posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Alien rebirth... on earth!
Ok here's a crazy theory for ya [apologies if there are similar].
I have been told by a psychic, that i am an alien and that i was reborn from another world to here on earth, i don't believe it [perhaps
metaphorically] but it provokes an interesting idea:
what if aliens colonise the universe by occupying bodies via the rebirth process? It is said that when we die we are reborn because we desire earthly
things, and that the mechanism for this is visualisation i.e. If you imagine earthly things then 'like attracts like' and kazzam we are reborn on
earth.... or anywhere that we visualize!!!! so if [when we are dead and in the next world] we could visualise another planet, then we could be reborn
there, equally so aliens may do the same thing and be reborn here!
But how can one visualise a planet we have never been too?
I believe it is virtually impossible to travel the vast distances between planets, except over a long period of time. My theory is that aliens send
unmanned craft to earth and other planets which then go back and feed them visual images that they can link too and visualise, and that some aliens
have religions based upon this. It may take thousands of years to reach earth and then get back to the original planet, but they are patent.
Many species of alien do this and 'link up' to each other via the spiritual plane, communicating through the aether. Once located, we get
'visions' and experience 'meetings' with people from other worlds. There is an intergalactic community of very advanced beings, and many of them
are here. To become a member we are taught literally how to become masters of the universe!
well, do you think this is possible? perhaps it is the unltimate meaning - to be able to take any form and travel to any part of the universe!