posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 01:57 PM
A big discussion (in Denmark at least) is the radiation from the antenna towers of the new 3G network. (3rd. generation cell phone network or UTMS.
Appearently the Danish law is very lax on the issue of safe levels of radiation, and recently uncovered is the fact that even countries like China and
Russia has their radiation exposure limits set a hundred
times lower than in Denmark!
Users have reported symptoms like headaches and nausea when using these 3g phones.
Which reminds me of another old thread on ATS, on how one (the Government) could use the signals from cell phone antenna towers like a radar. Guess
this is even more plausible and possible than before, not to mention the fact that your position can be triangulated very precisely, especially with
the more powerful 3G networks. Anyways, most people don't seem to mind too much, as long as they can download videoclips to their phones and see a
picture of the person they're talking to, webcam style.
There is a nascent movement in Denmark, demanding investigations into the potential harmful effects of 3G EM radiation. Haven't heard much about this
whole thing being on the news anywhere else, I wonder how aware people are of this.
I for one will hold on to my 2.5 G phone for now.