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Shadow Aliens? Purposes of Research

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posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 06:46 PM
Sorry to start a new thread on this, but Im trying to research an experience I had as a child which to date I'm unable to explain.

Has anyone ever heared of any form of 'shadow aliens', or abductee's accounts that point to seeing shadows of figures?

Through previously sharing my experience I got pointed towards the phenomena of shadow people.

I'll present my experience if and when I find enough information regarding it.

Any help would be appreciated


posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 07:38 PM
No I've never heard of shadow aliens though I read a lot on alien abductions and stuff. Greys are the ones most commonly associated with abduction. And of course there are a few other species (apparently) like the Reptilians and Nordics. The closest thing I can think of to what you're describing is the Men In Black. They are said to scare UFO witnesses into remaining silent. Here's a couple links:

I don't think this is what you're talking about though. Here are some links on Shadow People:

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Thankyou for the links, I'll review them shortly.

When I was referring to 'shadow aliens', what I was aiming at was if anyone has read/experienced abductee's accounts that refer to seeing figures or shadows.

I'm unable to define the experience as paranormal, extra-terrestial or simply fake, however I experienced uncontrollable fear.

Furthermore has elements of de-javu or extreme coincidence ever been reported within accounts?


posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:37 PM
I've researched in the phenomena of shadow people and firmly believe this isnt what I experienced. As described by most witnesses they usually spot the entity in the corner of their eye and they are of a fluid type, this was certainly not the case.

I'm also 100% positive this wasn't in any form a government related incident.

Sorry to digress, but as stated before, any links or papers on shadow related abductee accounts, if they exist, would be greatly recieved.


[edit on 17-6-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:45 PM
i had a friend in highschool who had similar experiences with "shadow aliens", however he didnt really describe them as aliens, and they were not the stereotypical "shadow people" either. He described it, it was usually just one being, as a solid figure that was like a shadow, he could see it it wasnt in the corner of his eye and not fluid, but it would stand next to him and he would feel a paralizing panic or fear overtake him and he could not move. He even told me once that sometimes it stood on him, like on his chest and he could not breath. However he believed and so did i, that this was a result from a desease commonly called night terrors. Some people have reported to have them once or twice and others have them consistantly. Are you sure what you saw could not be attributed to this?

also it would help if you described a little more clearly what you mean, as in what the shadow aliens look like, what they do, and maybe even describe the incident itself. this would help a lot i think.


posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 09:00 PM
I'm reluctant to post my experience as I would like to try and make my own conclusions on it first. Furthermore I dont feel I would be doing the free-thinking, intellectual members here on the forum justice.

Anyway your friends story has similar attributes to mine. What I experienced was a solid shadow figure, however I was able to fully funtion, it was just my emotions and an uncontrollable sense of fear and vulnerbility that took over. I've never suffered from night terrors and consider myself 'normal'

I only referred to the experience as 'shadow aliens' as I've been unable to pinpoint what happened when researching into paranormal events. I haven't considered the experience extra-terrestrial up till now.

The experience was a one off and I'm not in any sense consumed in it. However, what confuses me with the whole experience is:

- Both myself and my brother witnessed it thus helping prove its validity
- I recently was discussing it with my brother (we've rarely talked about it before) when a series of coincidence's and strange things happened.

Sorry to almost seemingly dangle the bait infront of you, but I dont want to jump to any conclusions and pretend to myself and others that what I experienced was infact extra-terrestrial.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 11:08 PM
When I googled "shadow aliens" earlier nothing relevant showed up. Maybe what you're experiencing isn't really shadow aliens exactly......maybe without realizing it you're actually having close encounters with the Greys. It's hard to say though because I don't know much detail from your experience. I understand why you're kindof reluctant to post it, sometimes people here get really sarcastic and mean. But don't feel bad, lots of others on this sight have posted weird experiences that happened to them. Afterall that's what this sight is for

[edit on 17-6-2006 by ProudCanadian]

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 07:03 PM
It's less to do with the ridicule and scrutiny I'll come under but more to do with the fact that I dont feel the experience was strong enough to claim as true extra-terrestrial contact. However I will touch on some areas of the experience:

- I've only ever seen the full shadow once. I couldnt make out any characteristics only the outline. The figure both myself and my brother experienced rose from behind a bush by a main road within my residential area. It simply stood still, didnt flicker. However once I noticed it and looked directly at it I felt a deep feeling of fear and vulnerability. We both ran home flooded in tears. I was around 13 at the time and my brother was 11.

