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How About Dowsing

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posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 05:26 AM
I think there is something in that swinging little thing pulled on a string. You probably can water/witching with it,find missing people and so. Not so shure about divination use of dowser,Y/rods. I could be wrong, who knows?

*Caps lock title edit*

[edit on 20-6-2006 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 05:32 AM
I don't have much faith in the system but my Grandfather supposedly could find water in the old days with a certain kind of stick. You sure didn't want to waist the time and energy to dig a well back then if you didn't expect to find water.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 07:39 AM
I live near a small town in the midwest, and the city employees here use dowsing rods to help locate some of the town's waterlines that are not on the current plats. The town is going through a major sewer and water upgrade to meet current environmental rules and they don't particularly want to dig through a water line if they don't have too.


posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 07:48 AM
I've used copper rods to locate buried water and electrical lines. I think it may have something to do with the electromagnetic fields or disruptions surrounding the utility line and affecting the copper. How it's used to locate water or oil with wooden devices is a mystery to me.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 07:50 AM
The rods that I have seen the locals use are made of metal, but I had a grandfather that used wooden ones to locate water. I am not quite sure of the informal science behind it either.


posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 07:51 AM
Tell your future with YES or NO

You can make a pendulum and on a piece of paper do: NO / YES

Ask away and the pendulum will swing to the side with your answer. it never fails.


posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
I am not quite sure of the informal science behind it either.

Formal science isnt holding up much in the way of theory either. Its a working ability humans have had for a very long time and has a very high sucess rate. Until technology catches up, dowsing will be still in use.

Although dowsing as a human faculty has remained difficult to explain within the Newtonian scientific paradigm, it’s effectiveness, accuracy and repeatability have recommended it’s continued use as an invaluable aid and ally, particularly in those areas where rational knowledge or instrumentation are either undeveloped or unavailable.

Also something else that is interesting,

What is less readily known is that dowsing can be also used for searching for other underground features such as archaeological remains, cavities and tunnels, oil, veins of mineral ore, underground building services, missing items and occasionally missing persons.

Id love to see a list of companies that have dowsers on the payroll!

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:13 AM
It works.

I found out about the Tom Lethbridge pendulum rates when I was really young, and it was the only one of those kinds of things that I could actually investigate with what I had availible to me, so I did.

I used different kinds of chains and strings, and used all kinds of objects as the pendulums. I tested everything I could on the list of rates by getting examples of them and setting the string to the correct length and testing that, then changing the length to see it it still worked, and so forth. I even attached it onto something else instead of holding it to see if that worked - it didn't. The person is required to hold the pendulum or rods (which I've also used a little bit years later).

So basicly I found that it did work. The rates for the string lengths were right.

I think there is a lot more as to how many times the pendulum will circle and in what direction, maybe some things make it swing. I only recall circular movement. These factors would give more information about the item.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:31 AM
You know, you can't say as a musician exactly when a particular run on a 12-bar blues works or not - you just know it. I play piano and sax and write some...I understand the theory behind what I play, but in the end its what sounds and feels good at the time.

I imagine the same thing is for dowsers. They must just get the right feeling, being in a particular spot on the ground, and getting a certain flow through their device, whether its a tree branch or metal rods or a pendulum.

Why can't science simply accept that there is a point where the complexity of the human mind and spirit create a gap too wide to quantify? Sure, keep chasing it, because the chase will always leave you with something greater than when you started.

Just recognize, that in some instances - and I believe dowsing is one of them - our physical bodies and our minds constitute an instrument that simply can not be accounted for either in its mechanics or its accuracy by scientific study.


posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by MrPenny
I've used copper rods to locate buried water and electrical lines. I think it may have something to do with the electromagnetic fields or disruptions surrounding the utility line and affecting the copper. How it's used to locate water or oil with wooden devices is a mystery to me.

I worked for the local phone company a few years ago and there was a guy who used to balance two pieces of copper wire on his fingers and when he walked over an underground line the wires would pivot to cross each other. He taught me how to do it and it usually works. I showed it to my college Physics teacher and he was at a loss on how it works.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:42 AM
Just a little anecdote. I used to work as a geotechnical engineer and would supervise what we called bore/core drillings. It's basically that the drillers start boring and every couple of feet take a sample to see what the underlying geology is. In all states that I worked, you had to call a number that would inform the utility companies to come out and mark were their utility lines were. Sometimes they didn't mark them right. I worked with alot of drillers that when this happened they would pull out their dowsing rods. It wasn't 100% but I would say 95-98% correct. Just something to think about.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:42 AM
I can find buried water lines. I have done it and been successful since I was a young girl. My oldest brother noticed my 'talent' when I was about 9 and he used to use me in his construction projects.

I use 2 metal rods (straightened coat hangars works), bent at 90 degrees, one loosely held in each hand. To begin with, they are held upright and pointing straight out in front of me. As I walk slowly over the water line, the rods sticking out in front will cross just at the point of the water.

Here are some neat rods and instructions:


ps. Welcome to ATS, MIKE888!

[edit on 20-6-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:44 AM
It looks like a hazel brach is the tradional wood of choice:

But, other sites mentions any wood could work and that fresh wood was better than old wood

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:55 AM
Great to see mention of T.C. Lethbridge here. Just wish publishers would catch up and publish new editions of his works.

