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Chemtrails=Russian Nerve Agent?

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posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Does anyone remember the conspiracy theory that the planes seen spraying in the northern US were Russian military aircraft spraying binary nerve agents and when the time was right, the other agent would be released, they would combine and the population poisoned?

Is the "chemtrails theory" just an outgrowth of that theory or a brand new one?

Your comments are appreciated?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:01 PM
Sorry, I should have posted this in a different area. Mod's, can you move it to the correct one?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:03 PM
No I don't and it sounds completely ludicrous to me - where were the USAF when this was supposedly happening?

Do you have a timeframe for these theories - the McCarthy(sp?) 50's or the Jihadi 00's?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:11 PM
That sounds like something crazy Larry Lawson dreamed up.

Where airport are these Russian planes flying from?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:17 PM
It probably was, I think it was in the mid 90's. Aircraft were supposedly seen spraying nerve agents over the northern states of the US. Didn't put much stock in that and I haven't done enough study on the chemtrails theory, they just sounded simular to me.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:20 PM
It would be reassuring to be able to believe that the Russians (or ANYone other than our own governments) are responsible for the Chemtrails. However, in this current climate of 'homeland security' nonsense, it's simply out of the question that Russians would be able to fly unchallenged over all the affected nations without being blown out of the skies.

Unfortunately, it IS our own governments who are spraying us, our children, our food, our water, with disgusting chemical cocktails that apparently contain filaments, toxins, viruses, etc. And, whether by plan or accident, the Chemtrails get much heavier whenever rain-clouds are around. Not only are they poisoning us; they are also determined to drastically limit our water-supply.

I suspect the Russian government is doing the same to its own citizens, also the Chinese, etc. I think we need to accept that far from being 'enemies', the world's leaders are in fact acting in concert.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:24 PM
If I remember correctly, is was a Russian/Canadian/US NWO types that were behind it. It's been a while so I'm trying to remember the details.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
If I remember correctly, is was a Russian/Canadian/US NWO types that were behind it. It's been a while so I'm trying to remember the details.

Ok, then. What airports did they fly out of?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:16 PM
Beats the hell out of me, I live in Texas! We would have shot them down!

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 12:07 PM
Most nerve agents -- or portions of them -- tend to break down into other, less toxic compounds when exposed to atmosphere, UV light, water, and any other chemicals in the vicinity. Even if a binary weapon's component were pretty stable, if it weren't mixed with an activator within a short time (like a few minutes at most), it would fall to the ground, leach into the soal, be washed away by rains, etc. By the time the 'activator' component arrived, there weould be enough of the first component to make any appreciable amount of neurotoxin!

Nowadays, ther simply aren't that many people left who even buy into the belief that our government is spraying stuff. "Chem-trails" are just persistent contrails, and contrails will persist if the ambient atmosphere is near saturation (100% or greater relative humidity) aht the temperature is below -40 degrees.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 09:09 AM
I don't think Russian military aircraft are or were overflying the US spraying out chemicals without knowledge of the USAF. The person who made this myth lacks common sence

[edit on 15-9-2006 by PisTonZOR]


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