- Apporoximately two months ago myself and my brother were discussing the incident. We rarely do as it makes us feel extremely uncomfortable. Anyway during the discussion we had a power failure in our street road. Furthermore we had 3 powercuts that night eveytime we attempted to resume the conversation. This was the first powercut our area has had in 18months, let alone specific to the streetroad.

- Recently I've been experiencing lengths of seemingly missing time and dejavu. I'm regularly waking up feeling that I only began sleeping a moment ago. How legitimate these claims are I'm not sure, as everytime I'm shrouded in confusion (and still am). Furthermore I woke up yesterday morning with a cut in the palm of my hand. I can only describe it as a blood blister. Eitherway its most probably that but I genuinely haven't a clue where it came from.

Anyway what has been apparent for me is that myself and my brother seem to have some form of spiritual connection. We shared the same nightmares as a child (explicit to every minor detail while not actively discussing it) while seem to operate on the exact same wavelength many a time.

I want to stress once more that I'm not trying to fabricate my experience, just looking for a step in the right direction, whereby I can attain some form of conclusion.

I still believe for the most part the resulting experiences are just coincidence, but I'm unable to define what happened originally.

Perhaps some things are best remained un-explained.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 11:14 AM
Well that's certainly a strange experience. I guess it doesn't really sound like a Grey encounter (unless you maybe experienced missing time). I actually have no clue on this other than that it is supernatural. It doesn't exactly sound like it's ghosts either.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 01:47 PM

I think I know exactly what you and your brother are experiencing, but not just from the shadow figure you saw.

Take a look at my website and see if anybody there is familiar to you. Especially read chapter one on the journals page, it tells a little about a shadow figure who later showed himself in other ways. My husband and I know him very well now and have seen him in many forms, as well as many other beings of other races.

I'm not saying that your shadow is my shadow, but I have learned a few reasons why sometimes alien people look like shadows to humans.

One way is when they are in the next dimension and by either their technology or by our own natural abilities, we can see into that dimension. Either our own awareness of them causes us to look there and we see them (like when you hear a noise and without thinking of it you instinctively turn and look in the direction of the noise) or the aliens get your attention by putting themselves into your view like that by technology.

The natural discrepancies of time dimension to dimension can distort the view from one to another, making our "vision" blurry, only able to see "shadows". The alien people don't always look like shadows from dimension to dimension, though.

Another way sometimes alien people look like shadows is because that is exactly what they make themselves look like to us. Some can change their appearance into "anything" and a simple shadow is less threatening than a full view, but still honest, especially upon introductions.

Another way sometimes alien people may look like shadows is because that is just the they way they look.

I can only relate your experiences to my own family's experiences with alien life, so you have to decide for yourself what is going on with you. The spiritual aspects are natural to all life, but advanced when it comes to alien life. When we work spiritually with alien people, we have greater access and awareness to our own spiritual abilities.

I encourage you and your brother to watch your dreams closely. Not all dreams are really dreams. Not all dreams are just imagination.

It sounds to me like your contact is ongoing. You are very articulate, so I also encourage you to keep a detailed journal of these kinds of events no matter how confusing or insignificant they seem to be at the time, because what you record now, you will understand later as the pieces fit together. Every event is important and carefully planned for you. If you draw one line of the whole picture at a time, it will start to take form that you can understand. But if you don't record it, you will lose its integrity.

