posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 07:43 AM
I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum.. But anywho, I would not consider myself a Christian or a Catholic, I was raised Catholic although i never
followed the catholic religion too closely. As of now i find myself torn when i try to figure out how life started, there is evidence that we all
evolved, there is evidence that we were 'created' from god and other things. But i had this experience the other night and I'm curious on other
peoples take on what happened.
I was sleeping, i fell asleep around maybe 1am and woke up around 3:45am, however the dream i had while i was sleeping during that time was
disturbing. The nightmare i had was not odd, just how it made me feel afterwards was. In the dream there was some apparent ghost that was bothering a
member of my family, nothing demonic or evil about it, just a ghost. However i got a feeling of evilness. After i had awoken, i found myself saying
that Hail Mary prayer in my head. This was strange for me since i haven't said that prayer since i was a little kid. What caused me to say that?
Maybe it was just a weird dream, but why the 'Hail Mary' prayer? why not 'our father' or some other prayer? Also, after i woke up i had this very
disturbing feeling of sadness and despair. This feeling scared me a lot. After about an hour or so, i went back to normal but I'm still curious as to
if this was just a weird dream or if this was something not of this world trying to manipulate my in my dream state? Anyone ever had any similar