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David Icke - Nut or Brilliant Researcher?

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posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Welcome all truth seekers. In this discussion I want to try to uncover whether David Icke is just some crazy nut or is he a brilliant researcher. Let’s dig right into this. I have read many of the major conspiracy author’s books, and listened to their lectures. The major ones in my eyes are Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Jim Marrs, Fritz Springmeier, Len Horowitz, and of course David Icke.

I was first introduced to some of David Icke’s theories when I ended up coming across a document he wrote sometime ago. It basically covered the Freeman incident, which If you don’t know is about a group of people who declared themselves sovereign from the United States, and did it all while abiding by the laws of the United States. Now I am not going to go into details on how this was done, but if you do a little research on the Freeman incident you will come across some of the details. This document was quite interesting to me, and as I got through this information, eventually he started talking about some of the conspiracy theories revolving around the Freemasons, and many leaders of different countries. Which again I must say was very interesting and there is a lot of evident to support such theories. Shortly after this, Icke came upon the topic that has made him famous or infamous; the idea of a reptilian species on the planet. This is when my ears turned off and my mind said “Ok, you were good up till now. What the heck is this about some sci-fi type creature that has taken over the world or whatever” I must admit I quit reading the document after that, and didn’t really pursue any more of David Icke’s work after this. It was a good couple years before I ever got back to reading David Icke’s material.

A couple of years later; after I had read quite a great deal of material by different authors, in the area of Religion, Conspiracy, Aliens, Paranormal, Freemasonry, Symbology, and many other subjects. I did find a remarkable amount of claims by different people of a reptilian like creature; some even referenced the Grays that everyone has heard of as being reptilian like. Mind you these people are not conspiracy researcher, some say they were just trying to make a buck, and indeed some probably were, but why reptilian, and why so many claims there obviously must be some truth to this. I recommend The Universal Seduction series; it has many different sighting and claims listed that are generally unbiased. Might I also mention that many of the religions have the evil god/being ex. Satan, as being reptilian? What’s this about a serpent in the garden? Some religions even reference a great alligator as the evil one. Perhaps there is more to this after all, maybe Satan isn’t referred to as the great serpent just because he was slippery, perhaps he had an appearance of a reptile. “Now I’m not saying this is absolutely the answer, I am just trying to open your mind up to the possibility of it. I don’t know all the answers but there is some evidence to support this claim.” Perhaps the Nephelium, that are referred to in the beginning of Genesis 6 were reptilian like creatures who knows.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:52 PM
My point is that unless you know all or at least a great deal of the facts, do not throw an idea out. Set it on the back burner, someday you may find it fits. Even so even if David is completely wrong on the reptilian idea, does it matter? That’s like saying that before I went to school I believed that the world was flat, and then later found out that it is in fact round, but because I announced that is was flat early on, now everything I say from this point on is wrong. This is nuts in my opinion. My views 10 years ago are way different from my views now. I would have said you are nuts if anyone came up to me and told me what I know now, and 10 years from now I will have very different views from now. Your perspective of a situation or idea is completely based on the knowledge you have acquired at that moment.

One last thing I wish to discuss is there a great many people who have declared that David Icke has said he was some form of Messiah or Son of God or whatever. I have not come across that statement in all his books that I have read or in his lectures. David Icke does not profess to a religion, but he does believe in a god like entity or energy. He has many times said that we are all a part of the great source. It is his energy that runs through us. So in that sense I guess we are all part of God. If anyone can show me where he says he is a messiah or Son of God I would be much obliged. Otherwise I regard this as completely disinformation to discredit him.

To conclude this I wish to ask each and every one of you to open your minds, and your hearts. Do not throw anything away unless you know for a fact that is crap. What seems to be crap now may be the answer you have been looking for later. Am I declaring that reptilians exist? No and Yes, I believe it is possible; there is evidence to support and to dismiss this. Does it matter? No, it’s good to have it in your mind as a possibility but don’t get hung up on it. I have read many of David Icke’s books and they contain a lot of very good information. I personally want to declare that David is a brilliant researcher who is willing to think outside the box. I hope each and every one of you can learn this skill. Just because you think something that is out of ordinary is possible, doesn’t make you a nut, it makes you free. I wish you all luck in your research, and may we all find the answer we are search for.


Blake K. Stoltman

[edit on 6/14/2006 by BStoltman]

[edit on 6/14/2006 by BStoltman]

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:00 PM
Well I kindof feel the same way about David Icke having good info up until the reptile part. I believe in things like the Illuminati and New World Order, but I find it really hard to believe that shapeshifting reptiles rule the world. I'm into aliens and UFOs but it's still a bit much. I'm more into Alex Jones since he talks about and tries to expose things like the New World Order but without anything to do with reptiles. I find him more credible.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:31 PM
ProudCanadian, Bstoltman made a good point and mentioned few books like Universal Seduction. Reptilian domination is not Icke's theory. There are alot of researchers who raise that question and try to prove it. So think out of the box and keep an open mind. I'm not saying that everything you hear and read around has to be taken as pure truth but as Bstoltman said, keep it somewhere in a little corner of your mind. Knowning is half of the way...