Based on spontaneous personal experience, I developed an interest in precognitive dreams and dowsing at around the same time, and T.C. provided very plausible explanation for both.

Anyone who's experienced an unambiguous precognitive dream will be aware of its profundity. Nothing's ever the same afterwards because you now KNOW that it has all been decided, down to the finest detail, before it happens. After a precognitive dream, you KNOW that all our worries, plans, schemes, 'luck', efforts, etc. are pointless. We aren't making decisions: we just think we are. We don't control a thing: we just think we do.

Via means of pendulum experimentation, Lethbridge speculated that time and events follow a spiral path in order to reach us. Some (perhaps all) of us, tap-into events before they happen here in our dimension/world/reality: hence, precognitive dreams. Seen in this way, there's nothing occult about knowing the 'future' before it happens.

The Future, the Past, the Present: are they separate or simply points on a spiral or coil? It appears the latter may be correct, with dowsing the equivalent of the Time Traveller's destination-determiner or time-table.

Lethbridge was able to determine if a common rock had been tossed in anger or not and if the tosser had been male or female and in what era. Not bad for a weight dangling from a bit of thread. Lethbridge was also able to locate ancient buried buildings, using a simple pendulum. His discoveries were later confirmed via archeaological digs.

Lethbridge came to believe that spirits/ghosts were often located in swampy, watery locations. He discovered the pendulum-rate for death and -- of interest to all of us, surely -- he discovered that after 'death', everything began all over again, leading to a second 'death' band, followed by further life, and so on. He said he could have gone on endlessly charting the life/death cycles, but in order to do so, he would have been required to stand on increasingly taller ladders to accomodate the lengthening pendulum-string needed to chart the chain of life/death patterns. So we live, then we die, then we live, then we die, and live and die .... on and on; just as many ancient and current religions have always claimed.

It was Lethbridge who speculated (again based in his pendulum-experiments) that Heaven " is about the height of an average ceiling, and slightly to the left ". I love it. And it was Myers (of the Cross Correspondence, communication after death fame) who advised the incredibly gifted Mathew Manning that if we knew what followed after death, we simply wouldn't believe it. It all sounds fascinating and death might even make us chuckle, when we find out for ourselves.

There are many excellent practical guides to dowsing, but those curious about it should do themselves a favour by reading Tom Lethbridge's slim but unforgettable books.

As to dowsing itself: yes, it works, sometimes incredibly swiftly even for the total novice. BUT -- as a poster in these forums said several weeks ago (and again I thank them for the caution) --- please remember to ask for protection and guidance before you start. Otherwise, YOU may become the plaything on the end of the string !

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
I live near a small town in the midwest, and the city employees here use dowsing

A few weeks ago, I saw a utility employee doing the same thing here in Northern Virginia.

He was using two metal rods and when they crossed he would stop and paint a mark on the ground.

Before that I was under the impression that it was all bunk.
Though I suppose he could have been pulling one over on those watching him (he may have just been putting on a show on the side of a busy street), I suppose it lends a little credibility to dowsing.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Why would it be in any way dangerous and open you to being used as a puppet?!

It's just a detection of the energy fields around physical objects, they are there all the time! It's like a radio - you have to have the right band and then the right station setting - and the aeriel - and then you can hear what's there already.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Ed 209 asked:

' Why would it be in any way dangerous and open you to being used as a puppet?!

It's just a detection of the energy fields around physical objects, they are there all the time! It's like a radio - you have to have the right band and then the right station setting - and the aeriel - and then you can hear what's there already.'

I gather you're speaking of dowsing for water, objects and so on.

There are of course, other dowsing practices: for example, dowsing for information, be it past, present or future. In which case, your mind is similar to an open 'phone line through which you've posed a question. The entity/entities who might choose to respond may (1) not have your best interests at heart (2) may not be who they claim to be (3) may in fact, not be very nice.

Just imagine a 'phone ringing, out in the blackness of space. Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Some character cruising past, lifts the receiver. This character has the ability to see the person on the other end of the line, although that person cannot see it. The entity that answers the 'phone is also able to see into the innermost mind of the person placing the call and therefore knows all those hidden secrets, secret fears and vulnerabilities -- even the secrets of that person's ancestors and possibly of his/her past lives, future lives, etc.

Would you do it? Would you dial a number without knowing who would answer? Without knowing if they might harm you? Without knowing if they would tell the truth or a deliberate and painful lie? Without knowing if afterwards, they might stalk you and send you slowly and terrifyingly out of your mind?

Dowsing, via pendulum or other, can be used similarly to a ouija-board. Dowsing can be dangerous, unless you take precautions. It's not all about finding physical objects, water, oil, etc.

mod edit to fix quote tags

[edit on 20-6-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 01:34 PM
Oh right! Yeah ok then, that is dodgy. I don't call that dowsing though, it's more like scrying or RV. I used to have ouija board like stuff - what I found was more that if undisciplined people were involved then it could be a problem, but only because they believed in other things being able to control them so that's what would be more likely to occur.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by ed 209

Hi Ed 209,

What success have you had on using the pendulum?? have you tried using it i to locate missing people yet???
Since this last post have you studied anymore om Tom Lethbridge

Thanks regards elaine

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