An interesting video to be sure, and interesting to note the lack of response to your post.
I feel that this may be due in part to the length of the clip, at 20 minutes it is a long haul for many here at ATS who fit in their conspiracy
theorising around their normal day to day activities, I will admit that it has taken me a few days to get around to watching it, but I will be looking
for the original uncut version to add to my 20 hour backlog of footage that I have accumulated but as yet not watched!
Might I suggest that when posting a clip of such enormous length (let us not forget the average attention span of human beings appears to be waning of
late) that you include some of the pertinent facts from the clip in the text of your post...
For instance, I myself was aware of the fact that Claus Barbie was recruited by intelligence services after he finished butchering the helpless
victims of nazi death camps, but many might not have come across that little gem.
Just a thought. Another one is that many might feel that such an old clip will not tell them anything that they did not already know, the patrons
here at ATS are acutely aware of many such things, but that is not to say that they would learn nothing from the clip, I was not aware that the CIA
tried to lace Castro's cigars with '___', apparently this is common knowledge
I just thought they tried to blow him up etc.
As for getting more response for this vid, might I suggest posting it to an already established thread regarding the CIA/covert ops? Perhaps the mods
(in their infinite wisdom(except where copyright is concerned it seems
would like to suggest a suitable thread for this vid, I certainly think it is
worth a look, even if only to remind us of some of the atrocities to which we have become so blase, hmm?
A good find redmage, thank you, and keep up the good work!