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In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right
conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the
Scripture had believed, it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but
most of them are evil-doers.
They will not harm you save a trifling hurt, and if they fight against you they will
turn and flee. And afterward they will not be helped.
Ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found save [where they
grasp] a rope from Allah and a rope from man. They have incurred anger from
their Lord, and wretchedness is laid upon them. That is because they used to
disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slew the Prophets wrongfully. That is
because they were rebellious and used to transgress." Surat Al-Imran (III), verses
Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its
The Islamic World is burning. It is incumbent upon each one of us to pour some
water, little as it may be, with a view of extinguishing as much of the fire as he
can, without awaiting action by the others.
Grace to Allah, whose help we seek, whose forgiveness we beseech, whose
guidance we implore and on whom we rely. We pray and bid peace upon the.Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, his followers and those who
spread his message and followed his tradition; they will last as long as there exist
Heaven and Earth.
O, people! In the midst of misadventure, from the depth of suffering, from the
believing hearts and purified arms; aware of our duty and in response to the decree
of Allah, we direct our call, we rally together and join each other. We educate in
the path of Allah and we make our firm determination prevail so as to take its
proper role in life, to overcome all difficulties and to cross all hurdles. Hence our
permanent state of preparedness and our readiness to sacrifice our souls and
dearest [possessions] in the path of Allah.
Thus, our nucleus has formed which chartered its way in the tempestuous ocean of
creeds and hopes, desires and wishes, dangers and difficulties, setbacks and
challenges, both internal and external.
When the thought matured, the seed grew and the plant took root in the land of
reality, detached from temporary emotion and unwelcome haste, the Islamic
Resistance Movement erupted in order to play its role in the path of its Lord. In so
doing, it joined its hands with those of all Jihad fighters for the purpose of
liberating Palestine. The souls of its Jihad fighters will encounter those of all Jihad
fighters who have sacrificed their lives in the land of Palestine since it was
conquered by the Companion of the Prophet, be Allah's prayer and peace upon
him, and until this very day. This is the Charter of the Islamic Resistance (Hamas)
which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state its position, clarify its purpose,
discuss its hopes, call for support to its cause and reinforcement, and for joining its
ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so
much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by
further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab
and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. Thus
we shall perceive them approaching in the horizon, and this will be known before
long: "Allah has decreed: Lo! I very shall conquer, I and my messenger, lo! Allah
is strong, almighty.:"
The Ideological Aspects
Article One
The Islamic Resistance Movement draws its guidelines from Islam; derives from it
its thinking, interpretations and views about existence, life and humanity; refers
back to it for its conduct; and is inspired by it in whatever step it takes..The Link between Hamas and the Association of Muslim Brothers
Article Two
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in
Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest
Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound
understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all
concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics,
education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts
and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.
Structure and Essence
Article Three
The basic structure of the Islamic Resistance Movement consists of Muslims who
are devoted to Allah and worship Him verily [as it is written]: "I have created Man
and Devil for the purpose of their worship" [of Allah]. Those Muslims are
cognizant of their duty towards themselves, their families and country and they
have been relying on Allah for all that. They have raised the banner of Jihad in the
face of the oppressors in order to extricate the country and the people from the
[oppressors'] desecration, filth and evil.
Article Four
The Movement welcomes all Muslims who share its beliefs and thinking, commit
themselves to its course of action, keep its secrets and aspire to join its ranks in
order to carry out their duty. Allah will reward them.
Dimensions of Time and Space of the Hamas
Article Five
As the Movement adopts Islam as its way of life, its time dimension extends back
as far as the birth of the Islamic Message and of the Righteous Ancestor. Its
ultimate goal is Islam, the Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Constitution. Its special
dimension extends wherever on earth there are Muslims, who adopt Islam as their
way of life; thus, it penetrates to the deepest reaches of the land and to the highest
spheres of Heavens.
