posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 11:08 PM
Yeah thats right, about three times a month 1up goes down or slows too down. Im thankful this site and all the people dont have to get frusterated
when they try to access this site. I wonder what the people do on 1up. It always says its under maintence. But how come other sites like IGN and
Gamespot almost never go down? Do people like to hack other peoples profile on 1up? I have a clue. I get more high ratings on unsuccessful hackers
when Im logged on 1up. Now I get very tallented hackers who try to hack me. I have made sure and done everything to keep my computer as invisible as
it can be. But no system is totally secure so hackers can still find me.
Also - Ive saved the adress on this one guy who keeps trying to hack me, the same guy, I see his adress and locaton, IP Adress. He or whatever it is
doesnt stop. When he tries he does it like 5 times in a row very fast. The most times someones ever tried to hack me in a row is 11.