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Will our brains eventually evolve so great that brains exceed such intelligence as an I.Q. of 500

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posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:31 PM
I am very interested in the thought of our minds changing as we grow. I don't really believe in evolution, but over the past five hundred years or so we have developed mentally. Will we ever exceed such numbers as I.Q.'s over 500?

mod edit: title correction

[edit on 24-6-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:37 PM
i thought all the human race has done is adapt to technology. people are always saying we have the same brain functions as they did 2000 years ago, but have only adapted to technology.

but there will be advances in how the brain works, also some brain implants that might increase our brain functions. not sure about 500 though, what is the max IQ now. if we get to a point like that, we might just spend all our time just thinking, maybe like a head in a jar like you see in scifi programs.

also everything in the future will be regulated. we all will be part of a network under total mind control, and only allowed to think and go as far as what ever technology controls us, is allowing.

seeing as they are also dumbing don the population, where the near future brings us in terms of these things, seems anyones guess.

[edit on 19-6-2006 by andy1033]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:42 PM
Our brains will continue to evolve, but the great thing there is a quantitive increase...
as we get smarter, we will discover ways to boost our intellegence even more...

IQ of 500 might be a little out there (for the next 1000 yrs or so) but very high IQ's will exist...

but dont forget, that Genius is separated by madness by a very thin line...

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Our brains will continue to evolve, but the great thing there is a quantitive increase...
as we get smarter, we will discover ways to boost our intellegence even more...

IQ of 500 might be a little out there (for the next 1000 yrs or so) but very high IQ's will exist...

but dont forget, that Genius is separated by madness by a very thin line...

but i think that the people controling society will want to put a limit on it, they may want the advances for themselves and keep the normal folk to just do the normal jobs etc...

everything will be regulated in the future. how far mans IQ will also be regulated. they have already changed the school system to dumb down the society. look at things like soft drinks that are rotten for the brain.
whether the people ruling us want us to get smarter is just something us lay people will not be able to control.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 11:49 PM
The question posed on this thread reminds me of a quirky little book I read many years ago in college. It was Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins.

As floral consciousness matures, telepathy will no doubt be a common medium of communication.

With reptile consciousness, we had hostile confrontation.

With mammal consciousness, we had civilized debate.

With floral consciousness, we'll have empathetic telepathy.

Considering this book was initially published over twenty-years ago, it poses some of the most original and philosophical views as to the evolutionary future of human intellect.

Besides, it's a fun read, and you just might enjoy it!

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 04:29 PM
I think part of the problem with this is time. Humans, in the scope of the universe, have been around for a very small time. I do not believe that there have been major increases in the brains computing power in the last 5 to 10 thousand years. People are always speculating that the egyptians couldn't have built the pyramids without alien intervention but I feel that we've got to give them some credit. They weren't cavemen, they were intelligent human beings like ourselves. They just lacked the knowledge and technology that we have today.

The idea of everyone becoming insanely intelligent compared to now is an interesting one though. I just wonder how it would present itself. There are autistics or idiot savants that are capable of amazing mathematical calculations or memorizing and playing entire symphonies. Yet these people lack the creative ability to solve problems in physics or create beautiful works of art. Why is that? I'm not sure, and I don't think anyone knows. I'd be very interested as to how a society of super intelligent people would conduct themselves. But then again, we're more intelligent that any other species on this planet and look what we do to ourselves.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 11:26 AM
Just a quick, pedantic, note here. It is impossible for the human race, as a whole, to have an average IQ that exceeds 100 by a great margin. This doesn't have anything to do with biological limitations, though, just with the way the IQ scale is constructed.

For any given population, an IQ rating should have a bell curve, with the majority falling in the (IIRC) 90-110 range, and increasingly fewer people the farther from the median you get.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Actually, it is very interesting that you bring up that topic about the bell curve. I have read that in recent studies the curve may not be as bell shaped as we have thought, some children taking I.Q. tests in school are scoring extremely high. So in fact the slope may be closer to 150 or so instead of 120-130.