Peculiarity and Independence.Article Six
The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinct Palestinian Movement which owes
its loyalty to Allah, derives from Islam its way of life and strives to raise the
banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. Only under the shadow of Islam
could the members of all regions coexist in safety and security for their lives,
properties and rights. In the absence of Islam, conflict arises, oppression reigns,
corruption is rampant and struggles and wars prevail. Allah had inspired the
Muslim poet, Muhammad Iqbal, when he said:
When the Faith wanes, there is no security
There is no this-worldliness for those who have no faith
Those who wish to live their life without religion
Have made annihilation the equivalent of life.
The Universality of Hamas
Article Seven
By virtue of the distribution of Muslims, who pursue the cause of the Hamas, all
over the globe, and strive for its victory, for the reinforcement of its positions and
for the encouragement of its Jihad, the Movement is a universal one. It is apt to be
that due to the clarity of its thinking, the nobility of its purpose and the loftiness of
its objectives.
It is in this light that the Movement has to be regarded, evaluated and
acknowledged. Whoever denigrates its worth, or avoids supporting it, or is so blind
as to dismiss its role, is challenging Fate itself. Whoever closes his eyes from
seeing the facts, whether intentionally or not, will wake up to find himself
overtaken by events, and will find no excuses to justify his position. Priority is
reserved to the early comers.
Oppressing those who are closest to you, is more of an agony to the soul than the
impact of an Indian sword.
"And unto thee have we revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever
scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which
Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which has
come unto thee. For each we have appointed a divine law and a traced-out way.
Had Allah willed, He could have made you one community. But that He may try
you by that which he has given you [He has made you as you are]. So vie with one
another in good works. Unto Allah, you will all return. He will then inform you of
that wherein you differ.".Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the
Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting out of the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassam
and his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood who fought the Holy War in 1936; it
further relates to another link of the Palestinian Jihad and the Jihad and efforts of
the Muslim Brothers during the 1948 War, and to the Jihad operations of the
Muslim Brothers in 1968 and thereafter.
But even if the links have become distant from each other, and even if the
obstacles erected by those who revolve in the Zionist orbit, aiming at obstructing
the road before the Jihad fighters, have rendered the pursuance of Jihad impossible;
nevertheless, the Hamas has been looking forward to implement Allah's promise
whatever time it might take. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said:
The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the
Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding
behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a
Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
The Slogan of the Hamas
Article Eight
Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Constitution, Jihad its path
and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.
Motives and Objectives
Article Nine
Hamas finds itself at a period of time when Islam has waned away from the reality
of life. For this reason, the checks and balances have been upset, concepts have
become confused, and values have been transformed; evil has prevailed,
oppression and obscurity have reigned; cowards have turned tigers, homelands
have been usurped, people have been uprooted and are wandering all over the
globe. The state of truth has disappeared and was replaced by the state of evil.
Nothing has remained in its right place, for when Islam is removed from the scene,
everything changes. These are the motives.
As to the objectives: discarding the evil, crushing it and defeating it, so that truth
may prevail, homelands revert [to their owners], calls for prayer be heard from.their mosques, announcing the reinstitution of the Muslim state. Thus,
people and
things will revert to their true place.
Article Ten
The Islamic Resistance Movement, while breaking its own path, will do its utmost
to constitute at the same time a support to the weak, a defense to all the oppressed.
It will spare no effort to implement the truth and abolish evil, in speech and in fact,
both here and in any other location where it can reach out and exert influence.
The Strategy of Hamas: Palestine is an Islamic Waqf
Article Eleven
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine has been an
Islamic Waqf throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one
can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it. No Arab country nor the
aggregate of all Arab countries, and no Arab King or President nor all of them in
the aggregate, have that right, nor has that right any organization or the aggregate
of all organizations, be they Palestinian or Arab, because Palestine is an Islamic
Waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection. Who can presume
to speak for all Islamic Generations to the Day of Resurrection? This is the status
[of the land] in Islamic Shari'a, and it is similar to all lands conquered by Islam by
force, and made thereby Waqf lands upon their conquest, for all generations of
Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. This [norm] has prevailed since the
commanders of the Muslim armies completed the conquest of Syria and Iraq, and
they asked the Caliph of Muslims, 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab, for his view of the
conquered land, whether it should be partitioned between the troops or left in the
possession of its population, or otherwise. Following discussions and consultations
between the Caliph of Islam, 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab, and the Companions of the
Messenger of Allah, be peace and prayer upon him, they decided that the land
should remain in the hands of its owners to benefit from it and from its wealth; but
the control of the land and the land itself ought to be endowed as a Waqf [in
perpetuity] for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. The
ownership of the land by its owners is only one of usufruct, and this Waqf will
endure as long as Heaven and earth last. Any demarche in violation of this law of
Islam, with regard to Palestine, is baseless and reflects on its perpetrators.