Don't worry, you are not in any danger. The only way for you to learn truly about what is happening to you is from those who it is happening to you with, not from all the different things other people think.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 03:12 PM
I read through a lot of chapter one and the similarities between my story and yours is interesting, I'll pick out a couple of points:

- The similarities between the description of the shadow and the one I experienced are extremely parrallel, especially how your husband reacted. The figure I saw looked like a human being, had his hands and arms down each side of him, while also had a slight bump on his head. I was approximately 20-30ft from it at the time so couldn't make out anymore characteristics, if there were any. Furthermore the figure didnt flinch, the only movement I saw was it 'rising' from the ground.

- As similar with your story, my brother and I both shared similar dreams and visions. Most of my dreams revolved around shadows following me and being in my presence, both before and after the incident occured.

The only apparent differences between the stories is that I'm yet to truly unlock whats going on. When I discuss my experience with anyone I generally get consumed in fear, however spiritually I feel that I must continue.

I will continue to review your journal but for now I have a few questions:

- Do you feel the entity might of put a 'block' on me unlocking what the experience was about? If so, why? Alternatively has the figure remained as a shadow and has yet to fully reveal itself because I'm still feaful? Perhaps the fact that myself and my brother both had dreams before the experience points to the fact that we were destined to be in its presence?

- My experiences are magnified when I reflect over the experience. Is this because I'm seemingly looking in the right direction for the answers? When I conduct my day to day activities I rarely experience anything profound or meaningful. The original experience is to date the most profound and vivid I've ever had.

If you have any questions to ask me please do be it related to the original event, subsequent events or anything to do with myself as a person. Seeing as you've unlocked for the most part what your experiencing it might help myself in attaining a direction to focus my thoughts.

I'll continue to read your journal as its certainly enlightening myself over what might be happening with me. While I'm still reluctant to label my encounters as extra-terrestrial, any source or explanation that sheds light on the whole situation is extremely appreciated.

I've had many small experiences, dreams and sensations that I've been unable to pinpoint. Perhaps you could help focus these thoughts.

This is not a cry for help as I know mine and your experiences regardless of there similarities are both personal.

Thankyou for your time, it's been revealing

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 04:36 PM
You are a lucky man today, God was on you side on this one my freind. I am currenty reading a book by Doctor Bud Hopkins about this issues--- the book is called SIGHT UN SEEN! talks about Shadow aliens.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:07 PM
I don't know if these are similar or synonymous to your 'shadow beings', but i have experienced many visions that i considered spiritual some of which involved shades or khu's [ancient Egyptian 'shining ones of the moon']. In there base form they are grey with 'black' eyes like space, this blackness though i see as more like transparency with the void behind it. They manifest themselves from the void then shoot around all over the place, when one meets them they extend a green light beam that is like many little lights, by this they interact with your mind. they can take any shape and can interact physically too.

I want say anything else unless this sounds familiar to you and you wish to know.

... but they can take you to other realms of existence and other worlds.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:23 PM
Kolo, Im glad that you are getting more information to help you in understanding your experience, and you seem to be leaking little bits and pieces of what the experience was actually like for you. I know you told me previously that you feel it is uneccesary to explain what the event was like in detail, such as what the shadow being actually looked like, how long the event was, or what you or your brother did while this event happened. I am wondering if you still feel this way? You mentioned that the shadow being was a solid figure that did not shimmer like it was made of a gassus substance but was solid like a you mean to say that it looked more or less like a silloet? I know you feel that giving a detailed acount of the whole story might cause some people to suspect you or possibly take you less seriously but for people to truly try and help you understand what the experience was all about, i believe that these details are crucial..A detailed account might help someone compare the incident more quickly to something similar they have experienced or even just satisfy curiousity. I personally feel that if you do this, it might lead to a quicker explanation of what is really going on, or what your experience is really all about.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:24 PM

- Do you feel the entity might of put a 'block' on me unlocking what the experience was about? If so, why?

Yes, but not exactly. He showed you a tiny part, so he actually unblocked you a tiny bit. Now you sense the rest, which is enormous, so to you it's only relative that you feel you are being blocked.

Why he only showed you a little is obvious from a sensible human perspective, considering that you are on a course of education. You have "many" questions now about things you've never thought of before. You want to solve all the mysteries you've discovered, naturally, but it can only happen a little at a time as progressively as you can understand them correctly.