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 08:03 PM
According to this, our decreased preformed fatty acid intake from animal products and the dependence on domesticated grains has been having negative effects on our brain health (and general health, for that matter)

[ex.]Human brain size since the late Paleolithic has decreased in tandem with decreasing contribution of animal food to diet. In addition, a recent analysis updating the picture of encephalization (relative brain size) changes in humans during our evolutionary history has revealed that human cranial capacity has decreased by 11% in the last 35,000 years, the bulk of it (8%) in the last 10,000[/ex.]

The last 10,000 began with the advent of agriculture.

So if anything, we're getting dumber

So much for the stereotype of cave men being dumber than us

[edit on 21-6-2006 by the_individualist]

[edit on 21-6-2006 by the_individualist]

[edit on 21-6-2006 by the_individualist]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 01:05 PM
So according to what was just posted, what should you eat to improve brain function on a large scale? I guess I'm one of those nerd guys who want to be smarter than everyone around them

If there is anyone who does know, please, post a reply with many foods. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 11:59 AM
Well, now that I think about it, just because their brains may have been larger doesn't mean that they were as complex as ours. Their brains may have been larger but still primitive in mind. Just like when computers were first coming into history, they were huge and not technologically advanced, but look at computers now. They are much smaller but more complex and efficient.

I'd like to here your opinions.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:42 PM
Well, we are essentially the same as our ancestors prior to the the neolithic revolution, so I don't think our brains are any more complex than theirs were, hence a reduction in size would most likely be a reduction in overall mental capacity.

As for increasing your own personal mental capacity, there has been a lot of research highlighting the positive effects of a proper omega-6 to omega-3 oil ratio in ones diet. Most people tend to get way too much omega-6 (from vegetable oils and grains) and hardly any omega-3s. You can either get omega-3s in their preformed state (dha and epa) from wild game, grass-fed animals (especially organ meats), fatty fish like salmon, 'enriched' eggs, and as of late, you can get it from special algae supplements, or you can get the precursor to these oils, ALA, from plant sources such as flax seed, walnuts, and even some small amounts from vegetables like spinach and brocolli. The conversion rate from ALA to DHA and EPA isn't very high, though, (you need ten times the ALA of DHA or EPA to get the same effect), so unless you're a vegetarian, you're best sources are from grass-fed organ meats and fish.
On top of that, just make sure you get adequate (sp?) nutrition, and exercise your mind on a frequent basis.

[edit on 26-6-2006 by the_individualist]

[edit on 26-6-2006 by the_individualist]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:47 PM
I dont think IQ is whats going to change. I think its our state of self awareness that will increase. I guess the IQ standard test will follow in parallel to it .

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Andrew14rp
So according to what was just posted, what should you eat to improve brain function on a large scale? I guess I'm one of those nerd guys who want to be smarter than everyone around them

If there is anyone who does know, please, post a reply with many foods. Thank you.

I suppose anything natural will help not only with a healthy mind but a healthy body. Infact i suppose a healthy body makes a healthy mind and vice versa.

Dont forget our bodys were not made to be subjected to fizzy drinks and food colourings, E numbers, etc etc. Most food these days have so many chemicals it cant be good for either the brain or body.

Good old fashioned Milk, Water, Fruit, Veg, Meat etc is what you need

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Andrew14rp
So according to what was just posted, what should you eat to improve brain function on a large scale? I guess I'm one of those nerd guys who want to be smarter than everyone around them

If there is anyone who does know, please, post a reply with many foods. Thank you.

In the 1930's advances in medical science allowed us to determine that various environmental factors such as say "german measels" caused birth defects in some of the population. The virus known as German Measels, seemed to impact the brain of the developing fetus. Now imagine the same researcher pondering the opposite idea. Could there be a statistical portion of these brain defects that could be affects instead?