Hamas in Palestine: Its Views on Homeland and Nationalism
Article Twelve.Hamas regards Nationalism (Wataniyya) as part and parcel of the religious faith.
Nothing is loftier or deeper in Nationalism than waging Jihad against the enemy
and confronting him when he sets foot on the land of the Muslims. And this
becomes an individual duty binding on every Muslim man and woman; a woman
must go out and fight the enemy even without her husband's authorization, and a
slave without his masters' permission.
This [principle] does not exist under any other regime, and it is a truth not to be
questioned. While other nationalisms consist of material, human and territorial
considerations, the nationality of Hamas also carries, in addition to all those, the all
important divine factors which lend to it its spirit and life; so much so that it
connects with the origin of the spirit and the source of life and raises in the skies of
the Homeland the Banner of the Lord, thus inexorably connecting earth with
When Moses came and threw his baton, sorcery and sorcerers became futile.
Peaceful Solutions, [Peace] Initiatives and International Conferences
Article Thirteen
[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international
conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the
Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means
renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism of the Islamic Resistance
Movement is part of its faith, the movement educates its members to adhere to its
principles and to raise the banner of Allah over their homeland as they fight their
Jihad: "Allah is the all-powerful, but most people are not aware."
From time to time a clamoring is voiced, to hold an International Conference in
search for a solution to the problem. Some accept the idea, others reject it, for one
reason or another, demanding the implementation of this or that condition, as a
prerequisite for agreeing to convene the Conference or for participating in it. But
the Islamic Resistance Movement, which is aware of the [prospective] parties to
this conference, and of their past and present positions towards the problems of the
Muslims, does not believe that those conferences are capable of responding to
demands, or of restoring rights or doing justice to the oppressed. Those
conferences are no more than a means to appoint the nonbelievers as arbitrators in
the lands of Islam. Since when did the Unbelievers do justice to the Believers?
"And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou
follow their creed. 'Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah [himself] is the Guidance. And
if you should follow their desires after the knowledge which has come unto thee,
then you would have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper." Sura 2 (the
Cow), verse 120.There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives,
proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in
futility. The Palestinian people are too noble to have their future, their right and
their destiny submitted to a vain game. As the hadith has it:
"The people of Syria are Allah's whip on this land; He takes revenge by their
intermediary from whoever he wished among his worshipers. The Hypocrites
among them are forbidden from vanquishing the true believers, and they will die in
anxiety and sorrow." (Told by Tabarani, who is traceable in ascending order of
traditionaries to Muhammad, and by Ahmed whose chain of transmission is
incomplete. But it is bound to be a true hadith, for both story tellers are reliable.
Allah knows best.)
The Three Circles
Article Fourteen
The problem of the liberation of Palestine relates to three circles: the Palestinian,
the Arab and the Islamic. Each one of these circles has a role to play in the struggle
against Zionism and it has duties to fulfill. It would be an enormous mistake and an
abysmal act of ignorance to disregard anyone of these circles. For Palestine is an
Islamic land where the First Qibla and the third holiest site are located. That is also
the place whence the Prophet, be Allah's prayer and peace upon him, ascended to
"Glorified be He who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of
worship to the Far Distant Place of Worship, the neighborhood whereof we have
blessed, that we might show him of our tokens! Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the
Seer." Sura XVII (al-Isra'), verse 1
In consequence of this state of affairs, the liberation of that land is an individual
duty binding on all Muslims everywhere. This is the base on which all Muslims
have to regard the problem; this has to be understood by all Muslims. When the
problem is dealt with on this basis, where the full potential of the three circles is
mobilized, then the current circumstances will change and the day of liberation will
come closer.
