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unknowing bodhisatva?

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posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 01:43 AM
I came to this realisation not long ago....

every since I was a small child Id set out time in the day and concentrate my mind and focusing by using music for sometimes over an hour or more at a time. using the rhythem of the music and sometimes a subtle rocking to slow my thoughts down and focus my mind. I did this unknowingly or unconciously (difficult to describe) my parents, especially my father thought it was odd, yet he is very open minded and later told me he thought it was a from of meditation that not only me but my sibblings did each day. apparently this was common through my mothers side. Whatever I projected or molded my mind to at this time my mood and feelings were affected by becoming that.

I also shared an affinity for the image of the buddha since I was very young and it interested me. So I began reading the philosphy of buddhism....and its practices. I slowly began to realise the meditation practices I have been doing my entire life unknowingly.

the terminology I began realising were describing subtle thing that I had known unconciously. It is difficult for the western mind to comprehend the buddhist philosphy and I believe because of a couple reasons...the traditional religions of the west are geared, for those who delve deeply enough to do the same thing, but I feel the buddhist philosphy is more direct about it with the 8 fold path.

At first the state of nirvana, or ceasing was difficult for me to understand until I realised I was bringing myself into this state at least once a day to bring my life more into focus. the state of both being and not being. question is has anybody else come to similiar realizations? do you believe they stem from past lives of learning or spirtual growth?

or, as in the buddhist philosphy, we all inheritantly have the ability of realization and awakening, and some choose to use it and others do not?

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 01:57 AM
I, myself, have never been able to slow my mind. Meditation, like mathematical word problems, I just don't get. (If anyone ever finds an on/off switch for the mind, lemme know.

However, your situation is intriguing. I've heard that humans (might) have an ancestral memory, kinda like the elephants. (A teacher called it 'Zero Point'.) I'm not sure if it's limited to human memory, of if it could extend into the before-ness of humans..

Could be a past life, if you believe in reincarnation.

I'd like to think that all humans have the capacity to become enlightened, or at least get closer to Nirvana. But the more I observe humanity, I just don't think that some humans have the physical (mental) capabilities... some are just plainly stupid and/or stubborn. (Of course, the American 'culture' doesn't allow for much spiritual evolution, so we might just be stunting ourselves.)

At the very least -- take it and run! Delve deeper and see what you can see.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Diseria
I, myself, have never been able to slow my mind. Meditation, like mathematical word problems, I just don't get. (If anyone ever finds an on/off switch for the mind, lemme know.

However, your situation is intriguing. I've heard that humans (might) have an ancestral memory, kinda like the elephants. (A teacher called it 'Zero Point'.) I'm not sure if it's limited to human memory, of if it could extend into the before-ness of humans..

Could be a past life, if you believe in reincarnation.

I'd like to think that all humans have the capacity to become enlightened, or at least get closer to Nirvana. But the more I observe humanity, I just don't think that some humans have the physical (mental) capabilities... some are just plainly stupid and/or stubborn. (Of course, the American 'culture' doesn't allow for much spiritual evolution, so we might just be stunting ourselves.)

At the very least -- take it and run! Delve deeper and see what you can see.

the meditation is simple, just dont think about it and kind of loose yourself for a few minutes the concentrate on a problem, an event it can be anything and you will find such simple solutions to it. Dont rush anything....let it come naturally, at least this is how I do it.

the ancestral memory thing is interesting I think that happens to a degree...

and past lives I am not sure....

I do believe all humans are capable of reaching nirvana, and I think nirvana is achieved in various stages. I think all people reach at some level, some more than others...for example the man that goes fishing and just sit there peacefully is reaching it to a level.

I have found that most eastern philosphy has entered into american culture about 30-40 years ago...(60's-70's).

I was suprised to find a buddhist temple near where I live, of course the Dalai lamas brother lives in my state

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 03:10 AM

the meditation is simple, just dont think about it and kind of loose yourself for a few minutes the concentrate on a problem, an event it can be anything and you will find such simple solutions to it. Dont rush anything....let it come naturally, at least this is how I do it.

simple.. you're talking to hard-way jones here. I thought building a flower box would be easy.. took me 3 hours!

See, my problem is 'just don't think about it'.... I think **all the time**. I've tried staring at candles, listening to thunderstorms (thee most relaxing sound that I know of), staring at a blank/black ceiling...
My mind is like the class clown that makes the farting noise when it's dead silent, ya know?
Just when I think I'm getting somewhere, it's all over. (I know, I shouldn't be thinking anything.. tell my brain that!!)

The few times that I've been able to actually sit in perfect mental silence, I was stoned out of my gourd... which is not the correct way to acheive mental anything. But.. *sigh* it was nice..

I tried a method out of a Wiccan book, counting up to 10, each number being a different color... I got frustrated because I couldn't remember the colors and had to keep checking the book.