If you'd just discovered that there is such thing as 2+2 and listened to everybody (in the ufo field) you would learn that it could equal a lot of things. Your personal experience makes you one who knows it equals 4. However, there is only one way to learn what 4 equals.

Alternatively has the figure remained as a shadow and has yet to fully reveal itself because I'm still feaful?

My guess, based on my own experience, is that he will reveal himself to you over time, to be determined mostly by the circumstances about you, but not because you are fearful. As you begin to understand and get to know who and what this person is, and what he can do and how he does it, your fear will naturally lessen, but fear is instinctual and physical, and doesn't just go away. If you try, you can learn to manage it and even step out beside it.

The spiritual sensation of presence is naturally different race to race and person to person. When you are spiritually aware, you can sense presence of spirit. When humans sense humans it's pretty ordinary, but when we sense people from other worlds, the sensation is "foreign" and causes instinctual fear.

The sensation of another race may feel very good to us or feel very bad, strong or gentle, eerie or soothing, or just different- just as flavors of foods are all different and don't all mix well. Once you get to know the beings, you get used to their different sensations and can identify them individually just by how they feel. You can feel them when they are far away too, just by thinking of them and their thinking back.

Perhaps the fact that myself and my brother both had dreams before the experience points to the fact that we were destined to be in its presence?

The fact that you and your brother both had dreams before the experience, to me, points to the fact that both of you have always been in his presence, and destined to these experiences from before this life.

- My experiences are magnified when I reflect over the experience. Is this because I'm seemingly looking in the right direction for the answers? When I conduct my day to day activities I rarely experience anything profound or meaningful. The original experience is to date the most profound and vivid I've ever had.

Your experiences are magnified when you reflect over it because it's inside of you. Your states of consciousness are very close together. When you think of it, you "go there" and can see more clearly, and be more aware of more experiences. That is the right direction to look in for the answers.

The original experience you refer to was not your first, but it was one-and-only of its kind that made you aware. It made you able to be aware of your past experiences and your future experiences.

I would like to ask you a few questions but not right now, maybe in private another time.

[edit on 6/19/2006 by EarthSister]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by nwomi
You are a lucky man today, God was on you side on this one my freind. I am currenty reading a book by Doctor Bud Hopkins about this issues--- the book is called SIGHT UN SEEN! talks about Shadow aliens.

Out of interest why am I a lucky man? what did the book have to say?

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by attila of nazareth

I don't know if these are similar or synonymous to your 'shadow beings', but i have experienced many visions that i considered spiritual some of which involved shades or khu's [ancient Egyptian 'shining ones of the moon']. In there base form they are grey with 'black' eyes like space, this blackness though i see as more like transparency with the void behind it. They manifest themselves from the void then shoot around all over the place, when one meets them they extend a green light beam that is like many little lights, by this they interact with your mind. they can take any shape and can interact physically too.

I want say anything else unless this sounds familiar to you and you wish to know.

... but they can take you to other realms of existence and other worlds.

I appreciate the response nazareth so never feel like you dont have something to add. Ultimately this is a discussion forum!

Anyway as stated before the only true manefestation I have witnessed (physically) was when I was with my brother. The time was around 10pm and although it was dark, the area of which this figure rose from was lit with street lighting.

The only link to lights I have was a story my mother told me. When she was a child in Cork, Ireland, she witnessed a small orb of light infront of her that she described as 'dancing around in the sky'. To this date she has never been able to explain what it was. Apart from that I've never heared or witnessed anything that resembles that notion.

I've never dreamt about going to different realms and worlds, however I occasionally wake up during my sleep and feel like Im being put back to sleep. This happens maybe 3-4 times a year. When I wake up during the sleep all I can see are blurred shapes. How relevant this is I dont know.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Thanks for the support. To be honest I could try to explain to you what the experience was in full detail but I'm unsure how to express it. I cant begin to put into words the fear I felt when I first saw the figure, but I will outline a few of the areas for you.