"You are more awful as a fear in their bosoms than Allah. That is because they are
a folk who understand not." Sura LIX, (Al-Hashr, the Exile), verse 13
The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Obligation
Article Fifteen.When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all
Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no
escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would require the propagation of
Islamic consciousness among the masses on all local, Arab and Islamic levels. We
must spread the spirit of Jihad among the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies
and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters.
The 'ulama as well as educators and teachers, publicity and media men as well as
the masses of the educated, and especially the youth and the elders of the Islamic
Movements, must participate in this raising of consciousness. There is no escape
from introducing fundamental changes in educational curricula in order to cleanse
them from all vestiges of the ideological invasion which has been brought about by
orientalists and missionaries. That invasion had begun overtaking this area
following the defeat of the Crusader armies by Salah a-Din el Ayyubi. The
Crusaders had understood that they had no way to vanquish the Muslims unless
they prepared the grounds for that with an ideological invasion which would
confuse the thinking of Muslims, revile their heritage, discredit their ideals, to be
followed by a military invasion. That was to be in preparation for the Imperialist
invasion, as in fact [General] Allenby acknowledged it upon his entry to Jerusalem:
"Now, the Crusades are over." General Gouraud stood on the tomb of Salah a-Din
and declared: "We have returned, O Salah-a-Din!" Imperialism has been
instrumental in boosting the ideological invasion and deepening its roots, and it is
still pursuing this goal. All this had paved the way to the loss of Palestine. We
must imprint on the minds of generations of Muslims that the Palestinian problem
is a religious one, to be dealt with on this premise. It includes Islamic holy sites
such as the Aqsa Mosque, which is inexorably linked to the Holy Mosque as long
as the Heaven and earth will exist, to the journey of the Messenger of Allah, be
Allah's peace and blessing upon him, to it, and to his ascension from it.
"Dwelling one day in the Path of Allah is better than the entire world and
everything that exists in it. The place of the whip of one among you in Paradise is
better than the entire world and everything that exists in it. [God's] worshiper's
going and coming in the Path of Allah is better than the entire world and
everything that exists in it." (Told by Bukhari, Muslim Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja)
I swear by that who holds in His Hands the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to
go to war for the sake of Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and
kill (told by Bukhari and Muslim).
Article Sixteen
We must accord the Islamic [young] generations in our area, an Islamic education
based on the implementation of religious precepts, on the conscientious study of
the Book of Allah; on the Study of the Prophetic Tradition, on the study of Islamic.history and heritage from its reliable sources, under the guidance
of experts and
scientists, and on singling out the paths which constitute for the Muslims sound
concepts of thinking and faith. It is also necessary to study conscientiously the
enemy and its material and human potential; to detect its weak and strong spots,
and to recognize the powers that support it and stand by it. At the same time, we
must be aware of current events, follow the news and study the analyses and
commentaries on it, together with drawing plans for the present and the future and
examining every phenomenon, so that every Muslim, fighting Jihad, could live out
his era aware of his objective, his goals, his way and the things happening round
"O my dear son! Lo! though it be but the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, and
though it be in a rock, or in the heavens, or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth.
