posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 11:07 PM
I think it's just too expensive for schools to implement these features. Besides, the cards can be stolen and it can literally be identity theft.
Since it's a k-8 school the 8th graders can easily bully the cards away from the smaller kids. I agree with kaoszero, little plastic ID cards are
much for cheaper and
If it's the issue of your child's safety, it's just a 5th wheel. Most campuses are "closed campus", meaning that if anyone that's not a student
or staff of the school, comes walking onto the campus without the approval of the administration, they can be arrested. Staff have to undergo very
extensive background checks before they can be a part of the team.
Alot of schools use computers to take attendence, so there's really no need for a card.
Also, if the system gets implemented in a school, then alot of other schools will follow suit. Many schools are tight on budget and lacking in
materials, so they have better things to spend on. The number of students can be a problem too. My school has 3500+ students, larger than the
population of alot of cities nearby.