posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:20 PM
It would be reassuring to be able to believe that the Russians (or ANYone other than our own governments) are responsible for the Chemtrails.
However, in this current climate of 'homeland security' nonsense, it's simply out of the question that Russians would be able to fly unchallenged
over all the affected nations without being blown out of the skies.
Unfortunately, it IS our own governments who are spraying us, our children, our food, our water, with disgusting chemical cocktails that apparently
contain filaments, toxins, viruses, etc. And, whether by plan or accident, the Chemtrails get much heavier whenever rain-clouds are around. Not
only are they poisoning us; they are also determined to drastically limit our water-supply.
I suspect the Russian government is doing the same to its own citizens, also the Chinese, etc. I think we need to accept that far from being
'enemies', the world's leaders are in fact acting in concert.