- Me, my brother and my family were walking back from a football (soccer) presentation night. The time was around 10pm and we had just walked through an alleyway with trees either side. On exiting the alleyway you come to a main road, through which on the other side is the residential area. Myself and my brother (being adventerous like we usually are) asked our parents if we could walk around the main road on our own while they cut through the residential area to our house (the journey was at most 5 minutes and we were just playing a game - to see who could get home the quickest). Anyway they were fine with it and we split in our respective directions (mother, father and younger brother went through the residential area, me and my middle brother began to walk along the main road on the footpath by the side of it)

- Anyway we began walking along the footpath. I turned to look across the road (out of interest) when I saw a black figure rise from behind a bush, at most 2ft tall. As I seemingly 'locked eyes' with it an uncontrollable fear took over me. Perhaps for a few seconds I was just still. The figure itself resembled a human, approximately 6ft tall however its head was slightly enlarged near the top. Its arms were down by its side all the time as it rose into a standing position. It certainly wasnt gassues or shimmered and was more like a sillouete, however it looked more 3D then 2D. Anyway as I stared at it I began to feel consumed in fear. My brother after a short time repeatadly asked me what the problem was. I pointed across the road and told him "Someone's there". As he turned to it he began to quiver like myself as we both continued staring at it for a few seconds. Slowly but surely we began to walk away as the figure continued to just stand there. I turned to my brother and shouted 'run'. At this point teary eyed we run home crying. I didnt look back at any point.

- When we got home my parents could see we were both extremely distressed. God knows how we would have felt had we arrived before them thus locked out from the house. When recollecting the story my parents still say they've never seen us two look that scared before.

Anyway for the purposes of the credibility of my experience I'd like to outline a few things:

- Although it was late and we were walking home, both myself and my brother were extremely adventerous as children. It was a close knit community and I regularly spent many nights out in and around the streets, playing hide and seek, building bases etc.

- The experience lasted approximately 15-45 seconds while staring at the entity

In retrospect to the experience these are the key areas which arise for me:

- The Figure: It rose from a bush at most 2ft high and seemingly wasnt crouching. It's almost like it literally 'rose' up from the ground. If it was human, I would of been able to see the figure rise from a crouching position, this wasnt the case.

- The Setting: Behind the bush where this thing appeared is a footpath then a fence. Although it was dark the area was lit with streetlamps. This is all on a slight embankment up from the road, approximately 20-30ft from where I spotted it. Opposite the road (on my side where I witnessed it) was dense woodland. Therefore taking account of the entity being on a slight embankment and opposite to woodland, there is very little chance it was simply a shadow of a person. We had walked approximately 1 minute from the alleyway when the experience happened.

- The Fear: To this day I've never experienced fear like it, combined with such vulnerability. When I stared at the figure I could feel it staring straight back at me. As mentioned previously I was an adventerous kid and was use to playing in the dark outside very often. The area itself is particularly safe, we had lived there for 8 years.

Anyway thats about as brief as I can keep it without disjointing the experience too much. I hope it answers most of your questions, although please feel free to ask anything. I have drove past the spot many a time as I still live relatively close to it. I still feel slight fear however as I've aged I've become more perplexed with what actually happened, although I still feel uncomfortable re-living it.

[edit on 19-6-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

- Do you feel the entity might of put a 'block' on me unlocking what the experience was about? If so, why?

Yes, but not exactly. He showed you a tiny part, so he actually unblocked you a tiny bit. Now you sense the rest, which is enormous, so to you it's only relative that you feel you are being blocked.

Why he only showed you a little is obvious from a sensible human perspective, considering that you are on a course of education. You have "many" questions now about things you've never thought of before. You want to solve all the mysteries you've discovered, naturally, but it can only happen a little at a time as progressively as you can understand them correctly.

That makes sense. With all forms of education you start with the basics and complicate things progressively. While I'm still skeptical that I'm on a course for 'the truth', many of my dreams and sensations Im currently dumbfounded by. Nothing I have experienced has been vivid and felt 'real' since the original experience, but they are certainly occuring.

Alternatively has the figure remained as a shadow and has yet to fully reveal itself because I'm still feaful?