Could it have been possible that a brain affect, such as an extra blood vessel in the middle of the brain, comes about from such a horrible illness? If so, would a human with more "gas" to the engine. or more electricity to their CPU be smarter than all other humans?

What would someone or some organization look for in the population as a sign of this more evolved or intelligent child? Do you think that someone or some organization might want to gather these children up and isolate them from the less intelligent population? What could childeren with IQ's over 200 be capable of? Especially if all preconceived ideas were kept from them?
Is the truth stranger than fiction?

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 02:54 PM
I don't see anyway possible for IQ to increase with the heavy metals being
spewed into the atmosphere by all types of manufacturing and industrial

Lead, a known cause of mental retardation has largely been eliminated from
Gasoline and paint is still found in heavy concentration in other products.

Mercury and cadmium just to name a couple are also found in heavy concentration from all types of manufacturing wastes and power generation. Check the ingredient list on any product you put in your mouth; do you think all the chemical preservatives will make you smarter?

Change your diet to get smarter if you like; just don't breathe.

Environmental toxic dust that can be absorbed by the skin, fertilizers and pesticides that are in the food etc. In reality, no escape.

Take a look around you; are people in general smarter? Engage almost anyone in casual conversation and judge for yourself. Almost everyone I know is having memory problems.

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house!!

[edit on 22-8-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 08:12 PM
Naturally IQ hasn't increase as much as our "girth" over time, but in a few short decades, it may be possible to artificially augment our brains to squeeze more out of less so to speak. Scientists and Engineers are already taking about the possibilities of Implants in staving Alzheimers and other neural degenerative disorders. The Alzheimers implant is supposed to work as a memory chip, bypassing the areas of the brain effected by Alzheimers. Such a device, configured in a way that augments the brain, rather then just rerouting functions to a microchip, could start an exponential trend and IQ Race amoung the nations. Imagine that one eh?

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 09:14 PM
well as they say what goes up must come down. as tech advances so does its complexity. if you have a building with a bunch of cables, beams, and floors it all is harder to fix because you have to get thru it all. you just need to nock down the first few floors and it will come down like every thing else. if you take a hammer to a hollow building and bust a hole in it all you need to do is patch it up and it's done. the complex building is society in the next few hunderd years. we will focus on only getting higher and higher not the cornor stones that allow us to even have a building. every wants to get a better internet connection but what they don't think is what happens if some blocks your access by destroying the lines not a fancey bug. you and countless other are down for week giving the enemy complete controle for the time being of all internet based things. if you have people in cars sending others info they only thing they can do is stop him and it is hard to find one guy in a car when there are some many cars on the road. my point is if any thing like mind control happens all you need is a few tons of C4 and fast legs. so if there is an intel race all you need to do is fire off some small EMPS to nock the chips out. simple as that. i can see microchips for health use but that would caust a preety penny. =/

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:15 PM

. i can see microchips for health use but that would caust a preety penny. =/

I can't see much of a point in your post besides this, and you presumtion is half-right. It will cost a helluva lot of money in the beggining, but if you think it will stay that way, you are sorely mistaken.

Last time I checked, Insulin Implants cost roughly 6-8 k USD. A few years back it was in the 20-30 k USD realm. Do the math.
Also as time progresses, EMPs will become a threat of the past as we move towards Optronics. Not sure of any way that can be interfered with ttytt.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:39 PM
Actually the Elite kept most of us under-nurished, malnutritioned, & un-educated.
Our progress is actually a result of eating. However the elite are now threatened by the commoners ability to adapt so they are purposely dumbing us down with the U.N. controlled politically correct education curriculmn and heavy doses of neuro-toxins given to us through vaccines preserved with thermisol (a mercury based preservative)!

The elite are in-bred to control wealth distribution and therefore at a disadvantage too maintain blueblood status.
Us commoners are deliberately poisoned and lied to with the withholding of actual history, banking, religion, etc.

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