Lo! Allah is subtle. Aware. O my dear son! Establish worship and enjoin kindness
and forbid inequity, and persevere, whatever may befall thee. Lo! that is of the
steadfast heart of things. Turn not thy cheek in scorn toward folk, nor walk with
pertness in the land. Lo! Allah loves not braggarts and boasters." Sura XXXI
(Luqman), verses 16-18
The Role of Muslim Women
Article Seventeen
The Muslim women have a no lesser role than that of men in the war of liberation;
they manufacture men and play a great role in guiding and educating the [new]
generation. The enemies have understood that role, therefore they realize that if
they can guide and educate [the Muslim women] in a way that would distance
them from Islam, they would have won that war. Therefore, you can see them
making consistent efforts [in that direction] by way of publicity and movies,
curricula of education and culture, using as their intermediaries their craftsmen
who are part of the various Zionist Organizations which take on all sorts of names
and shapes such as: the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, gangs of spies and the like. All
of them are nests of saboteurs and sabotage. Those Zionist organizations control
vast material resources, which enable them to fulfill their mission amidst societies,
with a view of implementing Zionist goals and sowing the concepts that can be of
use to the enemy. Those organizations operate [in a situation] where Islam is
absent from the arena and alienated from its people. Thus, the Muslims must fulfill
their duty in confronting the schemes of those saboteurs. When Islam will retake
possession of [the means to] guide the life [of the Muslims], it will wipe out those
organizations which are the enemy of humanity and Islam..Article Eighteen
The women in the house and the family of Jihad fighters, whether they are mothers
or sisters, carry out the most important duty of caring for the home and raising the
children upon the moral concepts and values which derive from Islam; and of
educating their sons to observe the religious injunctions in preparation for the duty
of Jihad awaiting them. Therefore, we must pay attention to the schools and
curricula upon which Muslim girls are educated, so as to make them righteous
mothers, who are conscious of their duties in the war of liberation. They must be
fully capable of being aware and of grasping the ways to manage their households.
Economy and avoiding waste in household expenditures are prerequisites to our
ability to pursue our cause in the difficult circumstances surrounding us. Therefore
let them remember at all times that money saved is equivalent to blood, which
must be made to run in the veins in order to ensure the continuity of life of our
young and old.
"Lo, men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender and men who
believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and
men who speak the truth and women who speak the truth and men who persevere
(in righteousness) and women who persevere and men who are humble and women
who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who
fast and women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who
guard [their modesty], and men who remember Allah much and women who
remember Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward." Sura 33
(Al-Ahzab, the Clans), verse 35
The Role of Islamic Art in the War of Liberation
Article Nineteen
Art has rules and criteria by which one can know whether it is Islamic or Jahiliyya
art. The problems of Islamic liberation underlie the need for Islamic art which
could lift the spirit, and instead of making one party triumph over the other, would
lift up all parties in harmony and balance.
Man is a strange and miraculous being, made out of a handful of clay and a breath
of soul; Islamic art is to address man on this basis, while Jahili art addresses the
body and makes the element of clay paramount. So, books, articles, publications,
religious exhortations, epistles, songs, poems, hymns, plays, and the like, if they
possess the characteristics of Islamic art, have the requisites of ideological
mobilization, of a continuous nurturing in the pursuance of the journey, and of
relaxing the soul. The road is long and the suffering is great and the spirits are
weary; it is Islamic art which renews the activity, revives the movement and.arouses lofty concepts and sound planning. The soul cannot thrive, unless
it knows
how to contrive, unless it can transit from one situation to another. All this is a
serious matter, no jesting. For the umma fighting its Jihad knows no jesting.
Social Solidarity
Article Twenty
Islamic society is one of solidarity. The Messenger of Allah, be Allah's prayer and
peace upon him, said:
What a wonderful tribe were the Ash'aris! When they were overtaxed, either in
their location or during their journeys, they would collect all their possessions, and
then would divide them equally among themselves.
This is the Islamic spirit which ought to prevail in any Muslim society. A society
which confronts a vicious, Nazi-like enemy, who does not differentiate between
man and woman, elder and young ought to be the first to adorn itself with this
Islamic spirit. Our enemy pursues the style of collective punishment of usurping
people's countries and properties, of pursuing them into their exiles and places of
assembly. It has resorted to breaking bones, opening fire on women and children
and the old, with or without reason, and to setting up detention camps where
thousands upon thousands are interned in inhuman conditions. In addition, it
destroys houses, renders children orphans and issues oppressive judgements
against thousands of young people who spend the best years of their youth in the
darkness of prisons. The Nazism of the Jews does not skip women and children, it
scares everyone. They make war against people's livelihood, plunder their moneys
and threaten their honor. In their horrible actions they mistreat people like the most
horrendous war criminals. Exiling people from their country is another way of
killing them. As we face this misconduct, we have no escape from establishing
social solidarity among the people, from confronting the enemy as one solid body,
so that if one organ is hurt the rest of the body will respond with alertness and
****Ahhh well it cut it off anyway
It does continue though if you are interested beyond this point.