[edit on 14-6-2006 by Telos]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 04:41 AM
I've got a lot of respect for Icke and the others you mention. These people put a lot of time, effort and money into their research and the majority of the time they get it thrown back in their faces and laughed at.

But.. As time goes on more and more research is being done and is being backed up with claims that is slowly getting the point over to the mass audience, who I believe are starting to wake up and take an interest. Once you show people how they're lives are being run and affected then they suddenly want to listen!

As for the reptilitan's? it's a hard one! Icke obviosuly has done a lot of research into the matter and has had his claims backed up by people all over the world! I tend to be like yourself, keep it in your mind just in case one day it does happen. If someone shapeshifts in front of you then you know Icke has been telling the truth, you can then believe that the rest of his claims are true. If you hadn't known about icke and his reptilitan theory and someone shapeshifted infront of you suddenly, then maybe you would just think your eyes was playing tricks on you and you imagined it?

I'm disapointed Icke's Forum on here didn't last long, there was plenty of questions I wanted to ask him!

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:12 AM
I believe Icke to be very confused or very good at maketing disinformation.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:39 AM
I regard him as a man whose cheese slipped completely off his cracker years ago. When he started whittering on about reptilians and the Royal Family I knew it. Given the history of the Royal Family the theory has no legs and falls over. Don't waste time on it, seriously, unless you want a good giggle.
And certainly don't put money into that nutcase's pocket.


posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by DodgeG1
I tend to be like yourself, keep it in your mind just in case one day it does happen. If someone shapeshifts in front of you then you know Icke has been telling the truth, you can then believe that the rest of his claims are true. If you hadn't known about icke and his reptilitan theory and someone shapeshifted infront of you suddenly, then maybe you would just think your eyes was playing tricks on you and you imagined it?

Yup, Im with this too. I dont believe it either but Id rather know about the exsistence of the reptiles and their agenda than not.

When researching nwo/illuminati/evil gits I always felt there was a factor X in volved, something not quite right. I mean their blatant use of symbology and occult creepy stuff got my flags waving. We have been taught that this world we live in is mundane, magic free and yet TPTB have steeped themselves in it whilst telling us to get "back to life, back to reality".

Also, finding references to the reptilian presence from '___' studies/storys absolutely gobsmacked me. Reptile beings either initiating lazy contact or flat out rape! All this reported from subjects taking '___', freaky.

Contact Through The Veil

When reviewing my bedside notes, I continually feel surprise in seeing how many of our volunteers “made contact” with “them,” or other beings. At least half did so in one form or another. Research subjects used expressions like “entities,” “beings,” “aliens,” “guides,” and “helpers” to describe them.

The “life-forms” looked like clowns, reptiles, mantises, bees, spiders, cacti, and stick figures. It still is startling to see my written records of comments like, “There were these beings,” “I was being led,” “They were on me fast.”

It’s as if my mind refuses to accept what’s there in black and white.

Found a fascinating thread on a forum discussing '___' entities, some wow stuff there!

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 06:53 AM
i find it very interesting that david worked for the bbc. i will leave that there.

also this stuff about aliens etc, this is him trying to find the real answer to demon posession. all cultures believe in some sort of demon posessin, but in the west we try to hide these things and pretend they do not exist.
that is all david is trying to do, using research coming out in science and talking to different peoples of the world, to try to come to a conclusion about demon posession.
in the west today this demon posession stuff is ridiculed, where the rest of the world still believes in it.

on the stuff that he is a disinfo agent or something, i think it is more likely that he is just out to make money, people have to make money some how. and there are not to many people out there that are strong enough in will, to say some of the things david has said. but he has a market, and he exploits it, like all people out to make money.

[edit on 15-6-2006 by andy1033]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 07:13 AM
I see David as a brilliant and very honest man. I don't think he's trying to mislead or present wrong information if he's not 100% sure its correct. I see this by the way he acts, presents himself. He's trying hard in his own way to make things right without pushing anyone. Its clear that he's really strugling with this afairs. Unfortunately in the world we live in people don't have the time to consider every individual who is trying hard to reach them.
I'm looking at his "Reptilian thing" with an open mind. There are countless references everywhere around the world about reptilian creatures, residing in the astral plane - not in the physical like we do. Though I believe Icke never experienced a contact with a reptilian himself... thats weird in itself.

He once actually debunked his Annunaki-reptilian story(history of the world). He took the whole story of Annunaki coming to earth from Zecharia Sitchins books..
Later in interviews with Arizona Wilder(?) she states to him that Zecharia is a reptilian himself and is trying to mislead the public with his Sumerian(Annunaki) studies. Clearly reptilians couldn't enslave humans in the physical sense(or come to earth in a spaceship physicaly) because they only exist in the astral plane.

