posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Just went outside again to check the progress of the Chemtrails here in Seattle. Sure as #, theres a fresh one that is directed south east now, over
towards Mt rainier. Its still bring made, because I can vaguely hear the plane, but cant see it, cuz of the trees and hills and mohntains, but I also
saw a couple of helicopters in the distance, too far to recognize, but I can hear them. they are over towards FT Lewis/McChord Air Force base. Wonder
whats up over there?
Also seen some crop dusters flying around, but theres nothing unusualy about that, as Auburn, where Im at, has a small airfield for small private
planes, and theres still alot of agriculture int he area, so its routine for the crop dusters to be spinning about.
Im more curious about the choppers and the white planes.....for comparison, I watched a low flying cargo jet, looked liek a C-140, that was flyting
towrds Mc Chord, it was dark grey from the looks of it. It was flying well below the white plane that was making the chemtrail, they crossed from my
poerspective, but pbviosly, were very far apart. the white plane kinda looked like a lear jet.
Chem trails all centered south east towards Mt rainer and the two bases, but also are spreading upward towards a North/Northwest pattern.
Any other data from chemtrails elsewhere?
Inicdenetally, Val, the chemtrails really dont show up any more in the cold weather than the hot weather. Saw several mosnter Chemtrails this summer
when it was hot and dry. And, I have seen Matrix Chemtrails when I lived a good distance from any major airport, like when I visited Kennewick last
month, they ahd some good chemtrails over there.