OK, this is my attempt. Its not as good as i'm used to, but it will do
Its kinda rushed, but I wanted to get it done before the deadline and i've been busy...so i hope you enjoy
666 – The Miracle of Birth
…and on the Day of Damnation or Restoration
The Lord of Light or Dark
Would make themselves known to the world
The Will of this Lord will allow Hell to Rise
Or Heaven to fall…
- The Lost Bible
11.06am – June 6th 2006
The wail of the baby echoed in the delivery room. It had only been several seconds since the child had been born, but it appeared to have come out
The mother lay on the bed, drenched in her own blood but no one seemed to be rushing to do anything about the continuous river, oozed from the point
of the babies exit.
“We must deliver this child to the Temple,” one of the Doctors said to a nurse standing by.
“What of the Mother?” the nurse asked.
The Doctor stared at her for a moment, and then replied “she has served her purpose, remove her body and place it in the furnace.”
The Nurse nodded and began to clean up blood spillage on the floor.
The Doctor cradled the child in his arms, looking deep into its highly dilated eyes.
“The count down to the day of ascension has begun. This day plus 21 years will mark the beginning of ‘Hell on Earth’.”
“Not likely” said a voice from behind the Doctor, followed by an almighty crack to the back of the head.
As the Doctor fell forward, his hold on the child was gone, and the baby fell.
Before it hit the ground, the Doctor saw someone grab for it.
Falling face first with no arm forward to stop his descent, the Doctor smashed his nose into the floor of the room, feeling a searing pain as the nose
broke, and the heat of blood gushing from it.
Turning around to see his assailant, the Doctors eyes were immediately drawn to the Nurse who had been in the room with him. Her body had fallen atop
that of the mother, her cold lifeless eyes staring into the space between her self and the Doctor. A bloody puncture wound on the neck giving the
Doctor immediate recognition of cause of Death.
His eyes quickly turned to a Man dressed in White, with a Star emblazoned on its chest, standing feet away holding the child.
“That is the Son of Our God, hand him over now ‘fore the Might of ‘Him’ reigns upon you” The Doctor seethed, though the words sounded
swamped in the blood.
“There is but one God. He alone holds the power to bring forth retribution on me.” The Man claimed.
Before the Doctor could speak a reply, the Man moved in quickly, producing a knife of sorts and piercing the neck.
As the Doctor felt his blood pour from the neck, his energy sapped from his body, he had one more thing to say.
“The Lords Army is Legion, He will find…..” the hoarse voice trailed off as the Doctor slipped away.
Josephine Marceau sat in the hospital, aching from the huge ordeal her body had just gone through to give birth to her first child.
‘Josie’ just sat, propped against the wall, resting after the 36 hours of sheer struggle, fighting this child that seemed reluctant to enter its
new world.
She so desperately wanted to hold the child, but her in fatigued state; her eyes could not remain open.
As the lids gently fell, a warm sensual breeze filled the room, pouring in through the open window. The warmth of the Sun mildly exaggerated by the
windows creating a peaceful temperature, while the light itself giving a warm glow to the room.
Music began to fill the ears of the young woman, soft relaxing music putting the woman at ease. Opening her eyes again, Josie wondered where her child
was, why she had not been allowed to be with it yet.
Finally the door to her private room opened.
A man dressed in White with a Star on the Chest, the Doctor she assumed, walked in carrying a child, her child.
“Please to say you have a beautiful Healthy baby Girl” The Doctor stated, as he moved closer.
Josie smiled and reached for the child.
“What took so long?” she asked.
“One or two complications that have been sufficiently dealt with” the Doctor responded as he handed the child over.
Josie sat cradling the baby in her arms.
“I expect great things from you,” she whispered, then kissing the forehead.
“Have you thought of a name for her yet?”
“D’Monique Marceau, after my Mother,”
The Doctor gave a little smile, followed by something sounding a lot like ‘How appropriate”.
“Pardon?” she asked, somewhat confused.
“Nothing, I should let you rest, you and your daughter have had a long couple of days”
Josie simply nodded, welcoming the peace the child placed upon her.
As her eyes stared deep into the child’s, she noticed how large the pupils appeared. It would have seemed rather creepy at any other time, but the
glow coming from within was powerful.
The woman looked up to thank the Doctor before he left, but was too late. As she moved her eyes back to her Daughter, she noticed a book on her
cabinet, one that she had not noticed before.
Reaching over, she picked it up.
The texture of the book was smooth. It felt old in her hands however, almost as though it would fall apart.
In gold across the top simply read ‘The Lost Bible’.
She opened the front cover, inside was a note for the new Mother.
‘Josephine, please take care of your Child.’
The woman was too tired to think about who had left this ‘gift’ instead, she held her baby close, kissed the forehead, and laid back.
Outside the room of Josephine Marceau, Hector Greenblatt picked up his Cell phone.
As he typed in a number, it rang out.
On the screen read the name ‘Victor’.
“Hello Victor”, he answered, “it’s done”
“Excellent, Hector” came the reply. “And her 'real' child?”
“Taken care of, she’ll not know the one in her custody is not of her blood, as was decided.”
“Very Good, get back to the commune, its time for us to move out.” With that, the line went dead.
With one last look through the window in the door, Hector saw the child in the arms of the woman.
“I only hope I never see you again” he said, then stalked off down the hall.
[edit on 15/6/2006 by JebusSaves]