posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 01:55 AM
Its so internally embedded in my brain.
I watched a TV show that explained how we think certain features of the human form,
on both sides man and women, look at body types in determinig a mate. ITs primal but thats what we are. For instance, a women haveing a nice backside
is not just nice, its acctaul shape has advantages in reproduction. Wide hips - easier to bear children, Muscular buttocks - Good for
working.....things like that. Its so twisted , this primal emotion, that society today rape it.....ala "SEX SELLS". Things that women look for in a
mate or at least the general population all agree to the following being attractive trates:
- V shaped back muscle
- Semi Muscular body ( To muscular and it become to far from nature to tap in that primal instinct)
- Square shoulders
- Symetrical form
Tis the reason i work out.
I too am only human, and am attracted just like everyone else to certain
features of a women, I think its only fair that me as a man have at least equal
looking body form for my mate that she does for me.
[edit on 19-6-2006 by imbalanced]