posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 02:56 PM
SOmeone sent this to me via email and as silly as it is it actually is intersting to ponder. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants coing
across in droves.
This was a funny sloution to the proble we are having since none of the politicians have the guts to do what is right and are always concerned about
their special interests. It goes like this:
"Everbody is concentrating on the recent problems in this country:
The usual things like: Illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, wild animals attacking people in Florida.
Not me: I concentrate on solutions to problems. The final result is a win - win- win situation.
1. dig a moat the entire length of the Mexican border.
2. Use the dirt removed to raise levees in New Orleans
3. Put the Florida alligators in the moat.
Any other problems you want solved today?"
If it wasn't so funny I would think it may have some credence but alas the policals won't do anytihng.