep some maniac from dorpping a dirty bomb or worse in the good ol' US of A, do we not have genocide in Africa, threats on all sides, AIDS, not to mention identity theft, child pornography, hackers,all of which have been either directly or indirectly connected to technology or the 'GOOD" nature of man you insist on?
Communism has failed, socialism has failed, why? Could it be the basic nature of man is always towards evil, selfishness, and lusts of life? Man doesn't just want a family, home and fulfilling life unless that is accompanied by a 52 inch screen TV, or even larger Plasma TV, the latest gas-sucking SUV, all the latest bells and whistles in technology, and plenty of distractions all around him.
Does average Joe want to worry about the town budget, or attend those long boring city meetings, or figure out whether the voters are gonna get mad enough to vote him out if he votes for a new highway through THEIR 40 acres?
Oh, good plan! Then I can vote for myself, and you yourself, and next door Joe for himself, and that way there will be NO majority vote OR conversely, we will all turn into your cartoon version of Politicians!
If you look at my second post, i've explained it is not new. I did not make it clear in my first post.
Originally posted by pawnplayer
Actually, anti-Americanism have been going on since the 1960s. It's not new. The current administration only attracted and generated it.