I am the Doubting Thomas of spirituality... I know it's possible, I just never know if I'm doing it correctly. (Because if you're gonna do something, it's best to do it right, right?)

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 11:56 AM
To quiet your have to do it yourself. No one else can really teach you a technique because for everyone it will be different, as all humans are inherently different. I would however suggest that you try to look deep into your mind. Picture a blank screen in front of you and just let go of all thoughts. This may not sound easy as it is not easy, but if you want to be able to meditate you must have a clear mind. I would not recommend using any type of distractions as these only limit your depth of meditation (unless you can readily access Delta level waves, but that seems out of the question). It is apparent to me that you have been living most (if not all) of your waking life in beta and not enough time in the higher realms of consciousness. Our "Inner Pilot" so to speak (soul) lives in the delta and above states. You must first relax to put yourself into Alpha, and then from there meditate to gain access to the Theta. After a long time of practice (possibly weeks/months) you will be able to tap into the Delta state. However, this may not be possible without hard work on your part. As I said, no one else can do this for you or really teach you. What you put into your life is what you will get out of it...Hope this was of some help.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 12:26 PM
Biggie Smalls --

Thank you. Your words do help.
Ever since I was little, I've searched for answers outside of myself. Billions of humans now, far too many to count before that... *someone* has to have the answer, an answer, *any* answer... I've relied on many people during my short span this time 'round, and 'tis only recently that I've truly begun to understand that while others may have the best intentions, all of their help is truly limited. While everyone is connected... in this life, in this form, we are separated. I'm beginning to understand the purpose for that.
While I walk my own path, on my own... I'm scared to be alone. But only I can make my feet move.. no matter how hard others may try to push me forward.

Thank you again. Know that your words are appreciated.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 12:33 PM
Yes exactly the questions you ask can only be answered by your inner being. We do not know the circumstances of your life, nor would you probably want to share everything. Each person lives their life and the interaction with others can be helpful as a learning tool. However, in the end it comes down to the individual as to whether they wish to change or further cooperate with the ignorant masses. Once enough people have been awakened, humanity's true purpose will be evident. I will post some further details on this subject later as I have a good deal to share. However, I am not in the right state of mind at the moment.

[edit on 17-6-2006 by biggie smalls]

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 04:00 PM
I have the same exact problem dude.....can't not think mind is going everywhere all of the time. I have the worst time trying to control that.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Just to make this note short: Meditation isn't easy nor simple.

As for the on-topic stuff: I just realized a few months ago that when I am at work, I tend to stand and direct beer bottles through a line (sorry, badly discripted but its not the point) and I found out that whenever I was doing this I was actually doing an old shaman trance-inducing technique, and it always works I might add. Sometimes I am so far gone, but I can still go around and do my business. So actually, I could "work while sleeping" so to speak.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 05:56 PM
Meditation seems to come natural for me, think of relaxing in a bubble bath with no thoughts in your mind at all. I meditate in the shower the best.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I came to this realisation not long ago....

every since I was a small child Id set out time in the day and concentrate my mind and focusing by using music for sometimes over an hour or more at a time. using the rhythem of the music and sometimes a subtle rocking to slow my thoughts down and focus my mind. I did this unknowingly or unconciously (difficult to describe) my parents, especially my father thought it was odd, yet he is very open minded and later told me he thought it was a from of meditation that not only me but my sibblings did each day. apparently this was common through my mothers side. Whatever I projected or molded my mind to at this time my mood and feelings were affected by becoming that.

I also shared an affinity for the image of the buddha since I was very young and it interested me. So I began reading the philosphy of buddhism....and its practices. I slowly began to realise the meditation practices I have been doing my entire life unknowingly.

the terminology I began realising were describing subtle thing that I had known unconciously. It is difficult for the western mind to comprehend the buddhist philosphy and I believe because of a couple reasons...the traditional religions of the west are geared, for those who delve deeply enough to do the same thing, but I feel the buddhist philosphy is more direct about it with the 8 fold path.

At first the state of nirvana, or ceasing was difficult for me to understand until I realised I was bringing myself into this state at least once a day to bring my life more into focus. the state of both being and not being. question is has anybody else come to similiar realizations? do you believe they stem from past lives of learning or spirtual growth?

or, as in the buddhist philosphy, we all inheritantly have the ability of realization and awakening, and some choose to use it and others do not?

i got almost the same realasion about 15 years ago at a age of 7, i feeled that christianity wasn't right so i started to find out of things about other religions and then i found buddhism it was like finding a gold mine, it was just right..

the more i read about buddhism, the more i got feeling of peace insight.. some years later i got to know a person who become a great friend and he learned me some new stuff and i got to realise that i never become a Buddha or come to nirvana, i will become a buddhistva who guides other on the road they are taking..

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