He clearly is a great researcher and very serious about it.By the fact that he is digging REALLY hard. And he sure knows how to open peoples minds to all kinds of possibilities, which I think is the most important thing for humans. I respect him deeply.
He's a regular bloke, not extra-inteligent but he doesn't hide anything and shares it all wether people like it or mock him. Everything he found out, he was open about it to everyone. --and that's something you can rarely find in people. Anyone like that is a great man.

a brilliant man.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
i find it very interesting that david worked for the bbc. i will leave that there.
[edit on 15-6-2006 by andy1033]

He was a sports commentator! He worked on BBC sports news and not real news. Then he became a spokesman for the Green Party and then he had a massive nervous breakdown. The man has never been all there ever since.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Darkmind

Originally posted by andy1033
i find it very interesting that david worked for the bbc. i will leave that there.
[edit on 15-6-2006 by andy1033]

He was a sports commentator! He worked on BBC sports news and not real news. Then he became a spokesman for the Green Party and then he had a massive nervous breakdown. The man has never been all there ever since.

you do not know what i meant by that comment, so how can you come up with a coment like that. i could mean a hundred different things, by saying he worked for the bbc. but you, in your clear mind and wonderful wisdom, seem to think you know what i meant. obviously you did not understand what i meant, so no problem there, you just make any thing out of it you want.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:16 AM
Brazil, Peanut, Pecan, Almond, Cashew, Icke............all nuts...........good source of fiber though............

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:19 AM
If you mean just the reptilians stuff then he was like the last person to start publishing about that kind of thing! It was known all about in all kinds of contexts way before The Biggest Secret was published.

I've known my whole life about that without ever being told about it, and I apparently have royal blood (Eastern Europe, they were overthrown and exiled, about the turn of the last century) so I have no probs knowing that kind of thing is true. It's obvious to me before I read it at all ever. Basicly it gives you access to truth through lies and leaves you very much at risk of having real evil trying to control you and / or use you. I understand what he means when he talks about how things can happen and there's all kinds of other stuff happening too at the same time but most people don't see it - one thing I would say is that if you have no knowledge of this at all and then find out about it you would think that there's one reality for some then the real one above that that some elite control, but it isn't really that way - they are as controlled. The elite existence is freer but it's 4D right enough, ie astral. It's fake basicly, you'd have to remove yourself from either interpretation if you want to see through it.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by Darkmind

Originally posted by andy1033
i find it very interesting that david worked for the bbc. i will leave that there.
[edit on 15-6-2006 by andy1033]

He was a sports commentator! He worked on BBC sports news and not real news. Then he became a spokesman for the Green Party and then he had a massive nervous breakdown. The man has never been all there ever since.

you do not know what i meant by that comment, so how can you come up with a coment like that. i could mean a hundred different things, by saying he worked for the bbc. but you, in your clear mind and wonderful wisdom, seem to think you know what i meant. obviously you did not understand what i meant, so no problem there, you just make any thing out of it you want.

Well, given the brevity of your comment, how I think otherwise? Please eludicate. And I was just pointing out that he was a sports commentator. By the way, one of the reasons for his nervous breakdown was the fact that he worked himself literally into the ground for the Green Party during a set of local elections in I think 1990.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 01:47 PM
I joined the Greens recently then went online to a discussion e-mail group they had - same trolls owned it that ruin loads of other forums!

I contacted the various umbrella-organisations about how ungreen some of their group were - no replies.

So I told them not to send me anything else - which they also ignored after saying to me in an e-mail that they would acknowledge that one.

I even e-mailed people such as Slim Spurling about it because the 'greens' in the e-mail group had targeted him in particular, (and a few others such as Reichian weather-engineering websites) from a list of links I sent them, for ridicule on their e-mail group. I didn't know they were like that when I sent the links of course. So they still are not open to anything real at all.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 11:23 AM
This is a little off topic but is still relevent. For those of you who are fans of David Icke, or at least justice I highly recommend going to his website. His funds and book copyrights are at stake. Someone has threatened his family and is taking him to court stating he owns the rights to David books and funds. He can use all your support. Even if you don't like David I would like to ask you to help donate to his lawsuit fund. If not for David's work at least for justice itself. Thanks everyone who helps.


Blake K. Stoltman

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 02:10 AM
The fact that Ike hasnt fronted to ATS members speaks volumes. He writes fictional books for a nicie market that is extremly navie people and people who want to have the belief that world leaders are aliens. As long as these people are around David Ike will be around.

[edit on 7-7-2006 by xpert11]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:05 AM
Yer, I think he decided there was more money in the reptile business than poltics or weather

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 10:03 PM
Leaving out the reptiles, and some of what he says you will find him to be a very brillant man.. David Icke knowledge is to be picked apart.. Take what you need, and understand.. If anyone said the truth, they would be dead.. get it?
Take some time and listen to this...

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