My guess, based on my own experience, is that he will reveal himself to you over time, to be determined mostly by the circumstances about you, but not because you are fearful. As you begin to understand and get to know who and what this person is, and what he can do and how he does it, your fear will naturally lessen, but fear is instinctual and physical, and doesn't just go away. If you try, you can learn to manage it and even step out beside it.

Well I'm 19 years old so time is on my side! As a child I did have one dream I remembered, I was approximately 6-8 years old. I was lying in bed when this small alien spacecraft flew up to my face. There was a small creature within it but I cant remember what it looked like. Anyway it shouted something at me before it dissapeared off and I woke up. Again how appropriate it is I dont know, but perhaps this was an example of the 'entity' revealing itself to me (through ways of which I'd be able to comprehend it) when I was young.

The spiritual sensation of presence is naturally different race to race and person to person. When you are spiritually aware, you can sense presence of spirit. When humans sense humans it's pretty ordinary, but when we sense people from other worlds, the sensation is "foreign" and causes instinctual fear.

I completely agree. I'm not a naturally fearful person and Im generally prepared to embrace most things in life, but I occasionally get sensations of something foreign, usually when I'm alone. I think there is a battle within all of us between our primitive fears and spiritual awareness.

The sensation of another race may feel very good to us or feel very bad, strong or gentle, eerie or soothing, or just different- just as flavors of foods are all different and don't all mix well. Once you get to know the beings, you get used to their different sensations and can identify them individually just by how they feel. You can feel them when they are far away too, just by thinking of them and their thinking back.

Again this is certainly far from the stage Im at, if I'm truly on the path you are. I regularly contemplate life (I'm sure many members on ATS do) and while I feel a primitive fear, there is also a comfort and warmth that I'm unable to explain.

Perhaps the fact that myself and my brother both had dreams before the experience points to the fact that we were destined to be in its presence?

The fact that you and your brother both had dreams before the experience, to me, points to the fact that both of you have always been in his presence, and destined to these experiences from before this life.

I'm a firm believer of fate and pre-destination. While we all can manipulate and mould our lives we all have a path layed out for us. As an analogy we are moving along a piece of string. While we inevitably will meet the other side, we can bend, straighten or even make the string circular. What I ask therefore is why the interest in me? My brother has put for the most part the experience behind him (though when we discuss it he still feels particularly uneased). I'm not consumed in it by any shape or form, but unlike my brother who now consumes himself with day to day life, I certainly question this existence, I wouldn't post here if I didn't!

- My experiences are magnified when I reflect over the experience. Is this because I'm seemingly looking in the right direction for the answers? When I conduct my day to day activities I rarely experience anything profound or meaningful. The original experience is to date the most profound and vivid I've ever had.

Your experiences are magnified when you reflect over it because it's inside of you. Your states of consciousness are very close together. When you think of it, you "go there" and can see more clearly, and be more aware of more experiences. That is the right direction to look in for the answers.

Thats the problem with modern day searching. One must usually look into themselves before they can comprehend whats outside the box. While I'm writing this I'm recalling a number of experiences I've had in the past which have left me perplexed, this is certainly a benefit.

The original experience you refer to was not your first, but it was one-and-only of its kind that made you aware. It made you able to be aware of your past experiences and your future experiences.

Expressing my thoughts and feelings are helping me unlock all previous experiences, even though for the most part I'm still deeply shrouded in confusion regarding them. I'm still reluctant to define what I had/have as something unearthly, but at the very least its an interesting perspective that I can apply to my life.

Thanks once more

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 08:15 PM

Expressing my thoughts and feelings are helping me unlock all previous experiences, even though for the most part I'm still deeply shrouded in confusion regarding them. I'm still reluctant to define what I had/have as something unearthly, but at the very least its an interesting perspective that I can apply to my life.


I am impressed by your honesty. You are still very young and already thinking in the natural ways that are needed to help the human race advance spiritually. Hold onto your experiences and stay true to them. Some day you will know what they are. Stay close to God. You have some great work to do in life ahead.

I am glad to help any way I can. Find me any time.

[edit on 6/19/2006 by EarthSister]

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