posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 04:23 PM
The very first step I would do in figureing out the problem of a computer in your situation is go to START then RUN then type MSCONFIG and click the
STARTUP tab, and UNcheck EVERYTHIN. None of it is system needed, so dont worry. Click Apply and restart the computer, and see if its better. You can
always go back and recheck anything if you do need it running, like Anti Virus's.
If its STILL acting weird.. I would try holding F8 before you see the windows screen. A list of options will show up. Choose "SAFE MODE". After
everything boot up. Move some icons, and press some buttons. If its still "SLOW" and "LAGGY" or "DOESNT RESPOND", than something physically
major could have happened to the computer. But more than likely this isn't the case. anyway, go to START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, SYSTEM TOOLS,
then SYSTEM RESTORE. If you have Windows XP, and System Restore is on, then you can load a restore point. You will see a calendar, and some days will
be selectable. Select a date that the computer previously worked. You can click the days to find out what was installed or changed on those days to
find out what your sister did to the computer also. But for now, just select a date you knew the computer worked, and continue the restore. It will
auto restart your computer.
If its still acting up after that, repost, and let me know. System Restores are reversable, so dont be affraid.
[edit on 21-6-2006 by LAES YVAN]